Self improvementMotivation

How to live and rejoice in this complex world: ingenious advice

The world that we created and live in is incredibly complex, and this affects how we live.

Think about the existence of people in this world: day after day, they struggle with each other, endlessly busy with those things that they really hate, their attention is constantly diverted to unnecessary things, their minds are filled with an endless stream of conflicting thoughts. In a few words, their hearts and souls are drawn into a whirlwind, which we call modern life.

Being in such a complicated world, we can not avoid his influence on us. But with the help of our thoughts, actions and relationships, we can simplify life and be more detached from its chaotic ways. If you want to learn to live more simply and improve your health, but do not know how to do this, the following tips will help you.

Clean up your working and living space

Reducing the number of unnecessary things that you have collected over the years can do wonders, reduce stress and simplify your life. Living in an unclouded environment, you can focus on what is really important to you, and will not be constantly distracted. In addition, you do not have to worry about things that you really do not need and in no way affect your happiness.

Limit the use of media

Most people spend a huge part of their lives watching TV or mindlessly surfing the Internet. Then they complain that life is short, and wonder why they can not find joy in it? Although the media are useful if they are used cautiously and in moderation, they can turn into a severe tyrant if we become dependent on them and allow us to enslave us in a virtual world that prevents living.

Get rid of unnecessary costs

Many of us prefer to spend hard-earned money to buy things that are not needed, but only complicate life. From now on, do not throw money away, but instead spend on things that really matter.

Focus on what you love

When you do what you like, life becomes simple. And when you do not like what you do, life becomes complicated. Unfortunately, from an early age, most of us were forced to focus on things that we hate, and therefore it is not surprising that we experience so much suffering. From today, make a conscious choice to spend your energy on what you love, not what you hate, and your life will be completely transformed.

Take care of your body

Life becomes extremely difficult when we do not love our body and do not care about it. Suffering from illness turns life into torture, therefore, while we live, we learn to maintain health. Here's how to do it: eat more fresh, organic, plant products, be physically active during the day and have a good rest when feeling tired.

Make friends with nature

If possible, stroll away from the hustle and bustle of the jungle in which you most likely live. Relax so that your soul will listen to the sounds of birds, study the beauty of trees, animals and the sea, breathe in fresh air and try to find your inner world, immersed in the harmony of nature.

Do not discuss others

We use most of our time discussing others, and this attitude greatly complicates life: it distances us from each other, which in turn creates interpersonal conflicts and emotional pain. Having learned to put ourselves in the place of others and empathize with them, we can forge closer relations with each other, which will make us feel calm.

Offer your help to others

Our well-being largely depends on the well-being of others. By helping others to be healthy and happy, we help ourselves and, in some ways, the whole world. Whenever you can, offer a helping hand to those who need it to alleviate their pain. Of course, be careful, do not help others at the expense of yourself (except in rare cases). Help is one thing, and sacrifice is quite another.

Show kindness

Another obvious way to simplify life is to be kinder to people. Since we grew up in a society where competition is flourishing, most of us are constantly struggling with each other, which greatly complicates everyday life and causes even more suffering. If you behave more kindly, then you will spread the seeds of kindness, and soon you will come to the fact that people around you will behave themselves kindly towards you.

Less complain

Life is filled with obstacles that we must overcome. But, constantly complaining about the difficulties that we face, we will not cope with them. On the contrary, it distracts us from figuring out how to go beyond them, and therefore we never take concrete actions. Instead of wasting your time and energy and complaining about the problems you are facing, try to discover the root causes of the difficulties, and then make every effort to remove them from your life.

Practice meditation

The mind is good as a servant, but is bad as a master. When our minds are filled with thoughts, life becomes extremely difficult, which leads to stress and suffering. A great way to achieve a calm state of mind and bring more freedom to life is the practice of realizing events. Starting today, spend at least thirty minutes every day, practicing the meditation technique that you prefer. It will do wonders, save you from countless chaotic thoughts that can drive you crazy.

Develop a sense of gratitude

If we do not appreciate the wonderful gift of life, we can never find satisfaction. Most of us are in a continuous struggle to find or achieve more in the future, but we forget to enjoy what we were offered at that moment, so it's no wonder that life seems like an ongoing struggle. Although it's great to set new goals and make plans for tomorrow, but you need to understand that there is only the present, to accept what we really have.

Build real friendships

As social beings that we all are, we really need to feel connected with others. However, in the sick society in which we live, we feel alienated from our fellow human beings. People are afraid of intimacy and cordial relations, because they do not want to suffer, so they prefer to be isolated from others. However, this only leads to feelings of loneliness, uncertainty and discontent. If you want to release this burden that prevents you from living in joy, learn to open your heart and be friends with others. By creating friendly relations, you can give and receive a lot, saturate the soul and enrich life.

Listen to your inner voice

Since birth, many of us have been taught not to accept ourselves as we are, and to constantly strive to become others in order to feel accepted by society. Thinking that something is wrong with us, we stopped trusting the inner voice and followed what our heart dictates. We always listened to what more authoritative people told us, which was the right road to stress and poverty. The truth is that no one can know what is best for you, except for yourself. If you follow orders, it's time to stop right now. Instead, start using your critical thinking and pay attention to your emotional world.

Life can be lived easier, and yet we are all trying to complicate things. Now that you know all this, what prevents you from living easier?

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