HealthDiseases and Conditions

Heart disease: list and symptoms, treatment

The heart is the motor of the whole organism. The global ecological catastrophe, the modern pace of life, unbalanced diet and an increased level of daily stress lead to a disruption in the work of this vital organ. In most cases, heart disease leads to a deterioration in the standard of living, depending on medications or devices. And in some cases - to disability, in difficult situations - to the death of the patient. In this article we will talk about what are known diseases of the heart: a list and symptoms, modern methods of treatment of official and traditional medicine.

General symptomatology

We will tell you what heart diseases are: list and symptoms, treatment - nothing will be left without attention. There are many types and subspecies of heart diseases. Each case has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. But for convenience of definition of a problem in medical circles it is accepted to classify illnesses of heart, leaning against the general signs. Therefore, it is possible to identify the symptoms characteristic of the majority of cardiac problems, in the presence of which a person should immediately consult a cardiologist for further examination:

  1. Fatigue and fatigue. Unfortunately, almost every second person living in a metropolis has such a symptom. It is unlikely that someone will pay attention to such a mild ailment. But if for you this condition was not previously the norm, but appeared quite unexpectedly and lasted for a long time, this is a serious reason for concern about heart health.
  2. Frequent pulse and palpitations. Such a state is normally observed during physical exertion, anxiety, fear or excitement. But if the arrhythmia is manifested daily or even several times a day for no apparent reason, take a survey from a specialist.
  3. Shortness of breath - complicated breathing, feeling of lack of air. This symptom occurs in 90% of people suffering from a particular heart disease.
  4. Dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, sweating, swelling. Such signs in some patients appear regularly, while others are completely absent.
  5. Pain in the chest often warns of an impending heart attack. The symptom has various manifestations: the pain can be sharp short-term or long-term "squeezing", there are feelings of heaviness, stiffness in the chest. Unpleasant sensations can spread into the shoulder girdle, the left arm or leg.

It is worth noting the fact that people often do not pay attention to most body signals. In addition, there is not always a pronounced pain syndrome of a particular heart disease. The list and symptoms in each case are individual. Disregard for one's own health worsens the statistics of medical statistics: about 40% of all deaths are a consequence of heart disease.


Why do diseases of the heart appear? The names, the list of such problems every day becomes longer. The causes of heart disease are very different. Primarily affects the hereditary factor, as well as various violations of pregnancy of a woman, contributing to the formation of pathologies of the development of the fetal heart muscle.

Acquired heart problems appear due to malnutrition. Concerning what exactly products lead to disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, doctors conduct discussions. Some believe that excessive consumption of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates adversely affects their health. While other luminaries of science claim that just the absence of animal fats, the supersaturation of the body with polyunsaturated acids leads to problems of the heart muscle. One way or another, we can conclude that for the prevention of cardiovascular disease should adhere to the golden mean in the diet and saturate the body with various useful substances.

The lack of physical activity, the abuse of alcohol and nicotine adversely affect the health of our internal natural motor. Common are heart diseases on the nerves. A list of such health problems is increasing daily.

Lead to the diseases of the heart can and accompanying ailments. For example, metabolic disorders, hematopoiesis and blood flow.

Heart Disease: List

The syndrome of palpitations is found in almost every third inhabitant of the planet. The heart rate and heartbeat jumps without reason are called arrhythmia or a violation of the heart rate. Such a condition is not a disease in itself, but it has uncomfortable symptoms and is considered a marked sign of heart problems of various origins: from the violation of blood supply to the toxic effects of narcotic drugs.

Arrhythmia Treatment

To eliminate the problem, you need to identify the root cause and fight it with it. There are also medications to reduce the rhythm of the heartbeat, for example, "Dizopiramid", "Timolol", "Verapamil", "Magnesium sulphate" and others. They differ in the method of action and have a number of adverse reactions, contraindications. Self-administration of anti-arrhythmia drugs is unsafe for health.

Broths and infusions of herbs are widely used to normalize the rate of heartbeat. You can learn more about them in the corresponding chapter.

Heart failure

Such a condition as heart failure, as well as arrhythmia, is not considered a disease, but is a consequence of a malfunction of the heart. In this case, people are concerned about the symptoms of heart problems, most often - shortness of breath and rapid unusual fatigue. Also, cyanosis of the nail plates and nasolabial triangle is noted due to a violation of the blood supply of tissues.

