Spiritual developmentMystic

Karmic nodes: signs. How to unleash karmic knots?

Serious object of attention of psychologists, esotericists, magicians became karmic knots in the destiny of man.

This is how professional mystics call problems that can not be solved, complex crises, the way out is very difficult to find.

"Nodes" prevent the soul from developing and learning new layers of reality.

They cause the strongest negative emotions of the "victim", and if they manage to "unleash" them, life becomes much happier and fuller.

There are good reasons for serious difficulties

Many problems we solve fairly easily and quickly, perceiving them as ordinary items in the to-do list. But each person, as a rule, has at least one significant problem, which he considers difficult and unsolvable.

This can be a repulsive appearance, a disease, a lack of understanding in relationships with loved ones, the inability to make money in the desired quantities, fear, a sense of "lack of success."

Such intricate negative situations take away from the person colossal volumes of internal energy. It seems that to overcome them it is necessary to become different: to change the way of thinking or to give up those benefits that have already been obtained.

Astrologers and esotericists call such problems "karmic knots". The "zakyristye" life circumstances, according to the experts of Eastern philosophies, are sent to us from above as "lessons of destiny".

If the situation from the point of view of outside observers looks difficult, but the main participant does not deliver negative emotions, this is not a karmic knot.

For example, in dismissal from work for a person, there is probably nothing special if he takes this event calmly and even rejoices at his newfound freedom.

How to understand that the "loop" is fastened?

If the undesirable situation that you are trying to resolve is a lot of worry, pay attention to the signs of a karmic node:

  1. The achievement of the desired goal is hampered by "insurmountable" circumstances. You have too little time, energy, money, rights or other resources in order to move towards a dream.
  2. At different age stages, there are similar difficulties. You are again and again deceived, betrayed, deprived of a source of income or wrongfully accused.
  3. In my soul, from the childhood I have a feeling that brings a lot of discomfort. This may be dissatisfaction with life, a sense of inferiority or "uselessness". Sometimes such a "personal nightmare" becomes the feeling that people around you despise you, consider a fool or do not take it seriously.
  4. Difficult relations develop with a person with whom one can not part. It can be insoluble conflicts with parents, children, the second half.

Tasks from past lives

In the Western world, the "law of karma" and, as a consequence, "nodes", became interested in the prophets. They, like Eastern philosophers, in their worldview proceeded from the fact that a man lives many lives, incarnating every time after death in a new body.

Entering a state of sleepy trance, spiritual instructors observed past incarnations of their "patients".

After such sessions, people who turned to the soothsayers understood that their problems and the negative emotions associated with them arose not by chance, that difficult situations were given for rethinking and working on mistakes.

Many desperate "losers", turning to a hypnotherapist for help, are now getting the experience of traveling to past incarnations.

Current problems help change erroneous beliefs

Specialists recognize karmic nodes. How to unleash them, prompts fate, offering a person to go a certain way.

Some people, extremely concerned about recurring problems, equate the unleashing of karmic knots to the meaning of life. Most often they are not mistaken.

When analyzing the lines of destiny, there are indeed indications that the soul came to this world with a specific purpose: to figure out how to cut the karmic knot and do it.

Many men and women, turning to hypnotherapists, found out that in some incarnations they were excessively cruel, killed or deprived people, stole, experienced strong feelings of anger, envy or jealousy.

Re-experiencing the thoughts and emotions of old incarnations, they understood that current problems are a mild form of "working out" mistakes of a past life.

If you have unresolved problems in the relationship with other souls, then you have not exhausted your resentment and mistrust.

In this case, you will again meet with "old acquaintances" in this life, to work out "old debts", that is, to understand and forgive each other.

How are life lessons?

To "retrain" fate or karma can choose the most bizarre instruments:

  1. Mirror change the victim and the offender roles.
  2. Repeat the difficult situation, with the change of details.
  3. Create new circumstances in which the conflicting souls will meet again, but will deal with the same "acute" emotions as in past incarnations.

By changing the rules of the game, the destiny leads to a new awareness of reality, which, if acquired, it will be impossible to repeat the "old sins".

This is the positive significance of the lessons of fate. A person passes the test, his soul becomes purer and more perfect.

Karma and karmic knots, however, are not a sentence or a punishment. Man as a spiritual being himself creates his destiny by actions and emotions.

"Better" is better gradually

Having understood the cause of their troubles, people are wondering how to break the karmic knot. For this purpose, they turn to magicians and psychics. They want rapid changes.

Specialists familiar with the theory of karma do not recommend hurrying in such a delicate matter as working to change their own destiny.

There are rituals with the lighting of candles, cards, glass balls, as a result of which a quick decoupling of karmic knots occurs. However, the positive effect of magical actions quickly passes, and the person who resorted to sorcery, brings on more troubles.

Karmic knots need to be studied and "lived". Only then will they make you stronger.

How to understand the "confusing situation" from the point of view of psychologists?

Untying karmic knots is a necessary point for a lifelong "to-do list."

If you can forget about ordinary desires, the tasks of the soul remind themselves of themselves, causing painful feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety, dissatisfaction.

When the current life is not enough to change attitudes to the situation and to work out erroneous beliefs, studies continue in the following incarnations.

From the point of view of psychologists studying the laws of luck, every problem, especially recurring, must be looked at as a lesson that has not yet been learned.

To overcome the obstacle, it is important to change attitudes to difficulties: learn to consider them as "vaccinations from the worst" or "efforts of fate" to educate you in a sense of humor.

