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Psychosomatics and ovarian cyst. Description and features of treatment

The structure of female behavior in recent decades has ceased to resonate with the nature of its essence. The woman became the earner, the conqueror, the engine in the enormous mechanisms of social movements. However, the thin, mental, deeply-sensed female psyche was forgotten to explain that it also needs to zaindevet and shrink to the limits of a rough work unit.

What does psychosomatics study

Answer the question, why the modern trend is not a healthy woman, and treated, called science, still considered an alternative - psychosomatics. Cancer of the ovary, polycystosis, ovarian cyst, impossibility of conception or obtaining pleasure from physical affinity, any acquired pathologies of reproductive organs and even painful periods - all this finds a logical justification in the depths of the subconscious, which sets the disease as a protective reaction of the organism against distorted natural representations. The well-known psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, specializing in women's health problems, describes the impact of psychosomatic effects on the body as the determining factor of a person's well-being, against which various predisposing conditions, such as infectious infections, poor nutrition, and ecology, aggravate the situation.

Also, according to the therapist, it is impossible to deduce any specific algorithm for solving a psychosomatic problem, nor how to build a single treatment regimen, for example, on all stomach diseases. The person and the settings of his body are individual and every violation in the functionality of this complex structure is unique and unique.

The Origin of Female Diseases in Psychosomatic Medicine

The conflict between the huge difference in education that a modern woman received and the real life dictating its conditions is the main reason why the female body is unbalanced and can not tune in to the right rhythm. One of the causes of cyst in the body (from psychosomatics) is considered to be a short, but epoch-reflecting on the upbringing of several generations, condemning sexual relations as unacceptable. This gave rise to the belief in the minds of people (mostly, of course, women) that physical attraction is a shameful fact that requires censure.

With a strong subconscious belief in their own "wrongness", women for many years entered into intimate relationships, gave birth to children and conveyed the immutable truth that "sex is evil," to their daughters, dooming them to the same fate. The current situation has changed a little - now a weak half of humanity deliberately suppresses the feminine part in it, defending the right to go forward on an equal footing with a man for whom such conflicts do not exist at all. The payment for emancipation came not from the opponents of equality, but from within the woman herself - from the deepest layers of her pure mental essence.

Causes of female diseases

The rejection of a woman's own traits of character, and more simply - a dislike for herself - such as she is, fill the soul with contradictions and force her to make undesirable compromises. Charity is often expiated from refusal to have children, inattention to their children is compensated by increased love for their grandchildren, hatred of their husband often leads to loyalty with regard to the destruction of another's marriage. As can be seen from the examples given, the problem itself does not go away, moreover, attempts to disguise it and justify it sometimes become completely unacceptable, and as a result - internal conflicts.

If, after receiving an alarm signal in the form of developing pathology, do not try to establish contact with frustrated mental attitudes, a chronic condition develops. To understand the intricacies of the contradictions between the physical and subtle bodies will help a good psychotherapist, or a frank and independent evaluation analysis of his agreement with the acts and priorities set.

Distortion of ideas about the most important

If we talk about exclusively female diseases, such as cysts and ovarian inflammation, the causes of conflict should be sought psychologically to the male sex as a whole. At the same time, the concrete representative of the sex, as a rule, does not play a certain role, since it is only the embodiment of what the male half is in general.

It is possible to single out several main factors of wounding the female beginning through the male energy:

  • The lack of a sense of security that arises in the presence of men - often this aspect is a continuation of the mother's unsuccessful relationship with her husband.
  • The firm conviction that physical intimacy is defiling, belittles a woman and raises a man above her. This also includes the belief that having sex is a sin.
  • Resentment for the entire male race for unfulfilled relations once, or even because of symbolic insult to male polygamousness. One transferred once betrayal by a partner hangs a stereotype on all members of the sex, excluding in advance any form of trust.
  • A physical insult to a man - perhaps not even the woman herself, but her mother or grandmother, since such offenses are often delayed in genetic memory. This generates a deep psychological trauma, aggravated even in the process of education, which will necessarily be imprinted with hatred of hatred.
  • Fear of childbearing, which can accept the fear of the very process of childbirth, but at the same time has a deep subconscious dislike of taking on the maternal responsibility or the compulsion to depend on the man for a long period of pregnancy and recovery.

The overwhelming majority of settings that lay future diseases in a woman like an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics unambiguously allocates to the children's age, when the information is received at the level of maximum inclusion of the sensory organs. Therefore, psychotherapists and psychologists are particularly advised not to voice the accumulated resentment and frustration in the presence of children, even the youngest.

Diseases of the ovaries for psychosomatic

Causes of the disease cysts in the body psychosomatics conditionally calls problems with the opposite sex, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, because at the heart of these problems is always the disagreement of a woman with her current situation. The call of a woman is to create, create, give life. The loss of the ability to form new entails the destruction of all natural female devices that regulate the cyclicity of processes in the body.

A woman who is convinced of her inconsistency, unsure that the children born by her will be healthy, that a man next to her can be happy, in fact, is engaged in self-destruction.

How ovarian diseases develop in psychosomatic medicine

What it is - the ovarian cyst in psychosomatic medicine, can be well understood by the example of a simple tuning fork - the instrument by which musical instruments are tuned. Whenever any force is struck, the tuning fork always produces a sound "la" of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. This is unchanged and is the reference pitch for adjusting any instrument.

