Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Gentile gymnastics is the guarantee of health and longevity

If you do not have the time or opportunity to practice in the gym, but you still want to somehow keep your body toned, then you can perform exercises and at home. This will allow you not only to increase muscle tone and get rid of excess body fat, but also make yourself healthier and thereby increase life expectancy. There are a lot of different complexes for training at home today, but if you have a pair of dumbbells, then the best option will be dumbbell exercises.


Ginger gymnastics has a number of serious advantages, and the most important of them is simplicity and the lack of the need to buy additional equipment. All you need for classes is a pair of dumbbells. They do not need a lot of space in the house and they do not require any care. In addition, they are useful in that they can simulate as accurately as possible all the natural movements that each person does in his life. That's why dumbbell exercises are so popular in most developed countries of the world. It can be used both as a morning exercise , and as a full exercise for different muscle groups.

Classes for women

Women dumbbell exercises will help to become more slender and fit. It has a number of its features - the greatest effect is the performance of exercises in a circle with a fairly large number of repetitions (around 15-20). In one training day it is desirable to perform exercises for all the muscles of the body, and dumbbells should not be very heavy. For women, the main training principle should be high intensity training, because by nature they are very hardy.

Gymnastics for men

Gentile gymnastics for men is aimed at both maintaining muscle tone and building muscle mass in parallel with burning excess fat. Most often the goal of a man becomes a set of muscle mass, and for this you need heavier dumbbells. So it is desirable for men to buy dismountable shells with enough additional pancakes.

They are best served by several different types of training. For example, one workout can be devoted to exercises for the muscles of the upper body, and the other for the lower one. This separation will be effective for increasing muscle mass.

Training after 40 years

When the age of a man passes the forty-year boundary, some changes begin in his body. Thus, the level of testosterone synthesis decreases to a considerable extent, and this leads to a worsening of the tonus of the musculature and the general physical state. A man's sleep worsens and his working capacity decreases, and metabolism slows down, which causes the body to begin to defer fat more actively.

Gentle gymnastics for men after 40 years is aimed at restoring the right hormonal background and overall health promotion. It normalizes the work of all organ systems, especially cardiovascular. Systematic training with dumbbells is guaranteed to increase the duration and quality of life of every man, regardless of age.

Complexes of dumbbell exercises

To date, there are several hundred different movements that can be performed with dumbbells to work out a particular muscle group. Sports methodologists are engaged in the fact that they are assembled from them complexes of dumbbell gymnastics, intended for various purposes. Some of them we will give in this article.

It is worth remembering that you need to adequately choose the weight of dumbbells, and the number of repetitions depends entirely on your physical condition and the goal that you want to achieve. Before training, be sure to warm up to avoid possible injuries. If the air temperature allows, open the window so that there is free oxygen in the room.

An approximate set of exercises might look something like this:

1. Workout on the bottom of the body:

  • Squats with dumbbells on the shoulders / on the sides of the body - 5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Multidirectional attacks with dumbbells / walking attacks - 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Slopes - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • Rises on socks - 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

2. Training on the top of the body:

  • Thrust of dumbbells / one dumbbell in slope - 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Bench press / dilution - 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Mahi dumbbells in the sides standing / in the slope - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  • Bending of the hand with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Extension of the arm with dumbbell sitting from behind the head / in the slope / lying - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Do not blindly copy this complex. This is just an example of one of many training options. Choose the exercises that will be most convenient and suitable for you. Try yourself the exercises you like with dumbbells. Or do something your own.

The main thing is to regularly and periodically change the exercises or the form of their execution so that the muscles can work at different angles.

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