HomelinessDo it yourself

Preparation of rolls at home. Rolls Philadelphia.

You can not be indifferent to the Japanese cuisine, or you love it or not, there are no other options. There are fierce opponents of Japanese cuisine who say that we do not know how to cook it, or they cook wrongly, not from those foods, and in general, the fish should be fresh, and which restaurant boasts of having fresh fish every day. On the other hand, no matter how opposed to the opponents, and the culture of Japanese-Chinese cuisine is flourishing today, there are already a lot of operating Japanese restaurants, fast food establishments, where they also serve Japanese dishes, in particular sushi and rolls. Of course, sushi, rolls, poppies and everything else of Japanese origin should be prepared in the restaurant by a specially trained sushi chef, who specializes only in this kind of dishes.

However, we are not in Japan, and you do not often go to a restaurant, but if you go, you risk poisoning.

So, it is better for us to learn how to prepare rolls at home, and be absolutely calm for your health. True, the taste can be "pumped" the first time, but it's nothing. After the second or third time, it will already be obtained no worse than that of the cook.

Preparation of rolls at home.

So, for the preparation of rolls, we need the following ingredients: pressed nori, rice, soy sauce, wasabi (Japanese mustard), food film, makis (bamboo mat to roll rolls), and, of course, the filling that depends on your desire . It can be fish (fresh or pickled), shrimp, caviar, fresh cucumber, avocado, etc. You can make vegetarian sushi, sushi "on the wrong side" and many other varieties of this fascinating dish.

But today we will try to prepare Philadelphia rolls at home.

Preparation of rolls at home.

For this we need the following ingredients:

- pressed nori algae;

- rice boiled ordinary (you can, of course, use a special rice soaked in Japanese vinegar);

- the main ingredient, without which the name will lose its meaning, Philadelphia cheese;

- fresh salmon fillet;

- flying fish roe;

- fresh cucumber;

- ginger (sold in jars);

- wasabi tube;

- soy sauce

Here, perhaps, and all that we need to ensure that the preparation of rolls at home was adequate.

We start with the fact that we lay out a food film on the bamboo mat, then put a sheet of nori algae on it. Dipped in water hands take a handful of rice and put it on top of the sheet, covering it, evenly distribute the rice on the surface, leaving only a small gap on one side.

After that, we need to gently turn the nori sheet with rice so that the rice is bottom. Then, in the middle of the leaf, put the Philadelphia cheese on the line, on one side of it lay out the thinly sliced cucumber, and on the other side cut the sliced salmon fillets. When all components are arranged in the correct order and evenly distributed, carefully take the edge of the bamboo substrate and begin to fold them so that the log turns out. We trim it from all sides, and shape it.

When you did all this, and you even got it right the first time, do not destroy the structure, we unfold the received roll. From the top, we got rice, and directly to it, evenly distributing, lay out the flying fish eggs . Again, wrap and soft movements along the substrate distribute eggs on the surface of the roll.

As a result, you should get a "sausage" of red color. All you have to do is cut it into six equal parts and place it nicely on a plate.

Ideally, if the preparation of rolls at home will be supported by Japanese dishes and the appropriate ceremony of eating this culinary masterpiece.

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