Imagine that this vibration "la" is the ideal setting of a healthy woman's body. Whatever strength and unpredictability circumstances do not arise around, a woman who meets her essence and does not contradict it will always sound a note "la" of the 1st octave. But the position of her personal perception has changed. With the tuning fork, that is, the body's settings, there were no changes, he was vibrating to "la", and continues, because it is the creator in it. The woman's consciousness obstinately resists this, then accepting the male position and lowering the height of her own sound to the primitive "mi", then aggrieved by insults, helplessly breaking into the "re".

Thus, there are already two vibrations, one steady, and the other "walking." Steady vibration - our deep essence, passed on to the forerunner, primordial femininity and the ideal state of women's health - will involuntarily be constantly in contact with the unstable, and at the place of their docking there will invariably be a discord. This dissonance between our pledged "la" and acquired is incomprehensible than and causes a side effect in the form of violation of healthy vibration of the reproductive organs, including the ovarian cyst. Female psychosomatics treats this way - in terms of the deviation from the ideal sound.

Psychosomatics ovarian cysts Louise Hay

What does the author of numerous works on psychology say - Louise Hay? Psychosomatics cysts of the ovaries explain the violation of the psychological stability of women. According to the specialist in psychology, it is the accumulation of grievances and disappointments, which for some reason remain unsaid and unresolved, lead to the appearance of erosions, tumors and facilitates the penetration of infections into the female body.

Psychosomatics ovarian cysts are the first indicator of a woman's protest against the existing situation in her life, therefore, before turning to a gynecologist, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to what she has emotionally and in life, and to what she really would like have.

Treatment Therapeutic

Even if the conducted self-analysis allowed you to see the essence of the problem, it should be understood that the treatment of the ovarian cyst by psychosomatics is a way related to the principles of homeopathy - the result is correct, but it does not come at once and generally, it all depends on the attitude to therapy. Therefore, the treatment of a doctor who engages in women's health directly, can not be avoided, how to avoid and course treatment by all prescribed medications.

Of course, to lie down on the operating table or not is a decision of the patient, but if the doctor reasonably insists on removing the ovarian cyst, psychosomatics should be better considered as a method of prospective treatment, and immediate measures should be urgent.

When to apply to psychosomatics

Of course, it's good, when even without visible health problems a woman tries to regulate her psychological comfort and does not miss the opportunity to talk with a psychoanalyst specialist. In favor of preventing the disease of the ovarian cyst, psychosomatics calls at least one reason - the lack of the need to subsequently take funds that distort the hormonal background of a woman.

Another thing is if the disease is already detected, and the question arises - is this a signal of a disturbance of mental settings? Here the conclusions are not as unambiguous as it might seem - to chill the ovaries, accidentally carry an infection or have a predisposition to cysts at the genetic level can every woman. A single case is not an indicator that problems are deep in the psyche, but of course, only if these problems are not obvious.

Repeated ovarian cysts, according to psychosomatics, are already a worrying value, especially if they are branched by multiple complications or increased quantitatively. Actually, already the second case of the disease is considered as a stable influence of the negative psychofactors mentioned above. In this case, the appeal to psychosomatics is necessary, although you will not receive such an appointment in the office of the treating gynecologist. Official medicine has not yet recognized the impact on the physiological disturbances in the body of the psychic components.


Any reasonable being that is not capable of learning, eventually stops in development and degrades. To draw such a parallel is possible with respect to our organism, in particular, our informative psychic base. The looping on the primary received information that the relationship between a man and a woman is a shame, and the mother can work not only on an equal footing with the pope, but also much more, unequivocally prevents the assimilation of a new information flow that comes to us from within, from the depth of the natural essence.

It is possible to overcome personal stereotypes only by opening up for new information and allowing yourself to realize that there are values that are more in line with our essence and bring real satisfaction. Change your habits, find a point of support, on which you will feel comfortable and confident. Do not let other people's values become yours. This is the very first thing you can do for yourself.

What are the qualities to attract

To say that the indicated qualities necessary for the cure of the ovarian cysts by psychosomatics must be acquired is not true, since they are all already present in the primordial feminine nature:

  • Listen to your intuition. She alone can not deceive you.
  • Accept yourself absolutely. Having done this, extract only those qualities that bring you joy, abandon the rest with a calm soul - they are not yours, they are imposed on you.
  • Realize that you are ideal and unique - just imagine that such as you are no more, which means that it is stupid and ridiculous to be someone - why be a copy if you can be original?
  • Forgive those who hurt you. It is impossible to understand the motives of another person, his pain can not be felt - perhaps, it was much worse for him than for you.
  • Be kind! Allow yourself to radiate light, and you will quickly notice how all the negative will come out of your life.

What emotions do you need to get rid of?

Get rid of some personal qualities, even if you know that they take away your health, it is very difficult, because it's the same piece of your personality. Working for the future, that is, preventing ovarian cysts in the future, commits to getting rid of:

  • Constant mental return to people or events that left a negative trace in memory;
  • Obsessive desires that contradict your conscience;
  • Attempts to please everyone at once;
  • Relationships that wither you, not satiate;
  • Constant self-flagellation, thoughts, how it was possible to act in certain situations.

It's easy to see that the tips of the last two sections are aimed at one goal - restoring emotional balance by getting rid of the accumulated negative and activating a positive attitude.

Explaining the language of psychosomatics, the cyst of the left ovary or right, oncology, erosion, infertility - all these are fruits from one cluster - loss of the female principle. And restoring her nature, the woman herself or with the help of a specialist, but will begin to sound in the tone of her ideal tuning fork.

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