
Pumpkin oil. Properties and applications

What a magnificent treat and decorating with its presence more than one garden plot - a cultivated pumpkin! Due to its unique taste and unique number of useful components, the pumpkin, by right, plays a dominant role on the autumn table.

Having found a use in cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology, it helps us get rid of a number of diseases, cleanse the body and bring the appearance to the appropriate state. In the pumpkin, everything is useful: the seeds, its flesh, and especially the oil obtained from the seeds.

Pumpkin oil is called green gold. In the Middle Ages, only a wealthy gentleman could buy a small amount of oil. Now this tool is available to everyone.

The body can draw in it vital energy. It has a pleasant taste and a rather refined, strong flavor. Determine the quality of the oil can be inhaled by it. A fresh product of good quality does not have an odor or mustiness. Pumpkin oil must never be rancid in any way. Its aroma should resemble the smell of freshly cut pumpkin or cause an association with lightly fried seeds. And no fat notes!

Pumpkin oil has a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linolenic and linoleic acids. These substances are extremely useful for the body. This combination is an excellent alternative to fats that are of animal origin. Knowing the value of this product, for sure everyone will want to include in their diet pumpkin oil. Its application forms the basis of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

By analyzing the value of a pumpkin, you can not not begin with the substances responsible for youth and beauty - vitamins A and E. Who does not help fight extra wrinkles ?! The content of vitamin K, responsible for blood coagulability, pumpkin takes a leading position among other vegetables. Very rare vitamin T helps in the assimilation of heavy food and fights against obesity.

Pumpkin seed oil has anti-sclerotic, anti-allergic and anti-ulcer properties. It includes a complex of plant origin - essential phospholipids. In addition to regulating membrane permeability and oxidative phosphorylation processes, the antioxidant effect of phospholipids, their participation in lipid metabolism and regulation of triglyceride and cholesterol levels are known.

There is no shortage of useful substances in a product such as pumpkin oil. Its application is diverse. From the external skin diseases to oral administration in the prevention of bile duct disease (its choleretic effect has been known for a long time). Preparations from pumpkin seeds find use in diseases of the liver - dystrophy and cirrhosis; Cholecystitis and hepatitis; Gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases. Introduce rectally suppositories with the content of this oil for adenoma, hemorrhoids, prostatitis and fissures of the anus.

Pumpkin oil is widely used in dermatology, where it successfully fights against psoriasis, pressure sores, trophic ulcers and eczema. Do not forget him and such areas of medicine as dentistry and gynecology. In the first case it is used for stomatitis and periodontitis; In the second - with colpitis, erosion of the cervix, endocirculation. Even in the fight against certain types of helminths this unique product helps.

Pumpkin seed oil is an excellent ingredient in balms, masks and creams. It is great for both massages and compresses. Another important property of this magnificent product, in addition to softening, moisturizing and nourishing - it is a natural ultraviolet filter for human skin.

Use it in your diet and you will always feel healthy and cheerful!

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