Fashion, Jewelry
Imperial Topaz - the magnificence of the stone
Imperial topaz is a very rare stone mined in Brazil. That's why it attracts a lot of attention. In the Museum of Rio de Janeiro there is an imperial topaz weighing 10,000 carats. In Washington - 9000 carats. Also known are especially rare, faceted specimens - in Washington (129 carats) and in New York (71 carats).
Imperial Topaz - a beautiful precious stone
So, more. Topaz got its name, probably due to the island of Topaz on the Red Sea, where these stones were quite common in the Middle Ages. Another version claims that the name comes from the Sanskrit word "tapas" (in translation - "fire"). The color of the stone is usually not too bright, mostly yellow-orange. The imperial topaz differs in pink (orange-pink) color.
Where do they get it?
The most famous deposit of stone was once the Ore Mount in Germany. To date, it has only a historical interest. Brazil is the largest supplier of such a beautiful stone, as the imperial topaz. Where to get great samples? For example, in the mine "Imperial", located near to Oru Preto. Every month from here they get about 40 kilograms of stone, processed of which will be only 600 grams.
They also find topaz in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Russia (transparent blue in the Urals, violet-red in Siberia), Pakistan, Nigeria, Namibia, Mexico, Madagascar, Japan, China, USA, Burma, Australia, Northern Ireland, Scotland. In 1964 a hundred kilogram blue topaz was found in Ukraine.
Where are these stones used? Transparent topaz is necessary for industrial optics (like lenses). For polishing, the hard stone serves as a powder. On the fourth anniversary of marriage it is customary to give a blue stone. On the twenty-third - the imperial topaz, which in the jewelry business, by the way, is banned. This stone is very hard. However, strong blows should be feared. It can exfoliate. It is washed with special cleaning agents, rinsed with water without lime and alcohol solution.
Effects on humans
Indian doctors claim that the stone is capable of toning the heart and clearing the blood of patients. The Chinese are confident that he draws the energy of the sun and heals the person. Because topaz is in the house of almost every one of them.
Well, what determines the main features of the stone? Shade! Imperial topaz, the color of which is close to orange-pink, perfectly regulates the flow of blood, beneficially affects the kidneys, liver and lungs. In addition, its bright shine invigorates the body, it causes happiness.
As for other topaz ... Colorless stone promotes intellectual activity, enlightenment of thoughts, concentration of attention. The blue topaz helps people communicate, listen to each other, and as a result, strong and friendly relations are established. There is an opinion that by applying it to the solar plexus, you are freed from all sorts of anxieties. It also positively affects the nervous system, which is extremely necessary, for example, with insomnia.
For golden topaz, people sometimes take hot amethyst or citrine. Indeed, they are similar, but the jewelers admit, of course, only a real stone. In order to emphasize its color, it can be heated up to 450 degrees Celsius. To simulate a diamond, sometimes a colorless topaz is used.
Since 1976, synthetic copies of the gem are known to man . Blue color including. Sometimes they are obtained through irradiation. However, their sale is prohibited due to radioactivity.
The most famous stones
The most famous topaz is a stone found near to Oru Petra in 1640. Its weight was 1680 carats. Have set a stone on the crown of Portugal. After a while, a very large topaz was found in the de Capao mine (its size equals a can of beer). The stone was called "Monster".
In New York, the Museum of Natural History holds several 300-kilogram stones found in Minas Gerais. The Mineralogical Museum of Florence presents a hundred and fifty kilogram specimens to its visitors. The Gorny Leningrad Institute stores a huge sample found in the Urals. A large collection of stones is in the Dresden Treasury. Large Brazilian stones also contain the Smithsonian Institute. The weight of the yellow is 7725 carats, blue - 3273 carats, yellow-green - 1469 carats.
In a word, this stone is very famous. Not for nothing about him, even created a lot of legends. For example, there is a legend that in the seventh century BC King Lydia Gigom was found a magic ring with topaz and emerald. The sun was engraved on the first. On the second - the Moon. The ring allowed its owner to become invisible. The king became very rich and invincible. However, after the disappearance of the ring, he was killed in one of the battles.
There is a stone, endowed with great power, also in computer games. To achieve success to its owner very often can help the imperial topaz. "Where to get in WWII?" - a question that interests many fans of games in the genre of fantasy. In fact, everything is like reality. The stone is searched in cobalt, tinan or saronite ore. In general, the imperial topaz is a well-known stone, although very rare. However, this rarity, apparently, that same fame is explained.
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