
"Mikostop" preparation: reviews, forms, instructions

There are several types of fungal diseases. They can affect the skin, nail plates and even internal organs. The peculiarity of such a disease is that it is very contagious. Its sources of distribution are not only people, but also animals, water, soil and so on.

Today, there are many different antifungal agents. One of them is the medicine "Mikostop". Reviews about it, the way it is used, the properties and the release forms are presented below.

Forms of the preparation and its composition

What form is inherent in such an antifungal agent as "Mycostop"? The reviews say that this medication is made in the form of a cream, a foot spray, a lotion and a cream-paste for the nails.

The composition of the spray includes: undecylenamidopropyltrimonium methosulfate and castor oil hydrogenated, as well as auxiliary substances. Lotion contains lactic acid and additional ingredients, and cream and cream-paste - urea and other components.

Characteristics of the preparation

What is the spray, paste, lotion and cream "Mikostop"? The testimonies indicate that all the listed forms of the drug are antifungal agents that are intended for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases, including after contact with contaminated surfaces and objects (for example, on the beach, in the pool, in the bath, at the skate rental, etc.). ).

Features of cream and paste

What is noticeable cream and paste "Mikostop"? Reviews say that such a tool is effective in the treatment of onychomycosis. As is known, with fungal nail lesions, it is often necessary to remove damaged layers. An excellent alternative to the apparatus or surgical methods is the cream paste "Mikostop". Reviews say that this tool contains urea in a concentration of 40%. This allows painlessly soften the layers of the nail, affected by the fungus, and then remove them with a saw or scraper.

This product does not include dyes, flavors, proteins and alcohol.

Features of the spray

How does the "Mikostop" spray work? The reviews indicate that this remedy was developed specifically to protect the nails and the skin of the feet from infection with fungal diseases. In addition, they can easily handle even shoes.

This drug contains substances that inhibit the life of the fungus, and protect the skin and nail plates from infection.

In the event that the patient has already diagnosed a fungal disease, and he began to actively treat, it is necessary to eliminate the parasite on the inner surface of the shoe to prevent re-infection.

Features of the lotion

What is Mikostop? Lotion, reviews of which are mostly positive, penetrates the entire thickness of the nail and creates in it an acidic environment that is fatal to the fungus.

This drug can be combined with any antifungal agents. It will potentiate their effect, as well as improve blood circulation in the area of the growth zone and accelerate the growth of a healthy nail.

Indications and prohibitions to use

The medicament is prescribed for:

  • Favus, multicolored lichen, trichophytosis of smooth skin;
  • Erythrasma, microsporia, onychomycosis;
  • Inguinal epidermophytia, hyperhidrosis of feet, mycosis of hands and feet;
  • Interdigital intertrigo, superficial cutaneous candidiasis;
  • Candidiasis, affecting the nails;
  • For hygienic processing of shoes for the purpose of preventing fungal lesions of nails and legs.

As for contraindications, this remedy can not be used only with hypersensitivity to its components.

Instructions for use

How should I use the drug Mikostop? Cream for the feet, reviews of which are mostly positive, a thick layer is applied to the affected area, avoiding contact with healthy skin.

After the procedure, the medication is covered with a piece of cotton swab, and then a patch is applied. It should be cleaned after two days.

If the paste was used to soften the nail plate, then after the treatment measures the exfoliated fingernail is removed with a saw or a scraper.

How else can I use the drug "Mycostop"? Lotion, reviews of which can leave everyone, it is necessary to apply to the nail plates twice a day for a month.

Such treatment is required until the new nail grows.

Lotion is ideal for the prevention of fungal infections, as it has a gentle effect on nails and skin, without causing side effects.

Spray "Mikostop" is convenient to apply for the processing of shoes. It is also sprayed on the surface of the nails, the skin of the feet and the gaps between the fingers immediately after contact with potentially contaminated objects and surfaces. For antifungal disinfection of shoes, the preparation is carefully sprayed onto the inner surface of the tankettes (overnight) for 3-5 days. Such treatment should be carried out simultaneously with the treatment of fungal diseases.

Reviews about the drug "Mycostop"

Cream for the feet, the reviews of which we will present right now, is very convenient to use. Due to its composition, it quickly contributes to the death of the fungus. Consumers say that they only have three procedures for full effect.

Also it should be noted that very many people use the drug "Mikostop" for the treatment of nails, affected by a fungus. It effectively copes with its task, does not cause allergic and other adverse reactions.

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