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How to check the pancreas

The pancreas is a parenchymal organ that is located in the left hypochondrium at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae. It consists of a head, body and tail. In front of the gland is the stomach, behind - the aorta, the lower hollow and portal vein, to the left - the left kidney. The outlet duct, connecting with the common bile duct, flows into the duodenum. Also there is an additional move, which itself falls into this gut.

The pancreas is a complex tubular glandular formation and has special cells - islets of Langerhans secreting insulin.

The pancreas performs some important functions in the body. One of them is the production of insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. In particular, a huge role is assigned to the regulation of blood glucose and its accumulation in the form of glycogen in the liver. The second important function is the production of an alkaline reaction of juice containing trypsin, lipase and amylase. All these enzymes directly participate in digestion, splitting proteins to amino acids, fats to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates to maltose. How to check the pancreas and its functional activity, you can learn more in diagnostic methods.

Pathological processes in the gland, such as inflammation or swelling (cancer of the gland), necrosis, as well as a mechanical obstruction in the duct, can cause dysfunction of the gland. This affects mainly the digestion of fats, which are not absorbed in the body. When the islets of Largengans are damaged, diabetes mellitus of the first type develops.

How is the pancreas checked?

To diagnose, the doctor needs to know the patient's complaints. The main one is pain, which is localized in the epigastric region. It can be paroxysmal, manifests itself more often after ingestion and irradiates into the left hypochondrium, scapula. This symptom is characteristic for necrosis, chronic pancreatitis, cancer and inflammation of the gland. The intensity of pain decreases in the sitting position with the body tilted forward.

Alternation of diarrhea and constipation is also one of the symptoms of pancreatic diseases. Fecal masses have putrefactive odor and a large amount of fat.

One of the brightest examples of pancreatic disease symptoms is jaundice. Depending on the specific disease, the color of the skin and the sclera can vary from light yellow to yellow with earthy shade.

With diabetes, the first symptoms are strong thirst, hunger and polyuria.

How to check the pancreas and its functions

Palpation is important only in case of possible detection of a tumor or a cyst of considerable size. From laboratory diagnostic methods, determination is made of the number of enzymes released by the gland, examination of feces and urine, biochemical and general blood tests, ultrasound of the gland.

If suspicion of pancreatitis is done, probe the number of enzymes. A reduced enzyme content may indicate the presence of any mechanical obstruction on the way to their release into the duodenum. Such a barrier can be a stone in the bile duct or a tumor of the pancreas.

How do they check the pancreas for the analysis of feces and urine? Urinalysis is done to identify amylase. Its presence indicates an acute stage of the process. In the analysis of stool, the level of content of undigested food and fatty acids is revealed, which can speak of insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes.

A general blood test will show if there is an inflammatory process in the gland. A biochemical analysis will tell you about the level of the enzyme amylase, cholesterol (which is an indirect sign of the presence of diabetes), glucose (talks about the state of carbohydrate metabolism) and globulin.

The ultrasound of the pancreas will allow visualizing its structure and the presence or absence of cysts, tumors. Normally, the echogenicity of the pancreas should be similar to the echogenicity of neighboring organs (spleen, liver). At US of a pancreas it is possible to learn the sizes of the basic components: in norm for a tail - 35 mm, for a head - 32 mm, for a body - 21 mm. Contours of the gland should be clear, even, and the parenchyma should not have any changes.

Magnetic resonance imaging will help to more accurately say about the increase in the walls or parenchyma, the presence or absence of cysts, tumors, since with the help of special devices it is possible to obtain a layered image. For this type of study, before starting the procedure, you need to enter a contrast agent. Computer magnetic resonance imaging allows one to detect changes in 97% of cases and is the most accurate and informative method of investigation.

Radiocontrast study will determine the narrowing or widening of the excretory duct of the pancreas.

If any of the symptoms are found, you should immediately consult a doctor for help in diagnosing and treating the established pathology.

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