
Isosorbide dinitrate is an effective remedy for angina pectoris

The drug "Dinitrate isosorbide" is an antianginal nitrosoderzhaschim drug, which is used to prevent and treat angina.

Pharmacological properties

Means "Isosorbide dinitrate" is a highly effective medicine, which allows treating ischemic heart disease, to stop attacks of angina pectoris. The medicine has antianginal, vasodilating, coronary-expanding properties, causes vasodilation, lowers the tone of the vessels. The drug reduces pressure and venous inflow to the heart of the blood, dyspnea, choking and blueness of the skin in case of oxygen deficiency. Regular use of the drug reduces its anti-ischemic and antianginal effect.

Means of Isosorbide Dinitrate: Release Form

A drug is produced in the form of tablets and a solution for infusions. On the basis of nitrate forms, special medical preparations are produced in the form of a spray, dosed sublingual aerosol, prolonged action of tablets, capsules, as well as films that are glued on the gums.

Isosorbide dinitrate product: application

The drug is used to prevent and stop angina attacks, as well as recovery after a heart attack. The agent is prescribed for inflammation of the shell inside the arteries, chronic heart failure, pulmonary hypertension. As part of complex treatment the drug is taken with a pulmonary heart. Inhalation medicine is used for angina attacks and heart attacks. Intravenously prescribed for pulmonary edema, unstable angina pectoris. Often, the drug "Isosorbide dinitrate" is taken in place of nitroglycerin to expand the lumen of blood vessels in case of heart failure.


Do not use the product in case of hypersensitivity, decreased arterial and increased intracranial pressure. The medication is not taken with cerebral hemorrhage resulting from injuries, closed-angle glaucoma. Intravenous injections are prohibited with pericarditis constrictive, cardiac tamponade and hemorrhagic stroke. Caution is required to use the drug for liver dysfunction, during pregnancy. Children are not recommended for taking medication because of insufficient research.

Mode of application

The drug "Isosorbide dinitrate" is consumed inside after eating. During the day, four tablets are used. Sublingual forms of the drug are placed under the tongue, to enhance the effect, the capsule can be chewed. With regular treatment within a month and a half, you need to take a break, replacing the drug with similar drugs. Intravenous (drip) solution is administered slowly, a day is prescribed from 1 to 5 ampoules.

Side effects

The medicine "Isosorbide dinitrate" can cause attacks of nausea, headache or dizziness. With a decrease in the volume of the drug, these signs pass. During treatment it is forbidden to take alcohol.

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