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Novodvorskaya - who is that? Novodvorskaya Valeria Ilinichna. Novodvorskaya: Biography

Many people in modern society are beginning to take an active interest in the political life of our country and the world as a whole. Valeria Novodvorskaya has an important role in this sphere.

For many years many minds have been worried by the question, in which we try to understand. So: Novodvorskaya - who is this and what is this woman?

The youth of our heroine

Valeria Novodvorskaya is a politician, an ardent human rights activist, who adheres to liberal views. She was born on May 17, 1950 in Byelorussia, in Baranovichi. In the genes of this woman from the very beginning, the blood of a rebel flows, since her family had many revolutionaries. Biography Novodvorskaya conceals a lot of questions and puzzles, which Valeria Ilyinichna herself created in order to compare herself with American women-revolutionaries in the future. Although we all know that in the family of Novodvorskie and grandfather and grandfather were revolutionary citizens, Valeria believes that she grew up in a family of intellectuals, and the past did not in any way affect her views on life.

Her father was a scientific worker, and my mother worked as a doctor, that is, they held public office. At the age of 17, Valeria Novodvorskaya (photo in her youth, you can see on the left) entered the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages to study the French language and immediately began to speak out against Soviet power and the USSR as a whole.

Novodvorskaya in her youth led a very active political life, for which she was punished many times. Because of her actions, she was arrested in 1969 and forcibly treated in psychiatric clinics. Russian doctors have diagnosed her as paranoia and schizophrenia. But she naturally did not stop there. In the seventies of the last century, she attempted to organize an underground party to fight the Communist regime that existed at the time.

The first experience in the politics of Valeria Novodvorskaya

At the age of 27 she still managed to get an education at the evening faculty at the regional pedagogical university in Moscow. Having a good command of foreign languages, Novodvorskaya Valeriya Ilinichna worked as an interpreter for fifteen years, making translations of specialized literature in a medical institute. During this time, she was charged three times for anti-Soviet propaganda and her irrepressible activities in this direction. During her long work in the library, MOLGMI Novodvorskaya often demonstrated her attitude toward the authorities. Constantly wrote various leaflets with agitation slogans, made her way to the microphone and shouted at the mouth about the wrong policy of the Soviet authorities. For these actions, Valery Ilyinichna was promptly fired for a variety of articles, and was also arrested.

The creation of a political party

But despite the various obstacles and setbacks on the way, Valeria helps to create a political party called the "Democratic Union", many times conducts various rallies that were not even sanctioned, and for this has been repeatedly detained by the authorities. They were forwarded to Novodvorskaya and accusations of public insult to Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of the USSR. After the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics many times tried to run for the State Duma, but these attempts were unsuccessful. Actively participated in the creation of the party "Democratic Union of Russia" and was one of the first supporters of the new President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. In 1994, endless inspections of her activities began, as in her articles published in various newspapers she openly propagated the outbreak of the civil war and tried to kindle interethnic conflicts.

And now an interesting perspective: Novodvorskaya, who is this from the point of view of the prosecutor's office, which many times brought criminal cases against this woman? This woman - a true lucky in life, since after the initiation of such cases, they very quickly closed, because it was not found in its actions of the crime.

Political views of Valerii Ilinichny

Novodvorskaya, whose biography contains many contradictions and discrepancies, considers herself a convinced liberal and supports Western views on life. Is an absolute opponent of communism, in her youth they even called her "a young anti-Soviet." Valeria Novodvorskaya is very negative about both modern government in the Russian Federation and the Soviet authorities, and calls our country a stop-crane, which hinders the rest of the world and all the good things in it. By giving interviews to other publications, Valeria denies her attitude towards liberalism and democracy. It supported Estonia and Latvia in its time in bills that discriminated against the Russian-speaking population of these countries.

