Spiritual developmentAstrology

In 1964, what kind of animal on the horoscope? How did he affect his children?

Horoscopes have recently become popular and affordable. If the parents of those who are now twenty years old, from the time of birth had the opportunity to reconcile the life of the offspring with the advice of the stars, then the situation is quite different for the older generation. For example, in 1964 - what kind of animal on a horoscope? How is it different, what qualities has its "seed" been given? Let's understand.

Characteristic for the year 1964 on the horoscope as a whole

As is known, the Chinese divided the time into twelve periods. Everyone chose a patron - a certain animal. So they reign, replacing each other as the "patron" of the current period. Among them, the dragon stands out in an enchanting splendor. This is a brilliant example of the Chinese world view. The meaning of it is to combine incongruous, to give away. Have you guessed, in 1964, what kind of animal on the horoscope? Naturally, his patron is the Dragon. Element - the tree. The year itself brought to the surface honesty, concluded in the pursuit of self-realization. People born in this period, and bear its principles throughout his life, giving others a feeling of an unusually powerful stream of purity. They, like the wind of change, can break into someone else's fate, turning everything there, breaking the swamp with fresh streams of transparent energy. Needless to say, that the year 1964 of the Dragon gives his children an extraordinary destiny!

General characteristics of personality

Learning, 1964 - the year of an animal on the horoscope, we can see in more detail what he brought in the lives of those who were fortunate enough to be born in it. These people are distinguished by curiosity and brightness of the world view. They are striving for a new, unexplored till old age. Their perception is somewhat naive. This is due precisely to the fact that the Dragon epitomizes 1964. What animal on a horoscope neither consider, and its features necessarily will be shown. So, the Dragon of all his "offspring" targets a certain pomp, enchantment, festivity. They sometimes forget to listen or look at others. It is believed that everyone perceives the environment with "wide-open eyes." Unfortunately, Drakonchikov often brings this, in fact, a great feature - to accept people optimistically, wholeheartedly, to see in them only positive aspects. Each of them during the life necessarily experiences a couple of treacheries. Vengeance fire-breathing also know how. It is interesting to see how the year-month combination affects the representatives of the sign. Let's take a brief look at the features of all.

Winter Dragons

  • Sagittarius loves entertainment. He is so full of energy that it is her movement that appreciates most. Forever in the way and searching. Enchanting enough that it is impossible to resist him. Conquers any vertex by what it is and strives for it. Naive and trusting. Love is waiting for a long time, sometimes all my life.
  • Capricorn since birth is directed upwards. To achieve goals uses diligence. She studies constantly. He has incredible skills that relate to a variety of areas. Knows how to influence others, often becomes an official leader. If the target is on Jomolungma, and there is no way to fly there, it will hit the trail and climb on foot.
  • Aquarius all life is the center of attraction for others. They look at him and equal. He inspires artists and poets. Immensely fortunate. It does not represent what a rejection is. Of the negative features, you can specify one - can go into your own world, forgetting about those who need it on Earth.

Spring Dragons

  • Pisces , steadily overcoming obstacles, gradually move towards their own well-being. They are independent and independent. They spare neither their own nor those of strangers.
  • Aries of this year are born leaders. They use their luck to break through any obstacle. Doubt does not bother these people. They are full of dignity, which, in addition to the will inspires respect for them from others.
  • Taurus quite calmly goes through life. He sets himself a goal and enjoys not the achievement, but the process. Do not look at obstacles, just overcomes.

Summer Dragons

  • Twins have excellent inner vision. They just instantly see the possibilities, they quickly and skillfully use them. Often faced with internal conflict. "Doctor" comes in the form of a loved one. Gemini calmly perceive the processes of harmonization of the inner world. The betrayal of a loved one will not go by any means.
  • Cancer has an unbending will. Goes to his goals with a ram, using intuition and a huge baggage of knowledge. Somewhat slow. But the process of achieving his goals is so enthralling that he does not hurry.
  • The lion is the most regal of the Dragons. In view of this, it can exhibit aggression, intolerance. He needs to engage in self-discipline, otherwise your loved ones will tire of giving in and give up.

Autumn Dragons

  • Virgo aspires to the material, facing the need to constantly "pull up" the spiritual side of life. These people are constantly exposed to temptations, representing a dilemma: profit or conscience.
  • Scales require from themselves sometimes impossible. If they manage to learn to look "through their fingers" at small mistakes, then the peak of glory will be easily reached, where they will remain until old age.
  • Scorpio is a leader of naivety and delusions. He has magical powers that he realizes in maturity. Before that, his path is difficult, since he looks at the world differently than the rest.

So we figured out what 1964 is, what kind of animal people, born in it, consider as their patron. They are not too late to take advice and change their lives for the better.

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