
How to make waves on your hair? Secrets of beautiful styling for any type of hair.

Hairstyles in retro style returned to their popularity, along with attire a la thirties-forties. I must say that women's fashion of those years was distinguished by extraordinary grace and beauty. The hairstyles and clothes of that time best emphasized all the virtues of the fair sex. Modern women of fashion also like to try on themselves the images of the beauties of those years. Often at forums young ladies ask a question, how to make waves on hair or a hairdress in a retro style. There are several ways of this styling. The simplest thing is to braid the damp hair in the braids and leave it to dry. After that, it will only be necessary to tweak the tips with the forceps and the relief waves are ready. This method is suitable for hair of any rigidity.

Now a little about how to make light waves on hair for hairstyles in the style of the last years. This task is quite simple, however it requires some skills and dexterity of fingers. In addition, special flat hair clips will be needed. From above they look like a hairpin-crab, from the bottom are two slightly curved plates. To begin with, the hair needs to be washed and dried. Then we apply a foam of strong fixation, we conduct an oblique parting and put the wave with two fingers, first in the direction from the forehead to the crown, then back. Fix the hair with clips and dry the hair dryer. To fix the hairstyle, we first use hot air, then cold. The free ends are also podrukuchivaem dryer inside. Ready haircut we fix with varnish.

I would like to emphasize that this kind of styling is suitable only for soft, obedient and silky hair. It is necessary that their length is uniform, otherwise the ends of the hair will protrude.

A good tip on how to make waves on your hair is given in the book "1000 and One Hairstyle." The base haircut for this laying is square. The hair is first wound on flexible papillotki. Then dry it, comb it with a rare comb and put the hands towards the back of the head using a fixing gel. The main secret of beautiful waves is a suitable means for styling. Do not take a large amount of gel or mousse, otherwise your hair will look messy.

The owners of curls "small demon" their tricks, how to do waves on the hair. Requires large curlers, foam and lacquer strong fixation. To wind hair it is necessary enough tightly that curls are smoothed out. It is better to do this on wet hair, leaving them to dry naturally. Remove the curlers and comb with a brush. The rib of the palm rest waves, fix them with flat clips "crocodile" and sprinkle with varnish. Dry the hair dryer. It is not necessary to make waves along the entire length of the hair. The combination of waves and light curls looks no less stylish.

Of course, in the story of how to make waves on the hair, it is impossible to bypass the traditional ways of laying with a curling iron. The technique of performing such a hairstyle is extremely simple. The basic conditions for success are pure hair and a good styling aid. Each strand is wound with its tips inward, beginning from below, towards the back of the head. Try to distribute the hair evenly and stick to one direction with a curl. To form waves it is necessary with the help of a rare comb. When finished, finish the hair with a spray of varnish.

If all the tips, how to make waves on your hair, you seem too complicated, for a beautiful hairdo, you can turn to professionals. In the hairdressing salons, cold styling with waves is called undulation. By the way, the process takes from two to four hours.

Recommendations on how to make waves on the hair, would not be complete without advice on the use of stowage. So that your head of hair is not affected by using hair dryers and plaques, use products with D-panthenol. Gels, which are usually recommended for this kind of styling, are suitable for hair curly or sufficiently thick. Thin strands with the use of such funds look untidy. Their owners can be advised to use lotion for styling and a large amount of varnish.

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