
Means of emergency contraception. Types and operating principle

Emergency contraceptive funds are in urgent need. Apply such measures, mainly if there was a sexual act without any protection. Their use makes it possible to prevent the onset of pregnancy. However, such means can not guarantee a 100% result.

It should be remembered that emergency contraceptives are highly undesirable to take constantly, as this can adversely affect the health status in general.

In what situations do you use emergency contraception?

· During the sexual intercourse, the integrity of the condom was compromised.

· There was a rape.

· Could not prevent sperm from entering the vagina.

Intimate intimacy occurred without protection at all.

· The diaphragm (contraceptive) was removed from the vagina untimely.

Even if one of the above situations has occurred, the main thing is not to lose self-control. The first step is to visit a gynecologist. Even if the contraception after the act was applied by yourself, postpone visiting a doctor is still not worth it.

Sexual intercourse without protection threatens not only the onset of pregnancy, but also the infection of sexually transmitted diseases. That's why the specialist's help is important. The attending physician will examine you and write out the direction for all the necessary tests. If the infection does happen, it will be much easier to treat the disease at the initial stage of its development.

Hormonal means of emergency contraception.

All emergency contraceptive preparations containing hormones are divided into the following types:

· COCs are combined oral contraceptives. Such funds are recommended to be taken no more than three days after sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. Such means include: "Femoden", "Marvelon", "Miniziston", "Rigevidone", "Microgenon". They contain 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. The scheme of their application is as follows: two applications of four tablets. Break in applications - 12 hours.

Preparations containing 50 micrograms of ethinylestradiol are: "Anovlar", "Non-ovlon", "Ovulen", "Bisekurin", "Ovidon". The number of tablets in the package is four. They should be taken twice in two (with a break at 12 o'clock).

· PTSO. Such contraceptives are pure progestogen. The optimal time for their adoption is no more than two days after sexual intercourse, which threatens an unwanted pregnancy. An effective result will ensure the use of 750 grams of "Levonorgestrel". For its reception, it is sufficient to take one tablet of Postinor, or twenty tablets of Exctluton, Ovret, or Microlut (these are called mini-pili).

If "Postinor" was chosen for urgent protection, then no more than twelve hours later, take a second tablet of this drug. In the case of "mini-saws", another 20 tablets are taken after the same period of time.

How does the use of emergency hormonal contraception affect the health ?

Even after the first application of one of these means, there is a violation of the procedure for the formation of the endometrium, which is the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. If emergency contraception has been used repeatedly, hormonal failure in the functioning of the ovaries can occur.

Intrauterine devices for emergency contraception.

The intrauterine device is another tool used for emergency contraception. Install it can only a specialist. Do not delay the visit to the treating gynecologist, since such a measure to prevent unwanted pregnancies should be applied within five days after the "dangerous" intimacy.

The principle of the operation of the intrauterine device is the obstruction of the attachment of an ovum fertilized by a sperm to the wall of the uterus. We can say that such an emergency remedy provokes miscarriage early.

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