ComputersComputer games

How to play a maniac in "CS: GO"? The rules of the game, the creation of a modification

There are not many game modes in "CS: GO". One of them is playing a maniac. He will make fun with friends and have a good time. Of course, constantly using this mode will not work - bored. But to play an hour or two is quite interesting. But how to play a maniac in "CS: GO"? The rules and methods of launching will be discussed below.

How to play a maniac in "CS: GO"?

This mode was created for the version of "COP: Global Offensive", but you can play it only through the lobby. After all there to play a maniac in CS: GO, commands in the console are mandatory, and they are not available on any server.

So, to play a maniac we need:

  1. Go to the game.
  2. Create your own game (lobby).
  3. We make the lobby private. This is to ensure that no one but your friends can enter the room. Otherwise, the left player will spoil everything, because he will not know that you are playing a maniac.
  4. Invite friends by using the Invite to lobby function.
  5. Playing.

There are certain rules for the game. The player who will be a maniac must go in for the terrorists. All other players go for the special forces. When all players are logged in, you need to open the console and register the maniac command without brackets. But the team itself does not mean anything. It will not work without the previously created configuration file. About this a little later.

Rules of the game

It is important to know how to play a maniac in "CS: GO", because there are basic rules that need to be adhered to:

  1. Maniac goes for terrorists, immediately throws the gun to the ground, buys a shocker (Zeus x27) and a grenade. The chauffeur is allowed to use only 4 times, you can throw a grenade 2 times. But with a knife you can use as many as you want. The task is to kill everyone. This seems like a simple task, but in reality it is difficult.
  2. In the role of victims are special forces, who can only use grenades (smoke and light, but not fragmentation). According to the rules of the victim can not harm a maniac, so they are forbidden to use even a knife. But smoke and light grenades are available in unlimited quantities. The task is to survive at least one player.
  3. Each round lasts exactly 5 minutes. A maniac can only be a player of 5 rounds. Then a new maniac is chosen.
  4. The first minute the maniac looks at the floor to allow all the victims to hide or run away.
  5. The team that wins more wins from 5 round wins. That is, if a maniac wins 3 times, then he automatically becomes a winner. Of course, you can continue to play, but the victims will be able to win no more than two times.

These are simple rules. Now you know how to play a maniac in "CS: GO", but that's not all. Without a configuration file, nothing happens.

Commands for the game

In the folder with the game in the directory \ csgo \ cfg is the file autoexec.cfg. If it's not there, then create it. Open this file and enter the following lines into it:

Alias maniac "sv_infinite_ammo 1; mp_roundtime_hostage 5; mp_drop_knife_enable 1; mp_solid_teammates 1; mp_forcechasecam 1; sv_infinite_ammo 1; mp_limitteams 0; mp_autoteambalance 0;

Save the changes to the file. We go in the game. Now we can write the command maniac in the console. After you enter it, the settings in your configuration file are activated. Of course, it was possible not to create a configuration file, but to enter the commands described above one after another. But it just takes a long time.

How to play the maniac in "CS: GO" on the server?

Now there are servers for playing online. There are already initially configured configuration settings. Such servers are of the type Hide and Seek, and if you see such an inscription, then know that they play a maniac.

You can connect to them by writing a command in the console: connect server_address. Here are some of them:


A full list of servers you can find on the Internet. There are many of them, so playing a maniac will always be available to you. It is not necessary to wait for friends. Remember that there are special rules for this modification. And although users usually do not have the ability to violate them, you must comply with them. Otherwise, you may be banned permanently on the server, and you will not be able to connect to it again. So read the rules always, although usually no one does.

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