
How to choose the navigation lights on the car? Overview, types, characteristics and reviews

The theme of daytime running lights is quite relevant among motorists. Many drivers collect these systems for their own savings. There are many such self-made options, which are more tuning elements, rather than a functional solution. These products will not be of use, and sometimes they can cause harm. Such lights are more often made from any improvised materials. Also on the market you can find many models from China.

Many still believe in the power of the latest technology and, due to their weak orientation in these technologies, fall into the marketing ploys of Chinese brothers, who indicate higher characteristics than they really are. It is necessary to find out how to choose the navigation lights on the car, which models are considered the best and what the car owners write about them. Also very important is the theme of installation and connection.

Functions of daytime running lights

DRLs are designed to designate a car on the road during the day. There is a regulation, which states that the glow should be at an angle of 30 degrees, where 10 should be above the horizontal, and another 20 - below. By the same rules, the illuminated area should be about 40 cm 2 - this will help to avoid buying not too effective light sources. Often these are models with a point light.

Those who know how to choose daytime running lights get equipment, the light of which is visible already from a distance of up to 200 m even on a clear and sunny day. DXO, in contrast to automotive optics, is characterized by a smaller glow angle. In their tasks, these light sources must create the effect of a flashlight that shines in the eyes of a person from a great distance.

Types of daytime running lights

In different countries, the types of these light devices are understood in completely different ways. It may very well be a passing beam that turns on when the engine starts. To reduce the intensity of the glow, it operates at a lower voltage.

Also distinguish independent from the electronic filling of the car front radiators or turn lamps, which work constantly. But this confuses other drivers and can lead to an emergency.

In Russia, from 20.11.2010, the SDA specifies the need to use DRL at any time of the day or night and on any roads. As the navigation lights can be used anything, down to the dipped beam or the fog lamps. By the way, the latter perfectly illuminate the roadside. Their light is quite bright, and the car with them becomes more visible on the road in all conditions. But they also have a serious flaw. Fog lights can dazzle other road users.

In Canada and the USA, it is permitted to use the driving light as a navigation light, but muffled. Some manufacturers specially install optics with low-light with low pressure.

Running lights are first of all traffic safety, so do not save on this equipment or create an absurd design with your own hands. If you know how to choose the right daytime running lights, you can purchase an inexpensive and efficient kit.

Choosing LED lights

Such DRL is a very effective way of identifying a car on the road. This is a spectacular tuning, and even the opportunity to avoid fines. Today, DRLs are quite an up-to-date norm of passive safety. Statistics show that with their implementation, the accident rate on the roads of the country has significantly decreased.

For those who do not know how to choose LED daytime running lights, preference should be given to models where the light is stable, bright and powerful enough. But first things first.

Why LEDs? Because their brightness is much higher than the most ordinary daylight. LED kits today are in great demand. They are noticeable under any conditions, and even in the brightest sun.

For those who do not know how to choose driving lights on the car, it is worth saying that the blocks have certain characteristics. It is on them that choice should be based. Below we will consider the main characteristics of DRL units.

Shape, dimensions, design

So, one of the characteristics is the shape and size. The sets of navigation lights can have different parameters and look like two replaceable or non-replaceable components. As for the design, it all depends on the designers. Modern models can be not only classical, but also curved, triangular or any other. The main criterion in the choice of shape and size is the bumper, its design features. Also important is the place where DRL will be installed.

Number of LEDs

Often the system is two blocks. Each of them can contain a certain number of diodes. This number affects the brightness of the glow, as well as the appearance. In some models, there may be 1 to 12 diodes per block. In the standard version, 5 diodes are available, but this solution is not suitable for all models and brands of cars.

Location of diodes

LEDs can be installed at the top, bottom or middle. On most models, manufacturers use the latter option, but on the sale there are also non-standard devices.

The intensity of the light flux

For those who do not know how to choose driving lights on the car, it is worth saying that when choosing it is important to keep the balance between day and night. If the LED is sufficiently bright, then in the daytime it will be able to increase the visibility of DRL, at night the bright element will blind the driver. Today, most models are using special microcontrollers that adjust brightness.

Types of LED DRL

LED driving lights can be divided into universal and standard. The first ones are created for most models and car brands. These systems are rather unpretentious, and even a child can install them. For those who do not know how to choose driving lights for cars, this is a good option.

Established solutions are specially created for a specific brand and model of the car. Both the first and the second type are produced by several well-known brands all over the world. Thanks to this, without any problems you can choose a suitable set for any size of the budget. There is another classification - on it the navigation lights are divided into external solutions and with the installation directly into the head optics.

So, the external are installed in a separate housing. Their main advantage is more simple installation and a small price. Self-installation and connection are also possible. But they are very vulnerable to various mechanical damages and have not too remarkable appearance.