Indeed, very many psychological techniques, through which the karma nodes are unleashed, include working out the attitude to the situation.

No wonder now the modern art of magic "Simoron" is so popular. The essence of magic, available to many, is to produce a variety of absurd actions, with the knowledge that you are "conjuring" a solution to the problem. Simorontsy "jump into another reality", dance in the streets, "walk" irons, "hang clothes" in buses.

Such games allow you to distract from the accumulated negative experiences, switch to a wave of happiness and make a "quantum leap into the best version of the development of events."

Soft ways of a gradual exit from a difficult situation

If you are thinking about how to remove karmic nodes safely, pay attention to such ways:

1. Meditation.

People who are able to stop for a few minutes, abandon the fuss, more easily cope with life's troubles and quickly achieve their goals. Calm, contemplative meditation is not only a rest, but also the very first step to unleashing a karmic knot.

Sit on the floor in a comfortable position, relax, for 15 minutes, concentrate solely on breathing. Any extraneous thoughts "let go" with an exhalation.

In a meditative state, the body and soul receive colossal energy. The way out of a difficult situation is easier and faster.

2. A request addressed to the Higher Power.

In any religion, the object of belief is the Supreme Being, ruling the world, to which a person can apply for support, protection or specific earthly goods.

You can ask in many ways. According to the laws of the church, it is necessary to pray.

In esotericism, the appeal to the Higher Power can take the form of visualizing the desired events, making a wish-list, repeating positive statements.

In the technique of "Simoron" the request is expressed through the performance of absurd actions.

3. Repentance

If we are hindered by karmic knots, how to unleash them, suggests religion. The way to happiness, in the opinion of the great sages, is not committing disorderly actions, but rather control over one's mind and emotions.

It is important to be calm, not to envy, not to condemn, not to exaggerate any earthly values.

To cope with the karmic knot, it is important to understand your degree of participation in the situation with the purpose of repentance. It is required to understand what exactly you did wrong and to what consequences this led.

Often it is repentance that helps to get out of the vicious circle.

4. Forgiveness

To unleash a karmic knot, it is important to accept both ourselves and other participants in the situation as they are.

It is necessary to refrain from evaluative judgments with negative meanings: no one can be called stupid, unattractive, lazy, sluggish.

A great victory for the soul is to understand that it was given such a set of qualities in order to best pass the path of life.

To sincerely accept yourself and others, you can use such spiritual practice as the "diet of forgiveness."

Daily write 50 proposals: "I'm begging ... for what ...". The first week is to forgive yourself, the next - parents, spouses, children, close and distant friends.

Such a psychological diet helps to stop the flow of condemnation towards yourself and others.

5. Gratitude.

A good feeling and desire to say "Thank you!" To the universe, to people, to the existing situation and to oneself often arises naturally if you manage to forgive the past and let it go with peace.

Higher forces are more likely to help unleash a karmic knot, if you thank them for any help.

Mentally speaking the word "thank you", we concentrate on the good that is in the current situation, why we notice more and more positive moments.

6. Address to the mentors.

Own knowledge, experience, resources may not be enough to get out of the vicious circle. Be ready to ask for help from spiritual teachers-mentors.

They can be the authorities of the spiritual sphere that you trust, church ministers, psychologists, business coaches, coach consultants or wise elderly people with rich life experience.

Think of an imaginary "mentor." It can be a famous person or an abstract person. You must be convinced that this person knows exactly the answers to the questions that concern you.

Together badly - apart bored

Another question that worries many is how to cut a karmic knot in a relationship.

Quite often a man and a woman are attracted to each other "at the behest of fate", but their connection does not at all resemble a romantic fairy tale. Two souls are craving for each other and the need to be together, but the relationship is complex and brings more negative emotions than positive ones.

There are no one or several obligatory "ingredients" of happy communication in such connections: understanding, trust, agreement on the most important issues, common interests.

Personal question

How to unleash a karmic love knot? In other words, how to make relations with the second half become successful or cease, giving way to happiness with another man or woman?

Karma includes a person's debts solely to himself and no obligations to other personalities, including family members, can not be. However, people enter into various kinds of relationships in order to fulfill their karmic tasks.

For example, if the goal of the soul in the present incarnation is to learn to forgive, fate will again and again confront it with people who will need to be "apologized" and accepted as they are.

A karmic knot between a man and a woman arises when two souls enter into a close relationship with the goal of working out old debts.

Fate unites people of the opposite sex into pairs not in a random way, but with the aim of changing and spiritual improvement. A man receives a spouse that destroys his "idealization".

If, for example, for a woman is extremely important such a value as a "quiet home life," then her husband, with a high probability, will be a man with whom to build a "quiet" relationship can not.

To unleash a karmic love knot, it is important to go through several stages:

  1. Understand that there are no uniform rules of conduct. Another person can and has the right to be guided by thoughts and principles different from yours.
  2. Recognize the imperfection of one's own and other people - everyone has the right to make a mistake.
  3. To realize that if we condemn another person, we will later get into a situation in which we ourselves will have to behave in the same way as the one whom we criticize.

Unleash the "knot" with the second half is also helped by an appeal to the Higher Power, to the mentors, meditation, forgiveness and gratitude.


If you feel that your destiny is burdened by karmic knots, do not rush to consider yourself a failure. Think about the fact that the situation can seem bad only from the point of view of one finite life.

We can only guess what we did in previous incarnations and what we will do in the future.

The more severe a crisis a person lives in, the stronger and wiser he becomes as a result.

Probably, the tests that you are taking now are a necessary step on the way to realizing the most secret desires.

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