Business, Industry
Plasma cutting for your business
The cheapest and most effective way of cutting metal is air-plasma. Such a system allows not resorting to the use of explosive and expensive cylinders (only electricity and air), almost instantly and qualitatively cutting any material, and even copper, aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, etc. The technological process of plasma cutting of metal consists of melting and Removal of metal by electric arc from the cut, the arc burns in the gas (air), which blows it along the axis.
The advantages of air-plasma technology include the following: - versatility - with the help of one device you can cut almost any metal: black, colored, refractory, stainless steel, etc. - good cutting speed that surpasses gas-oxygen cutting in working with a metal thickness of forty - fizzes millimeters and can even cut the thickness to one hundred and twenty millimeters - automation of cutting - slight thermal deformation of the cut elements and a slight thermal effect on the metal edges - high quality And the accuracy of the cut surface, - low operating costs.
Plasma cutting is one of the most widespread technological processes used by companies whose activities are related to the creation or processing of metal blanks and structures. Today, the equipment is able to perform such tasks with tremendous efficiency, thereby optimizing the work. The equipment for plasma cutting of metal is an indispensable assistant, possessing high efficiency index and providing perfect quality of cut.
Of all the choice of welding equipment, devices for plasma metal cutting are allocated because of the special advantages. In particular, the plasma arc created by such a device provides a deep penetration and a smaller joint width than a conventional electric arc. Also, its quality and good characteristics are preserved even at low currents. When using a device for plasma cutting, T heating of metal is much lower, which almost completely eliminates its deformation.
You will be able to get acquainted with these settings in detail and, if necessary, purchase a device for plasma cutting of metal, you can in our company Having assembled the most popular models of this equipment in its assortment, we supply it to companies and private traders, thus satisfying the needs of different groups of customers. In order to select and purchase the plasma cutting machine you need, please check our catalog or call the sales department. Our consultants will certainly answer all your questions and of course help with ordering.
As is known, a plasma is an ionized gas containing electrically charged particles and is capable of conducting a current. Ionization occurs when heated. The degree of ionization is the greater, the larger the T gas. In the center of the arc, the gas is heated to T five thousand ... thirty thousand ° C and has a large electrical conductivity, it glows and is an ordinary plasma. The plasma jet used for cutting and reconciliation is obtained in special plasmatrons in which the heating of the gas and its ionization is produced by an arc discharge in special chambers.
Plasma cutting and its technology is based on the use of an air-plasma arc of direct current. The peculiarity of the process consists in the local melt and blowing of the metal with the creation of the cutting cavity when the plasmorez moves relative to the metal being cut.
To create a working arc, an additional arc between the electrode is ignited with the help of an oscillator, and a nozzle - a duty arc, which at the same time is blown from the nozzle by air in a torch format with a length of twenty to forty mm. The current of the duty arc is twenty-five or forty-sixty A, depending on the origin of the plasma arc. At the contact of the torch of the duty arc, a cutting arc is created - a working arc, and an increased air intake is created; And the duty arc is turned off at the same time.
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