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Learn how to get regular exercise to become a healthy habit of your family.

Regular physical exercises not only improve the general condition, but also make the body healthier. Below is a series of recommendations on how to develop a habit of training for the whole family.

The beginning is usually not easy

It takes time to develop a habit. In general, it is easier to get used to something that gives us pleasure or for something that immediately gives a visible effect. Unfortunately, physical exercises do not belong to these kinds of things, and in the beginning to withstand regularity can be problematic. Paradoxically, children are getting used to a new form of activity faster than their parents, but also quickly children can lose the hunt if they do not receive the proper support from other family members.

Healthy diet is a good basis

Before deciding on family sessions of exercise, you should take care of the appropriate diet. Exclusion from the diet of excessive sweets, sweet drinks or fast food leads to the fact that your efforts will not be in vain. It must also be remembered that the intensification of physical efforts increases the need for energy, proteins, antioxidants and vitamins of group B. It is also very important that the body is properly saturated with liquid.

Try to make exercises become pleasure

If you intend to train with children, it is very likely that most of the exercises for adults will seem to children too monotonous and not very interesting. Therefore, in order to entice children, you need to think about different types of collective entertainment and games. Similarly, if you or the children clearly feel reluctant to perform some kind of exercise, it is better not to force yourself, at least at the beginning. After several months of training, a return to the once-hated exercises and the realization that something that was difficult and tedious at one time is now given easily, will make you feel very satisfied.

Physical exercises as a way to strengthen the family

Although not always the schedule of the day allows you to spend time together, try at least once a week to do joint exercises. Observing others who are trying to improve their physical condition will naturally motivate you to repeat the sessions, not to mention the strengthening of the family ties and the feeling of unity with a common goal. In addition, talking about what you are doing and what you want to achieve, allow you to overcome the moment when reluctance to do the exercises will reach a peak.

How to overcome difficult moments?

You've been doing exercises for some time, but you can not see the effects, but are you tired and discouraged? Unfortunately, this is absolutely normal and will happen many times. Enthusiasm can often be compared to a sinusoid - after a moment of euphoria and satisfaction, there will come minutes when you are sure that you have not made any progress, will force yourself to regular sessions of exercises and longingly wait for them to finish. This stage can be very difficult, but usually it passes. However, if this condition is delayed, it may be worthwhile to arrange a break - a sense of fatigue and lack of satisfaction can be associated with fatigue of the body or result from something else, for example, from stress at work or personal problems.

Do not let yourself get out of the reels

Each physical training should be coordinated with the body's capabilities and age. You can not train at the expense of sleep, when you have processed and are very tired. The same applies to children who do not necessarily have to do the exercises immediately after school or after any other efforts. The basis of all is the maintenance of a healthy balance. In case of any doubt, it is useful to consult a doctor, a nutritionist or a good personal trainer.

Be healthy!

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