Law, State and Law
FSB than is engaged? Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation: authority
As we know, any country is an extensive organization that provides an adequate standard of living for its people. Thus, the welfare of a country directly affects the quality of life of its inhabitants. The latter, in turn, must ensure the protection of their state. This fact people realized in ancient times, which led to the creation of armies. Its representatives have always had honor and popularity in the society.
However, in addition to conventional military formations, in every power there existed security agencies that fought the intelligence activities of other countries on their territory. Such organizations in most cases implemented their activities in the shadows to hide from prying eyes methods and methods of work. Nevertheless, today the existence and functioning of many structures of state security is not surprising, since they exist in almost every country.
As for Russia, in our country there is also a special agency called the Federal Security Service or the FSB. What this organization does, its structure and functions will be discussed further in the article.
What is the FSB?
The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a special-purpose body belonging to the executive branch of power. He implements the tasks inherent in their essence. The work of the federal body is aimed at comprehensive provision of state security. It is worth noting that the FSB, as well as FSO, SVR and GFS, refers to special services. This means that the department is authorized to carry out preliminary investigation and operative-search activity within its powers. The FSB is directly led by the Russian president through the director. The chief of the FSB is Bortnikov Alexander Vasilyevich. The number of personnel of the service is classified.
History of creation
There are many legends about such an agency as the FSB. What this body does is known within the framework of the regulatory framework that regulates its activities. The remaining tasks can only be guessed. However, interest is not only the activity of the FSB, but also its long history. It should be noted that the special service was created by an official decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993.
But as such, service originated in the first half of the 20th century. The progenitor was the Extraordinary Committee, established immediately after the revolution. The Cheka became the main body that provided the dictatorship of the proletariat. Representatives of the organization fought counter-revolution, as well as representatives of the most dangerous gangs that were active in Russia at that time. The successor to the Cheka was the NKVD, which was later reorganized into the State Security Committee. The body operated until the collapse of the Soviet Union. When the above-mentioned state ceased to exist, the question arose about creating a unit that deals with state security already in independent Russia. As it was mentioned earlier, the FSB became such body.
Throughout its history, the Federal Security Service has been reorganized several times. The most significant changes were made in 2003 and 2004. In the first case, the Federal Security Service introduced a border service. The next stage was the reorganization of the personnel structure of the security organ. The number of deputy directors of the FSB was reduced to four from twelve.
Normative regulation
The activities of the FSB and other similar state structures are carried out on the basis of certain legislative acts. In other words, there is a separate regulatory framework. Thus, in its activities, the FSB is guided by the provisions of the following official acts:
- Constitution of the Russian Federation.
- FZ "On the Federal Security Service".
- Normative acts of the government.
- Departmental orders.
The presented list of normative documents shows that the activities of the FSB are legitimate and democratic. In addition, official documents determine the direction of the work of the body.
Functions of the Federal Security Service
The law "On the Federal Security Service" provides an exhaustive list of areas for which the department carries out its work. At the same time, it should be noted that the functions of the service can be expanded by introducing amendments to the relevant normative acts. In this case, it should be noted that ensuring the security of the Russian Federation is, of course, the main task of the department mentioned in the article. However, it is implemented in a complex way, that is, in different directions. Thus, today the FSB works in the following areas:
- Fighting the most dangerous types of crime;
- Fight against extremism and terrorism;
- Carrying out counterintelligence activities;
- Protection of the state border;
- Security in the field of information.
The current federal legislation also defines other areas of the FSB, for example, combating corruption.
Structure of the Office
The law "On the FSB" in many ways gives an understanding of the structure of the service presented in the article. This issue is extremely interesting for today. After all, the structure shows the priority of certain areas of the service. Thus, to date, the system includes the following departments, services and departments of the FSB:
- Directly the Office of the Office;
- Service of counterintelligence and protection of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation;
- Security service of economic orientation;
- Border, personnel and personal security;
- Investigation Department;
- Department of military counterintelligence.
There are also other, smaller units that are part of the FSB. What each structural department does is understandable by analyzing the regulatory framework and other official information about the service.
Special units
Employees of the FSB perform completely different tasks when working in certain structural formations of the service. However, there are units, before which are set targets. This formation is the FSB Special Purpose Center. It consists of two departments: "A" ("Alpha") and "B" ("Vympel"). Subdivisions are engaged in special tasks. For example, Alfa is an organization established to fight terrorism, free hostages and solve other important tasks. Alfa fighters often perform tasks in hot spots, such as Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.
As for the unit "Vympel", it is one of the most secret to date. The size, command and personnel of the administration are unknown. The organization's activities are also covered in mystery. About its functioning can be judged only by rumors, according to which, "Vympel" is used for activities abroad.
Features of the staffing
Any government agency staff selects carefully. Employees of the FSB in this case come to the service in the body as servicemen or on the basis of civilian personnel. At the same time, the department welcomes people who already have an education in certain fields of activity. In addition, there is a special academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In this educational institution representatives of the officers for certain departments of the department are trained.
So, we tried to analyze the features of such a structure as the FSB. What this body does, the features of its system and staffing have also been described in the article. It remains to be hoped that in the future the agency will only improve in its work, since its activities are directly related to Russia's security.
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