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Illegal parties. Classification of parties, main ideas and leaders

To date, the Russian Federation has proclaimed the principle that no ideology can be considered mandatory, every point of view has the right to exist. People who hold any beliefs and views are united in political organizations to influence, to varying degrees, the authorities or to replace them as a result of elections. However, there are various communities prohibited by law for a number of reasons. Participation in the activities of such associations is fraught with criminal punishment and even real prison term. These are illegal and illegal parties, which will be discussed in more detail in the article.

What are the political parties?

In order to consider the issue of banned political organizations, it is necessary to pay attention to what the parties in general are like. On this subject, political scientists argue, trying to unite organizations on some common ground. There is a classification of parties that best suits our time, dividing them into five main criteria:

  1. In relation to the power of the party there are both ruling and opposition parties. The former stand on the side of the current government, support it or they themselves are such. The latter act against the government, deliver their views by holding protests or through their own prints. By the way, many illegal parties are oppositional.
  2. By the organization of the party are massive and personnel. Mass open to any strata of the population, they can consist of everyone. There are such communities at the expense of voluntary monetary contributions made by participants. Personnel represent a limited, narrow circle of people, and begin to act actively on the eve of elections, funded by rich sponsors.
  3. The ideological principle of the party is divided into right, left and centrist. Traditionally, today the left is considered to be representatives of socialist, communist movements, right-wing liberals, as well as nationalists, also consider themselves such. Centrists are the main group of pro-government parties supporting the course of the current government.
  4. According to the social, class criterion, political organizations are distributed between the bourgeoisie and the working people.
  5. By their structure, parties can be of the classical type either like the movement, or authoritarian-proprietary, and can also act as a political interest club.

There is another classification of parties. It was suggested by political scientists Richard Gunter and Larry Diamond. These are elitist parties, popular, electoral, ethnic parties and organizations that originate from political movements.

Underground organizations in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, political parties began to take shape in the Russian Empire. Speaking of illegal organizations, one should pay attention to the most outstanding representatives of the underground of that time: these are the Social Democrats and the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the so-called Social Revolutionaries. The common features of both parties are conspiracy at the highest level, illegal, underground activities, terrorism and revolutionism.

The Social Democrats used Marxism as an ideological basis. Their idea is the overthrow of the capitalist system, the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship and the proclamation of socialism, which is the guarantor of justice. About who founded this political party, it is known through the pages of any school history textbook. These are Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), Martov, Plekhanov and others. Later, the organization was divided into Bolsheviks, supporters of Lenin, and Mensheviks, followers of Martov. As you know, it was the Bolshevik party that came to power after the October Revolution and is the ancestor of the CPSU.

Socialist-revolutionaries created their political party as a result of the unification of the Narodnik organizations. This process was quite long. Until the February Revolution, the Revolutionaries existed underground, creating circles, movements, including those engaged in terrorist activities. They attempted to assassinate the tsar and other officials of the time.

Illegal political movements in the USSR

According to official information, in the Soviet Union there was only one political force - the CPSU, but there were also illegal movements. An example is the clandestine movement of the Maoists, which operated in the 1960s and 1980s. Their main idea was the struggle against the bourgeois degeneration of the party leadership. After the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Mao Tse-tung became the sole continuer of the communist idea, and Nikita Khrushchev, who came to power in the USSR, was perceived as a party functionary, but not a leader.

Also, during the Soviet era, believers had to leave the underground: religion was considered an "opium for the people", in the Soviet world there was no place for it. All religious organizations were persecuted for dissent, their prayer houses were destroyed.

In addition, there were clandestine movements in the Soviet Union, representing youth groups, where people discussed communist ideas and the correspondence of their real life.

Naturally, the activities of such communities in the USSR were illegal.

Prohibited parties of a religious orientation

According to the main legislative document of our country - the Constitution, no religion can be recognized as state. The freedom of conscience is proclaimed , everyone has the right to choose religion on their own. Religion is separated from secular power. Consequently, religious political parties are prohibited, since the main goal is to plant one or another confession as the primary religion in the state, when religion is introduced into all spheres of the country's life, including the legislative bodies. This is contrary to the Constitution. However, until 2003, such political organizations existed and worked to protect the interests of believers. For example, in the parliamentary elections, the party "For the Holy Russia" took part. Successes this initiative by the Orthodox party has not reached, the result was less than one percent.

For today, parties united on religious grounds are prohibited by law. The activities of some are close to sectarian; Their goal is religious propaganda, often aimed at committing fraudulent and other unlawful acts.

