HealthDiseases and Conditions

How and how to treat spurs on the heels

The heel spur is a bone growth that looks like a beak or thorn in the area of the sole surface of the heel bone of the heel, and also in places where the Achilles tendon is attached . Heel spurs can occur in both young and old people, both in women and men. On the question - how to treat spurs on the heels, there are many answers, many folk recipes have proved their magnificent miracle action. The causes of the appearance of this disease can be various directions: longitudinal platypodia, rheumatism, chronic or acute trauma, and neurodystrophic or vascular disorders, and even infections can lead to the appearance of a calcaneal spur.

Usually the first signs of a calcaneal spur are pain on walking, the first steps of a person who woke up, and also pain in the legs with a prolonged sitting position. Also, a spur on the heel of the symptoms can mean a sharp, piercing-cutting pain in the heel with support. Such pain can be repeated rarely, but can be chronic, passing from less mild pain to stronger and more acute pain. So how to treat spurs on the heels? There are two options for an answer - either contact a doctor, or do self-treatment, but be extremely cautious. A doctor can cure this disease in several processes, it is recommended not one, but the holding of several health improvement activities at once. An experienced doctor will prescribe a treatment, prescribe drugs, ointments and gels that have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the question - how to treat spurs on the heels, a competent answer can only give a specialist. In general, self-medication is not recommended with a calcaneal spur. First, a person can achieve a completely unpleasant result, and secondly, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of the pain, as well as to determine the diagnosis of the disease. Thus, to get rid of spurs on the heels can only be combined with doctors - orthopedic, rheumatologist and arthrologist. Only they will examine the patient and prescribe the right treatment. After all, there are several main causes of the manifestation of diseases:

- trauma or overload of the tendon;

- infectious lesions, especially genital organs;

- gout and inflammatory diseases.

These serious diseases can become synoptic calcaneal spurs. But still, if a person does not consider it necessary to go to the hospital, then to the question - how to treat spurs on the heels, there are several tips and folk remedies:

- When fighting with a heel spur will help the burdock leaves, which must be tied at night to the heels or feet, on top you need to wind the rag and tie it with a plastic bag. This procedure should not be more than 10 days;

- salt, iodine and honey also help, for this you will need to make a gruel. Take honey - a tablespoon, iodine - 1 vial, salt - 1 teaspoon. Mix everything and apply to a bandage or cotton wool. This bandage should also be wrapped in a bag and kept all night;

- You can make special herbal baths, which may include wormwood, burdock and nettles. Treatment for about a month, hovering in the foot bath. But the disease will disappear forever;

- Fly agaric - an excellent mushroom, which helps to get rid of the heel spur. For this, it is necessary to apply fresh fly agaric to the heels;

- The usual fat will also help in the fight of this disease. To do this, melt about 100 grams of fat in a frying pan and add 100 grams of vinegar, a teaspoon of honey and a chicken raw egg. This lotion should be insisted on for about two days and put on a sickly steamed leg every night. For the full effect, you need to wear a sock, this procedure takes about a week and then disappears.

There are also other methods of healing and treating the calcaneal spur, but these are the most common.

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