Another important role in Novodvorskaya's political statements is played by the phrase that human rights, inherently inherent in each of us, in fact rely not on everyone, but only on "decent people". Yes, and in the concept of "democracy", she puts her own meaning, that is, she does not consider democracy as the power of many people in the country, but she is sure that a small group of people who hold liberal views should have power.

There is an impression that this, like, a woman by nature completely lacks a feeling of pity and compassion. Concerning nuclear explosions in 1945 on the territory of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Novodvorskaya said that she was happy for Japan. Because as a result, this country realized itself politically, that at the present time the main seven countries of the world are sitting in the capital, there is its own parliament of liberals. She admires America as the greatest power and claims that Japan should be grateful to the American aircraft that destroyed these two cities. This is due to the fact that the US troops thus tried to stop the destruction of Japan as a country, because it was rolling into the abyss of the Middle Ages, and as a result it turned out to be one of the world's foremost powers with an excellent economy and a high level of civilization.

Valeria Novodvorskaya and Liberalism

And Novodvorskaya, who is this in relation to the liberals? In some sources she claims that she is an ardent supporter of them, in others, on the contrary, she renounces. In early 2009 Valeria Ilinichna proposed her own plan for the development of liberalism in Russia.

The main point was to start devilishly to treat their people and their common opinion, in order to do something in the future for the same people. Secondly, one hundred percent education should be carried out among Western countries and the imitation of their lives. And the scale of such training should stretch for centuries. Novodvorskaya believes that, in addition to the right to freedom and human rights, the people have nothing more to give. All the rest people should earn, and not ask from the state. Thirdly, changes have also affected democracy. Democracy, through the eyes of Valeria, implies the power of an enlightened group of people who faithfully believe in liberalism.

About Russia

Novodvorskaya, who is this for Russia? An eternal pain that does not allow one to live in peace? Valeria is very negative about Russia and the Russian authorities. In her remarks there is contempt, anger, even not inherent in a normal person.

Expressing the thought that all the people of the Russian nation should be in prison (and not just in prison, but in the "parash"), she is not afraid of anything and no one. She considers Russia to be a cancerous disease of the Earth, and people of Russian-speaking - metastases, spreading around the world and corrupting other countries. That's what Novodvorskaya thinks about Russia, the country in which she lives.

However, there are a number of statements about its belonging to the Russians. She, oddly enough, considers herself a true Russian woman, one of five percent who never give up. These are people who carry in themselves and their memory the Scandinavian traditions. The rest, living in the territory of the Russian Federation, she considers creatures, the simplest creatures worse infusorians. Compares the Russian population with dinosaurs, pterodactyls and crocodiles in their statements, where Novodvorskaya does not skimp on the expression and demonstration of her attitude towards the Russians. In addition, she simply yearns for the war between Russia and America and dreams that the latter would attack Russia and put the Russians in the place they deserve like worms. One of the reasons why Novodvorskaya, whose biography has many dark spots, hates the Russian people and everything connected with it, it points out the past of our country. And gives as an example the events that took place in the First World War, when officers of the White Army were specially drowned in the sea. After the Second World War, the NKVD cut the entire Soviet intelligentsia, and the Jews adored by it were deported to the North. All these actions have instilled in the soul inexhaustible hatred of the Soviet power. However, while she admires other countries, turning a blind eye to their wars and attacks, and even supports them in their speeches.

Novodvorskaya about other states

The ambitious and shocking politician supports everything that could poison the lives of Russian citizens and wipe the Russian Federation off the face of the earth. She with conviction defended and supported Chechen terrorists and separatists, who conducted whole raids to capture the Russian population. When the threat of the outbreak of war with Georgia ripened in August 2008, Novodvorskaya admired Saakashvili with hysterical fanaticism. At present, Russia has uneasy relations with Ukraine, and Novodvorskaya furiously persuades the Ukrainian government to oppose occupant Russia. If she had such an opportunity and strength, then Valery Ilyinichna, according to her, would have long ago joined the Ukrainian army alongside the militia.

