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How to write an essay in English? How to draw up an essay plan?

At all kinds of competitions and exams in English, almost always one of the tasks is to write an essay, which the participant must submit to the court of the evaluation committee or the jury. On this work, you can best describe the student as accurately as possible, because it shows not only the level of literacy and freedom of fluency in a foreign language. This is a creative task, which means that there is a personal perception of a person, his worldview, a look at certain things, potential, knowledge. And to write a beautiful, lively and interesting essay, you need a rich vocabulary.

Perhaps that's why many students come to the panic of the need to write for a strictly assigned time story on a given or free topic. But if you understand in advance all the rules of writing such works, read examples and practice, then there is nothing complicated in this.

Compliance with the standard

Although the very word "essay" has no direct relation to the English language, its historical roots go to France, but this easy composition of the prose genre has firmly strengthened its positions and is used as a test of knowledge in almost all educational institutions. Usually it has a free style of presentation and a small amount. Many students are interested in how to write an essay in English, because it is included in the USE exercises.

There is a certain standard, according to which it is necessary to carry out creative tasks. So, an essay on English is written for 40 minutes, its volume is from 200 to 250 words. During the allotted time, the student must read and understand the assignment, draw up a plan for writing and write down his work on paper. Since 2012, the test for a foreign language is allocated a little more time, in addition, provided an approximate plan for the essay, which greatly simplifies the work of the student. It is important to adhere to the required size of the work - 200-250 words, if it is smaller, then the work will get 0 points, if more - the examiner will read only 250 words, the rest will be left without attention.

The main components of the work

To the result of the work exceeded all expectations and liked the examiners, it is necessary, above all, to carefully read the task and understand it. A cursory, inattentive reading of the text very often leads to unsatisfactory assessments. The task basically consists of elements "for" and "against" and represents no more than two proposals. If an essay plan for the English language is already specified, then you can immediately start writing the work, if not, you'll have to work on your own. Without it, writing an essay is problematic, because it perfectly structures the thoughts, helps to focus. The point of the plan is the basis, the key thought that needs to be developed and described in more detail. The essay in English should consist of three main parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.


The beginning of the essay is a very important part of the work. It is important here not to "pour water", but to clearly and competently highlight the key idea of the work, to identify the main theme, which will be described in more detail in the main part. The introduction basically consists of two, a maximum of three detailed proposals, which are a smooth transition to the consideration of the main question. The big plus will be the presence in it of a quote in English, some proverb or thought of a famous person. It should be concise, concise and fully consistent with the topic under consideration.

Main part

Themes for an essay on English basically mean the consideration of one question from different points of view, the utterance of all the pros and cons. The reader should consider both the positions and the arguments to them. It is not necessary to use in an essay abstruse, book phrases that make the text too boring and uninteresting. Regardless of the topic, you need to write literate, but simple and lively English. This is the main part of the essay, and therefore it is necessary to fully disclose the issue in question, express a point of view, give it a refutation or prove its truthfulness. In any case, you should give examples. Since the composition is a creative task, it must express its own thoughts and attitude to the problem.


The final part of the essay on the English language is summarizing, concluding the reasoning, final conclusions. It consists of three or four sentences, in which the author not only generalizes all information, but also expresses personal opinion on the issue under consideration. The final part should have a logical end, and not break off in mid-sentence. The introduction, the main part and the conclusion should smoothly pass from one part to another and be connected.

How to make an essay on English interesting and lively?

The essay is not a scientific treatise, but an easy prosaic work. The author expresses his opinion, personal views on some problems, so this work should be written in a living language and be interesting to readers. The introduction is necessary in order to interest, usually it contains a key thought and quotations that smoothly lead to the main part of the essay. Next, we need to give concrete examples that support this point of view. To revive the text, it is necessary to use as much as possible adjectives, adverbs, to the verbs to select synonyms. Errors must be brought to naught, writing essays in English is a serious test of literacy and vocabulary. To make the transition from one part to another smooth, you should use a special vocabulary.

Useful phrases

Certain phrases can be used in an essay, they help to link parts of the composition, display an opposition and effectively finish the work. The text will be more easily read if it includes:

(One of the main factors is);

- generally speaking, ... (generally speaking);

- furthermore (besides, besides that);

As well as ... (as well as).

To contrast two opinions or characteristics, the following phrases should be used:

- on the other hand (on the other hand);

- on the contrary;

- but (but);

- yet (already, bye);

- however (however).

The following vocabulary will help to express the result of something or a reason:

- so (therefore);

- therefore (for this reason);

- consequently (hence);

- as a result (thus);

- this results in (as a result).

Also, do not interfere with the availability of adverbs: lastly, then, after, next.

The main mistakes in writing essays

Very often students make the same mistakes when writing an essay on English. Unified State Examination, competitions, school olympiads - all these events require a clear implementation of the rules for writing a creative story, in which the author, in a laconic form, expresses his point of view on a specific problem, talks about a personal attitude to a particular issue. The main problem of students is the inability to clearly, briefly and correctly express their thoughts on paper. In order to increase the amount of text or simply from ignorance of the topic, the author begins to "pour water." It should be understood that the examiner does not evaluate the size of the work, but its content. Therefore, such an approach will not be an advantage, but a lack of essays.

If the essay is given on the house, you should ask friends or relatives to evaluate the work, express a personal opinion about it. You also need to re-read the essay several times, correct not entirely successful moments, exclude grammatical and semantic errors.

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