Inflammatory diseases: pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis

There are heart diseases, the list and symptoms of which are indicated below, having an inflammatory character:

  1. Pericarditis is an inflammation in the pericardial cavity. The cause of this problem are other diseases of the body, in particular, autoimmune and infectious. Also, pericarditis can develop after an injury. There is a stagnation of fluid in the indicated heart, which leads to difficulty in contracting the muscle, disrupting its work. This complication within a few hours develops to a serious form - tamponade of the heart. Pressure in the pericardium caused by the increase in fluid and inflammation of the walls may limit the ability of the organ to contract, until it stops completely. Pericarditis does not immediately manifest symptoms, which also adversely affects the medical prognosis for the patient. This disease is deadly dangerous.
  2. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium. The disease develops under the influence of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Often passes without severe symptoms. Recovery in this case occurs on their own. According to the indications, antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulating therapy can be used. This disease is dangerous for the possible development of cardiomyopathy (stretching the inner area of the heart muscle).
  3. Endocarditis is an inflammation of the endocardium, the inner shell of the heart. Disease of an infectious origin. It can be formed even after a minor surgical intervention, for example, when the tooth is removed. Symptoms are quite pronounced:
  • fever;
  • high body temperature;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Grayish color of the skin;
  • Thickening of phalanges of fingers;
  • Enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  • Development of kidney problems;
  • Noises in the heart when listening with a stethoscope.

Disease is not only harmful to the heart, but also to the possibility of complications in other organs. Eliminate with the help of antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action such heart diseases. Symptoms and treatment depend on the severity and general condition of the patient. The course of taking antibiotics is at least two weeks. With timely access to a doctor, the prognosis for the patient is 70% favorable. But the deaths from this disease are regularly recorded. And often the lethal outcome comes not only because of a violation of the heart, but also from the failure of the liver and kidneys.

Problems of an inflammatory nature in the tissues of the heart muscle lead to complications, fatal heart diseases develop. The list of such pathologies is regularly replenished.

Ischemic disease

Atherosclerotic diseases of the heart are widespread. The list and methods of their treatment are determined depending on the symptomatology. So, ischemic heart disease is an extremely dangerous condition. A characteristic feature is a violation of blood flow in large vessels of the body, including in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the myocardium. Ischemic disease accounts for 90% of all heart diseases. The genetic predisposition, the elderly patient's age, excess weight, diabetes, the reception of some medications, bad habits and an incorrect way of life contribute to the formation of such a problem.

This disease is dangerous by the development of such pathological conditions that can lead to death:

  1. Heart failure.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Angina pectoris.
  4. Myocardial infarction - necrosis of the area of the inner shell of the heart muscle.
  5. Heart failure.

Treatment of ischemic disease

Since this disease is a common problem, we will pay special attention to modern methods of treating ischemic heart disease. Depending on the symptoms, the physician selects appropriate treatment, but the general recommendations are:

  • Reduction in physical activity;
  • Diet (decrease in the amount of water and salt consumed).

Medical preparations

Such heart diseases are treated medicamentously. The list of drugs that help improve blood flow and promote the cleavage of cholesterol plaques is as follows:

  • Antiaggregants "Trombopol", "Clopidogrel";
  • Adrenoblockers Coronal, Betaloc, Dilatrend;
  • Nitrates;
  • Anticoagulants;
  • Diuretics.

Surgical methods

For the treatment of coronary heart disease the following surgical methods are used:

  1. Coronary bypass surgery.
  2. Introduction of medical balloon.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate this disease today. Methods of treatment are used to prevent the development of complications, including infarction and slowing the progression of ischemic disease.

Congenital ailments

There are congenital heart diseases. The names, list, symptoms depend on the nature of the pathology. In the period of fetal development of the fetus in the presence of adverse factors, it is possible to develop various violations of the formation of the heart muscle and adjacent arteries. Such birth defects are the main causes of death of newborns and children of the first year of life. Often kids with congenital heart defects remain deep disabled.

The main risk factor is genetic. Secondary factors are the following: ecological, viral and infectious diseases transferred by a pregnant woman, poisoning with chemicals, abuse of nicotine, alcohol, drug use by a future mother.

When a pathology of the development of the heart muscle in a newborn is often prescribed surgical intervention according to the indications. But such a cardinal method has a high level of risk. Unfortunately, the forecasts are disappointing, the likelihood of death or disability is very high when diagnosing a serious pathology.

Folk remedies for heart disease

Treat and folk remedies unpleasant symptoms of heart disease. Names (list) of herbs and fruits that will help normalize the pulse, reduce pressure on the heart muscle, remove stagnant fluid, improve blood flow and metabolism, soothe, improve sleep and improve immunity, the following:

  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • Rose hips;
  • valerian;
  • calendula.

Prevention of heart disease

Unfortunately, no one is immune from genetic and hereditary factors. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent congenital heart diseases. The list and symptoms of such diseases should be known to everyone, and at the first suspicions it is necessary to address to the cardiologist for professional inspection. This significantly increases the chance of a full recovery.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Adhere to proper nutrition, watch your weight, actively spend leisure, regularly undergo a medical examination, especially pay attention to the diagnosis of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Watch for the signals of your body - a timely call to the doctor can not only improve the quality of life, but in many cases, and save such a valuable gift.

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