Novodvorskaya about the nationality and religion of man

Precise information about who by nationality is Novodvorskaya Valeriya Ilinichna, nowhere. She especially does not advertise her affiliation with a particular religion. Valeria claims that she is Russian, although she was born in Belarus. She positions herself as a true Christian. After reading the gospel in the sixties, Valeria understood her purpose, and accepted the Christian faith only in the nineties of the last century. According to other sources, you can see how she worships the Jews and does not hide the fact that her name is a pseudonym. Presumably, her father was a Jew and changed his name, forged documents to make it easy for him to enter the territory of America, to New York, on the immigration card of a Jew. However, to move to live in Israel, this woman has no desire. She claims that the holy law on the return of Jews to their native land to grandchildren and great-grandchildren does not extend, therefore, to it, too. In the nineties, Valeriya Ilinichna adopted Georgian citizenship and actively supported the Georgian government. Speaking about the nationality of man, Novodvorskaya does not consider one individual as a representative of the nation. It is necessary to look at the nationality in concentration, and one person, torn from the society, can not give an accurate idea of the belonging of his people. Not concealing this, Valeria Ilinichna admires only the United States of America, whose only lack of policy is to help the unemployed and the flawed in size larger than they should.

Personal life Novodvorskaya

Valeria Ilinichna for years of the political activity could adjust all Russia against itself, it is possible to tell, that all nation hates it. But she is very calm about this and, participating in any political debate, absolutely indifferent, since she does not care about the opinions of others. According to many psychologists, the main reason for her such aggression is dissatisfaction in her personal life. Novodvorskaya, whose personal life has no secrets, because it simply does not exist, claims that throughout her whole life she has never been in bed with a man, that is, she remains a virgin at her 64th birthday. Valeria tries to prove to everyone that she is absolutely indifferent to worldly joys, normal human relations and sexual life, common to society. Absolutely calmly and judiciously blaming Russian politics and the Russian government, she gives her speech unconcealed irony and malice. According to many people around her, Novodvorskaya's personal life consists in provoking others not to love themselves, that is, to specially set up those around them. She gets a great pleasure from this and is completely satisfied with her life.

However, there is still one person who showed sympathy for this impregnable, frankly, not beautiful woman - her friend, a friend in political affairs, Borovoy's assistant Konstantin Natanovich (on the left in the photo - Novodvorskaya and Borovoi). But there was no intimate connection between them. Borovoye has a wife, two daughters and three grandchildren, and Novodvorskaya, according to her, would never allow herself to destroy their family happiness. Therefore, nobody can dispute the reliability of the words about the virginity of Novodvorskaya. And, again, according to Valeriya herself, having sex is a rather boring occupation, but who knows the whole truth? In her interviews Valeria Ilinichna curses the KGB and claims that it was the Soviet authorities that deprived her of the opportunity to marry, give birth to a bunch of children and be a happy mother and wife. Novodvorskaya's husband was never found in all these years. As Valery says, she has never liked a single man in her life, and that she is even happy about it, since she could not get along with anyone.

Novodvorskaya currently

  • At the moment, Valeria Novodvorskaya leads a more peaceful political life, rather than in her youth. However, in recent years of political activity, she has heard assurances that her early struggle for democracy was only a cunning plan, and she deceived herself into her goal by deceiving her bypass.
  • She is a wonderful journalist and at the same time engaged in education, writes books. Together with his companion, Konstantin Borov, he keeps constant videos, where they discuss world politics, but only from the point of view of the opposition and in the pro-Western direction.
  • Now on television Novodvorskaya can be seen very rarely, as it was no longer invited everywhere.
  • Valeria Ilinichna speaks fluently and easily in English and French, she also knows Latin, Italian and German.
  • Where Novodvorskaya lives, not everyone knows. But it is believed that she lives quietly in a small town near Moscow, under the name of Kratovo, which is not very pleasing to the locals.

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