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How much do they apply to the registry office? How to apply to the registry office through the "State Services"?

The first step to the wedding is usually done by young people, they offer their beloved a hand and heart in the hope of hearing the cherished "yes." And now this stage is over, the young couple is happy and happy. A couple would also think about organizing a solemn event and how and where to apply for a marriage registration. And the first question, to which you need to find the answer, is: "For how much do they apply to the registry office?"

Choose a place

First of all, you need to choose a place. As a rule, this is a registry office or a wedding palace. How do they differ from each other? Civil Registry Office is an organization that registers civil status acts. Through this body of government passes information about all the dead, born, adopted or marrying. In the registrar's offices there is a ceremonial hall for ceremonies, sometimes several rooms, but in parallel people come here on completely different issues.

The wedding palace is a special place for registration of marriage in a solemn atmosphere. Everything in this building is intended only for a holiday, and the interior here is more beautiful and solemn.

There is also a third option - exit registration, that is, in fact, this solemn ceremony will be held in a place convenient for the newlyweds. However, there are several nuances. First, such an event is not cheap. Estimated cost is 30-40 thousand rubles, and for this money the client receives a minimum of services: a registrar, a wedding arch, a registrar's table, a track and 3-4 musicians with an hour's performance. But you have to pay for the rest of the design, for the place. Secondly, field registration is just a dramatization. It does not have legal force with a rare exception, for example, in St. Petersburg there is an exit registration for several memorable places in the city. But in most cases, the newlyweds need to first register in the registry office, and then arrange a beautiful play for relatives and friends. Or vice versa, first the ceremony, and then no solemn registration.


After the place has been chosen, it is necessary to determine the date. This is not such a simple question as it might seem. Some prefer only interesting combinations, for example 07.07.07, 14.07.14, 08.08.08, or significant dates only for them (dating day, first kiss and others).

Then you need to find out how many are applying to the registry office. Previously, it was filed exactly two months before the registration, and in most registry offices of the country this rule still operates. But, by law, you can apply for at least a month. And some REGISTRY OFFICES begin receiving applications three months before the expected date. And it is for this period that it is best to orient yourself, since with a large number of young couples willing to marry, there may not be a "window" on the chosen day.

How and where to apply

Where to apply to the registry office? It must be served in any chosen registry office or the Wedding Palace on the territory of the country. The presence of a residence permit for Russian citizens is not a mandatory condition (except for cities with mandatory temporary registration). But if one of the newlyweds is a citizen of another state, then he must provide proof of the legality of his stay on the territory of Russia.

Before applying it is necessary to find out the hours of work of this body of state power, and also to find out how many applications are submitted to the registry office right here. Sometimes employees take documents at once for the whole season, and this point needs to be taken into account.

Then the young couple need to come and fill out a special questionnaire, as well as submit all the necessary documents. You need to come together, but if one of the future newlyweds can not come, then the second can take for him a blank for filling the house. True, such a document must be certified by a notary. But on registration such a number will not work, both sides must be present at the marriage, and everyone must independently express his consent to marry.


Submission of the application to the registry office is accompanied by the transfer of all necessary steps to confirm the legality of this step of the documents:

  • Passports;
  • Receipt confirming payment of state duty;
  • People who were previously married should be provided with a certificate of death of the spouse or certificate of divorce.

Documents for the application in the registry office for foreigners are the same, but the passport and certificate of divorce (death of the spouse) must be confirmed by a notarized translation. In addition, you need to provide a visa (permission to stay in Russia) and a certificate of the actual marital status. Citizens of the CIS can marry Russian citizens in any registry office of the country. Citizens from far abroad - only in several civil registry offices of the country, in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

How to apply to the online registry office

Sometimes the newlyweds choose one date, and then several months try to get on record for the cherished number. This is very inconvenient, since on "good" days of the week (Friday, Saturday) in the warm season there are always many people who wish. And in some cities you can see a slightly sad picture when on the day of "X" the queue starts to occupy from 4-5 in the morning, and sometimes even in the evening.

Fortunately, today it became possible to apply to the registrar through the "State Services". This is done very simply.

  1. Register on the portal. Those who have ever been registered on any site, the procedure will be understandable. The only difference is that the activation code can only be received via mail or at the "Rostelecom" point.
  2. Select the locality and the corresponding service.
  3. Enter all information about the bride and groom. It must be reliable.
  4. Select the date and time of registration. Several nuances: it is necessary to double-check whether the registrar has been selected, and whether the chosen date and time falls on a weekend or lunch break. On the portal such an application will pass, but in the registry office the young couple will be denied.
  5. Through the "State Service" can easily and quickly apply to the registry office. Documents necessary for the marriage, however, will need to be brought on their own, in about 2-2.5 months. And at the same time confirm the statement.

So, through the portal "State Service" you can book the wedding date not earlier than 5.5, and no later than 2.5 months. The electronic application is a preliminary step, and the application will still have to be submitted personally.


When marrying a newly-married couple you need to decide what name the new cell of society will have. You can take the surname of your wife, your husband or combine them, and also stay with everyone in your own. However, when the child is born this question will arise again, and if the baby and one of the parents have different surnames, then the surrounding people may have questions. It will not be easy for the child to go to school, where he has to justify himself, that in fact, mom and dad love each other and live together, but for some reason they do not want to be called the same.

The only situation where the reluctance to change a passport is justified is the fame of the spouse when the surname is a kind of brand or trademark.

How to speed up the registration

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that the marriage should be registered as soon as possible. So, for how many applications are submitted to the registry office in non-standard situations and how to speed up the registration?

Marriage can be registered before the statutory monthly grace period in the following circumstances:

  • pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • Threat to the life of one of the spouses;
  • Early departure for a long business trip;
  • Other reasons.

The decision to shorten the term is taken by the registrar's office, and in special circumstances the couple is registered directly on the day of appeal.

Changing the date

If the entry is preliminary, and in fact the application has not yet been submitted, then you can transfer the date to any free number.

If all the formalities are passed, then a good reason is necessary to postpone the registration date. For example, the illness of one of the newlyweds. If there is such a reason, you can ask to register a marriage at home or in the hospital or postpone the date, but no more than for a month.

Refusal of registration

Young couples may refuse to register a marriage for the following reasons:

  1. If one of the parties is already married.
  2. If the bride and groom are in close relationship (for medical reasons).
  3. The marriage between adoptive parents and adopted children is prohibited (for moral reasons).
  4. If one of the parties is found incompetent (before marriage).
  5. If at least one of the parties is at the time of registration in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.
  6. If the marriage is fictitious, that is , there is no desire at least one of the parties to create a family.

These are the main reasons for the refusal. If a young couple believes that they were denied wrongly, then such a decision can be appealed in court.

It's very simple to say "we want to apply to the registrar" and it's much more difficult to make sure that the date of marriage satisfies everyone: a young couple, parents on both sides, and numerous guests. With the advent of a convenient Internet service on the portal "State Service" it is much easier to do, which means that half of the matter has already been done. Now it remains to plan a bright and memorable celebration, but this is a completely different story.

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