Despite the fact that officially the authority and the church exist separately, according to the Constitution, representatives of the authorities often meet with religious figures of those faiths that are officially recognized in the Russian Federation. Thanks to this interaction, believers can convey their suggestions and demands to the authorities.

Political parties in Russia today

To date, there is a large number of political parties and movements of any orientation in the country. These are the parties of power represented in the State Duma, as well as organizations that for some reason or other have not gone there. Among such political communities there are both opposition movements and pro-government ones. If we consider illegal parties, then they are mostly found among opposition organizations. This is due to the fact that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the movements propagating the violent overthrow of the existing system, as well as hatred on the national, social and other grounds, are prohibited.

Official Opposition in Russia

The protest movement in the Russian Federation is represented by many organizations. If we talk about the official opposition, then we can name political parties that have passed into the legislative bodies. For example, the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party or "Fair Russia". Their protest activities are expressed not only through actions of direct action - rallies, pickets, processions and others, but also directly in the authorities where they have their representatives. They can put their proposals on the agenda.

There are also political parties that have passed the registration procedure, their activities are legal, but for one reason or another they did not get into legislative assemblies. These parties either did not get the required number of votes in the elections, or were not admitted to them by the election commission.

Common features of representatives of the non-systemic opposition

Extramural parties of opposition are not represented in the bodies of central and local authorities, their activities consist of agitation through meetings, rallies, picketing and other methods of so-called street democracy. Some of them publish their printed propaganda publications, create websites on the Internet. Such parties are not registered by the Ministry of Justice, therefore one can say about their activities that it is illegal. But this does not mean that they are prohibited. The basis for the ban is the party's activities aimed at committing acts of a violent nature, propaganda of fascism, the incitement of intolerance on some basis, calls for revolution.

Prohibited parties in Russia

From illegal communities, banned political parties are distinguished by the fact that membership in such organizations is punishable by law, and criminal responsibility arises. They are attracted, as a rule, for the dissemination of information propagating fascism, violent change of power, etc. The banned parties are represented by a wide range of different ideologies, from communist ones to liberal and nationalist communities.

A vivid representative of the banned political organization is the National Bolshevik Party, created by Eduard Limonov in November 1994, since the first issue of the newspaper "Limonka" was published. For a long time this party was denied official registration, because of which it could not take part in the official political struggle by means of elections. In 2007, the NBP was officially banned, and a number of protest actions carried out by the party served as the basis. However, its members did not abandon political activity - in 2010, "Another Russia" was founded. In the registration she was also denied, so now this community has supplemented itself with various illegal political parties.

Organizations and movements that promote fascism

A special place among the banned parties is occupied by fascist organizations. The first Russian fascist party was created back in the days of the USSR, in 1931. It is considered one of the most organized emigrant parties, had a clear ideology and structure. True, the place of creation for understandable reasons was not the Soviet Union, but Manchuria. The founders are Russian emigres who propagandized anti-Semitism and anti-communism. The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR was perceived as an opportunity to get rid of the "Jewish yoke" and communism. The party was banned by the Japanese authorities in 1943. After the Soviet troops entered Manchuria, the founder of the party, Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky, voluntarily surrendered to the Soviet authorities, after which he was arrested and was executed one year later.

To date, the Russian fascist party does not exist, but there are other organizations that propagandize Nazism, and they are banned by the Ministry of Justice.

Nationalist movements in modern Russia

The movements, whose ideological platform is nationalism, are represented by a large list of organizations. Nationalist parties and movements are conditionally subdivided into moderate, radical, and also forbidden. In all there are more than 50 of them. Among the moderate can be identified the National Democratic Party, the movement "Resistance" and others. Many of these communities are communities that advocate a healthy lifestyle, for the revival of moral and moral values. In many respects this activity is quite constructive, but all the same members of such parties are in the field of view of law enforcement bodies with the aim of suppressing unlawful actions.

Illegal Russian nationalist parties have a fairly vivid representative - the Russian National Unity (RNE). This ultra-right organization, according to some political scientists - fascist, was founded in 1990. The movement was headed by Alexander Barkashov. For active opposition to power, the organization was banned, but this was the reason to change the format of the movement. Since 1997, RNE began to position itself as a public-patriotic organization, a constituent congress was held.

The RNE organization exists and to this day, it is not officially registered. Among the main activities of the movement is the dispatch of volunteer detachments to the territory of the southeast of Ukraine.

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