
How to make a three-dimensional beam?

You can not think of a lighter hairstyle than a bun. He always helps us out when there is no time for pigtail or styling. With him you can go for a walk, and a movie, and even a theater. Sometimes the bundle looks sloppy and the whole image becomes careless, so the question arises: "How to make a volumetric beam neat and beautiful?" Very easy! You just need to spend some time and practice! Your uncommon hairstyle is ready!

It's no secret that negligence is now in fashion. You can see a lot of girls with beams, from which strands stick out in different directions. Yes, it's fashionable! But do not forget that we are girls, but how can a girl walk with such a sloppy hairstyle?

So, how to make a three-dimensional beam that will give your image femininity and tenderness? First, we need to determine exactly where we will form the beam. Girls with a not very long neck and a small head should prefer beams in the middle of the neck. To do this, you need to comb and collect the hair, folded in half, with an elastic band. The final touch is that we turn out the hair that has been folded twice and fix them with hairpins. It turned out to be a very romantic and magnificent bunch.

If you have a long neck, then you need to collect the bunch already on the back of your neck. Then we proceed according to the same scheme. The result will definitely make you happy!

Especially bundles will suit small girls, because they can add a few centimeters of growth. But here, too, you need to choose the right location of the beam. To achieve this result, it is better to make high tiny bundles. To give lightness and romance, you can release a few ringlets from it. How much tenderness bears this hairstyle - a bunch of long hair!

In order to make a classic bunch, you need a girl with thick hair. First you need to scratch them a little and collect them in the tail. Next, twist the tourniquet and put it on top of the head. We fix each circle with studs. It is necessary to ensure that hair is distributed evenly. Decorate the resulting volumetric bundle can be decorative hairpins or a comb.

If you are going to a party and do not know how to make a volumetric beam, then you should simply moisten hair with gel or wax and dry them with a hair dryer. Thanks to this procedure, you can not worry about the safety of your beam. Because of the drying, the strands will become more voluminous and lush. We twist them into a bundle and fix them. The tips are best left to be released and curl them in curls with a curling iron. Such a bundle can be decorated with a large brooch or flower. He looks very feminine and gentle.

How to make a volumetric beam of medium length hair ? First we treat hair with wax or gel, we collect in high tail and we pull strands in the sides. This is to ensure that the tail is very tight, and the hair was tight. Next, we divide the hair into strands, curl them with a curling rod and pin each of them under an elastic band. As a result, we get a voluminous romantic bunch in the form of a rose.

So, the bundle has become an integral part of our life. It can give any image a new sound. There are many types of beams that will add variety to your life!

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