Technologies, Electronics
Lantern from mosquitoes - caring towards people, merciless to bloodsuckers
For those who rest in the summer at the cottage, who like to sleep at home in the summer when the window is open, annoying mosquitoes become a real calamity. Nothing can poison people's rest like these flying bloodsuckers. Different in terms of efficiency and complexity of the means are tried in the fight against them. Something helps more, something less, something - nothing at all. What place in this row is the lantern from mosquitoes?
The mosquito lantern, based on the search for mosquito females of blood, imitates several such signs at once. One of his devices will convert everyone's usual household gas to propane into carbon dioxide, thereby simulating human breathing. In another device there is a special bait that gives off a smell, which is very close in composition to the human sweat. Heaters increase the temperature of the device to the body temperature of people. Finally, lamps, including ultraviolet, also serve to attract mosquitoes.
A repellent lantern from mosquitoes, on the contrary, causes bloodsuckers to leave the zone of its action as soon as possible. His work is based either on the reproduction of a special sound, or on the formation of a cloud of another chemical substance - a repellent - that is invisible to the human eye.
Sounds that repel mosquitoes are different. One is published by a male mosquito. Females, already fertilized and thirsting for blood to start the biological cycle of reproduction, avoid repeated fertilization and fly away from the males. Another sound is an alarm when a predator appears. The third publishes not a mosquito, but a dragonfly - a sworn mosquito enemy, the rustle of dragonfly wings can scare bloodsuckers.
The overwhelming majority of such household appliances is made in a design ideally suited for lighting a room or a home territory. Therefore, the mosquito lantern is able, in addition to protecting from bloodsucking and annoying insects, to give a cozy light to the window sill with an open window, a country house, a veranda, the place where you arranged a picnic in the open air or fry shish kebabs.
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