Spiritual development, Mystic
It became known how to become a medium
To get amazing, supernatural abilities, many people want. Is it possible to learn to work with subtle matter, or is it talent from nature, how to become a medium, and what does this mean in practice? Do you need a mentor for this, or can you manage on your own, where to start and how to hone your skills? There are a lot of questions.
Before you learn how to become a medium, you need to understand who he is. According to most ignorant people in witchcraft, a medium is one who speaks to the dead. Correction: does not speak, but contacts. At first glance, it may seem that the difference is small, but if you look at the meaning of words, the difference will be obvious. After all mediums are different in strength and ability. Some speak to the dead, while others can only hear their voices, such a one-way connection. Still others can see them, not naturally, but at the soul level. Mediums, in which the physical manifestations of the gift are well developed, the strongest are the movement of things, the creation of noise and light phenomena in their power.
Is it possible to focus on external signs, and if so, how? To become a medium in a woman is 6 times more likely than a male. This is due to the more subtle emotional organization of women, their energy is able to perceive signals from outside, it is especially pronounced during monthly bleeding. If you are irritable, naive and at the same time prone to whims, then you can doze hidden talents. From the purely external signs, the most reliable is the different color of the irises of the right and left eyes. This feature has the property of inheriting from ancestors, if in your family there were people with pronounced abilities, then you can open talent in yourself.
Practical tips
It is necessary to sharpen our bodies of physical senses as much as possible, to learn how to use them to the fullest extent to perceive the world around us. Wanting to learn how to become a medium, one must not forget that man is a subtle system, so you need to remain calm, even some detachment. This is necessary for the energy to flow smoothly, and it was easier to control it. Also come to the aid of smoking and incense: wormwood, lavender, amber will help you tune into contact, focus and relax. External attributes, typical for experienced magicians, at first not only is not needed, but even harmful. It is necessary to learn to achieve the correct state with a minimum of auxiliary factors. But nobody canceled the training. The main source of esoteric knowledge for many centuries were books. How to become a medium, is set forth in many publications on practical magic. However, the most powerful leadership recognized the work of Kardek Allan under the title "The Book of the Medium".
The psychic medium does not think of his work without a special board for spiritual contacts. To buy this item today is simpler, but the most effective and powerful for any magician will be artifacts, obtained or manufactured independently, as these things become conformable to the master in their vibrations and it is easy for them to interact with them.
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