Food and drinkBeverages

Pumpkin juice is only good

Just like corn, potatoes or tomatoes, a pumpkin was brought to us from America. There she grew up in tropical forests in the territory of modern Mexico and Texas. First it was brought to Europe, and then it reached the Russian lands. And since then it has occupied one of the main places among the garden plants. From pumpkins learned to cook dozens of dishes. And from some of its varieties you get a very healthy pumpkin juice.

Many people know about the benefits of vegetable juices. They are a structured fluid that helps the cells of the human body to tune in to a harmonious existence. And the pumpkin juice is 90% composed of such a liquid. It contains vitamins A, B, E and K. Also, useful juices from these garden plants include substances such as carotene, ascorbic acid, zinc salts and other mineral salts. Contained in pumpkin juice is also fats and proteins. And vitamin K is the most unique component of this juice. In other vegetables, this vitamin, which greatly affects the normalization of blood coagulability, simply does not exist.

Also, pumpkin juice contains pectin, which promotes metabolism. Pectin improves peripheral circulation, lowers cholesterol in the blood and normalizes intestinal peristalsis. With the help of this substance you can cleanse the body of various harmful elements. These include pesticides, toxins and even radioactive elements.

The benefits of pumpkin juices are significant, and it is difficult to overestimate it. Men who consume it will be able to preserve youth and energy much longer. It is useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Vitamins from group B help to cope with stresses, and also to save health of nails and hair. And vitamins E and A are not bad struggling with aging and wrinkles. Even to people suffering from insomnia, this juice completely replaces sleeping pills.

Pumpkin juice can and should be consumed from the earliest childhood, as it is a valuable dietary product. Each gastroenterologist or nutritionist will tell about it. Children will not be harmed by up to three glasses of this juice a day. And for healthy adults half a glass a half an hour before breakfast will be superfluous for preventive purposes. To improve the taste of pumpkin juice, it can be mixed with lemon, carrot or apple juice. These combinations give a very rich set of all kinds of minerals that contribute to the health of the body.

Since the pumpkin is not exotic for our area, the juice from it can be cooked and in the usual kitchen. To do this, it is enough to grow it in your garden and have a juicer or juice processor on the premises. But if you want you can do without these devices. Pumpkin juice can be rolled into cans with or without pasteurization. For this, there are several recipes.

Pasteurized juice is prepared as follows: the juice is squeezed, brought to a boil and immediately dispensed into half-liter jars that have undergone sterilization. Then within ten minutes these cans are pasteurized at a temperature of 90 degrees and roll up.

You can also roll up jars of juice that has not passed pasteurization. For this, sugar is added to the freshly squeezed juice : five tablespoons per liter of juice. Then it should be put on fire, bring to 90 degrees and cook for five minutes. Next follows a spill over sterilized jars and roll-up.

Without a juicer, you can cope as well. For this, the pumpkin needs to be cut into pieces and put in a pan. Water is poured on the level of pumpkin. Seeds should be removed, and cut the flesh and put in a saucepan. It will give the future juice a density. Then this mass is brought to a boil and cooked for five minutes. Then it must be wiped through a sieve, and the resulting mass returned back to the pan. In the next stage, sugar and citric acid are added to this mass . Six grams of juice is added 15 grams of acid and about 300 grams of sugar. You can squeeze here 2-3 oranges. All this is mixed and boiled to a boil. And then the finished juice is poured over the cans and rolled up. In such ways, you can provide yourself with a tasty and useful product for the winter.

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