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Hemorrhoids in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment

Hemorrhoids are one of the most delicate health problems. It can be both for women and for men, and at any age. The reasons for its occurrence, in principle, are similar for both sexes, but in women hemorrhoids can appear under the influence of their inherent physiology. It is known that hemorrhoids in men, nowadays, are often the result of a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, and can also be caused by lifting weights. It is noted that this disease also has a hereditary character. Hemorrhoids in women, the causes of which we describe below, can be hereditary or acquired due to an incorrect lifestyle. In addition, it is often a consequence of pregnancy and childbirth.

Hemorrhoids in women

Causes His presence in the fairer sex can be as follows. It is noticed that this delicate problem worries modern ladies, who spend almost all of their working day in a sitting or standing position. That is, for a long time there is no motor activity, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. This is a favorable factor for the development of hemorrhoids. In the field of risk are such trades as salesmen, cashiers, secretaries, accountants. What else can cause hemorrhoids in women? The reasons often lie in the diet. For example, it can be meager and devoid of important elements for the work of the intestine, when a girl is on a diet to rapidly lose weight. This leads to constipation, which is almost always the first step to hemorrhoids. Why else can there be hemorrhoids in women? The reasons can be emotional. Those. Hemorrhoids can develop against a background of constant stress and acute, sensitive response to any life situations.

Hemorrhoids in women after childbirth

It's no secret that many mothers have hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after natural birth. During the bearing of the child in the pelvic area, active circulation of blood proceeds, but the woman is very small Or does not move at all. This leads to stagnation of blood, in addition, the uterus, increasing, presses on all organs. This pressure reaches its apogee at the time of delivery, when the increased tension in the abdominal cavity affects all of its organs. Another purely feminine cause of hemorrhoids is the menstrual cycle. During it there is also an active blood flow to the pelvic area, which may, if not follow certain rules, lead to hemorrhoids. At this time, you need to move a lot, watch personal hygiene, do not eat fatty, spicy food, refrain from alcohol, so as not to develop hemorrhoids.

Symptoms in Women

Treatment of hemorrhoids is often carried out by folk and home remedies, without medical advice. However, doctors warn against such amateur activity, because hemorrhoids - this is a serious disease, which, with its incorrect treatment, can even be transformed into intestinal cancer. What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? Sharp pain in the anus, itching, swelling, which can be felt by hand. These painful sensations can take this form when a woman is already difficult to sit or stand. Blood during defecation, prolapse of hemorrhoids - these are also symptoms of hemorrhoids. As for his treatment, it can only be prescribed by a proctologist. In the early stages, candles, ointments, creams, and medications are used, as agreed, you can use something from domestic and folk remedies. At advanced stages or in difficult cases resort to surgical intervention.

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