The second option makes it possible to use sufficiently powerful light sources, but at the same time to completely preserve the design of the car that was developed at the plant. The installation of these solutions requires the specialist to comply with some important rules, as well as time and money.

Advantages and disadvantages of LED navigation lights

Among the advantages of such solutions can be highlighted the increased level of safety on the roadway, a significant reduction in accidents. Also these kits have minimal energy consumption. Diodes have a long service life, and the wear of the system is almost zero. Daytime running lights and an auto-on controller greatly facilitate the life of the driver - from the car owner absolutely no interference is required.

On sale there is a mass of models of different shapes, sizes, characteristics that are suitable for almost any conditions. Installation of systems is simple. Maintenance DRL practically do not demand, and the light does not blind drivers.

Among the disadvantages - the cost, because to buy a quality product cheaply simply impossible. Reliable, durable and high quality kits require investments. However, such investments will quickly pay off, because the resource of the passing beam will remain.

Another drawback - in some models of cars there are no connectors. However, this problem can be solved with minimal effort. You can install the navigation lights on the car with your own hands. The connection scheme is very simple and straightforward.

Market Review

What are they, good and best DRL? Do they exist at all? Let's try to find out. We will start with Chinese brands. So, these lights have already turned from novelties into everyday life. Some motorists prefer Chinese models, others buy expensive products from Hella or Philips. There is an opinion that everything done in China is nonsense. It's not like that at all. There are among the Chinese and decent, as well as honest producers.

Which to choose driving lights on the car

Often motorists are offered "eagle eye", "dragon's eye" or something like that. At first glance it may seem that these are the best solutions. But most of the specimens are characterized by a terrible wiring and a poor-quality aluminum body. The trouble with such structures is in the absence of heat removal. As a result, the diodes "degrade". If you need just such lights, then you should buy models from Hella. They are the best. It's expensive, but it's worth it.

There are also running lights on the flexible tape. These devices are most often made by the Chinese. The best they can not be called. And as a navigation light, they are frankly weak. There are no boards made of aluminum or even radiators. Plus there is a tightness, and they will approach unless for illumination of interior. Hella has already started developing such lights - it is worth waiting for the release of a quality model.

Still offer running lights in cases with plastic glass. Here everything is very ambiguous. You can buy a good model or run into a fake. And this is now not only about Chinese products, but also about well-known manufacturers. The first-generation Phillips navigation lights had excellent characteristics, but because of overheating and poor heat dissipation, the plastic glass just melted.

Still sold lights in the body with lenticular glasses. This decision is most preferable. If someone does not know which is better to choose daytime running lights for cars, then this is that best choice. Among the manufacturers are Philips, Osram and others. Here, both glass and aluminum, and this is the best combination.

DRL in the form of plates on light-emitting diodes is something that should be avoided. They are suitable only as a highlight. Protection from dust, liquids, radiator is not. Service life - 3 months with intensive use.

The lights that can be installed in the fog lights are the best that only offer. Here is a 10 W LED, lenses, aluminum casing and universal mounts.

The best running lights DRL: review and feedback

This review should start with brands from China, or more precisely, with Aliexpress. On the site you can find awful kits, but there are also good, if not the best, DRL models. Good Chinese lights will not be cheap.

Golden DRL Road type 2015

This is one of the best running lights from the brothers from the Middle Kingdom. The model from 2015. The case is made of aluminum. The manufacturer claims that this solution can be used as an anti-fog lamp, but this is not the case.

There are practically no minuses for this DRL. The power of each unit is 10W. There are two modifications to the color temperature. This warm white glow of 3000 K and cold white with a temperature of 6000 K. The device has an excellent heat dissipation. The brightness of the stream is 980 lm.

The model is preferable, however not on all models it can approach. As for the reviews, they say that the car with them is marked perfectly. The glow is visible from a distance of 180 meters. The opening angle corresponds to the domestic regulations. The price is 700 rubles for one block.

Philips Daylight 9

This solution is one of the best, but already from the world brand. The model has all the necessary characteristics. It combines a good design and excellent visibility. You can install this model on most cars.

9 diodes are used in the blocks. Together with the newest lenticular optics, the road illumination angle is quite large. The installation is very simple. Special latches prevent the possibility of theft of modules.

Modules are equipped with electronics, which is compatible with most types of transport, including electric cars. The body is traditionally made of aluminum, and the lenses are carefully polished. Car owners who use such products say that the light is very bright, and the case is not heated at all. The price is from 3500 to 5000 rubles. Now it is clear how to choose DRL. Running lights and dipped beam are a necessary part of any car, because safety depends on it.

So, we found out what the daytime running lights of a car are, which ones are better to choose and how much they cost.

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