Spiritual developmentMystic

Fortunetelling for the desire for Christmas. Svyetkovye divination: ways and types

The tradition of holy fortune-telling goes back to the distant pagan past. With the adoption of Christianity, sorcery and magic began to be considered a great sin. To play with fate, to try to penetrate into the future is a dangerous occupation. It may be that the prediction is false, but a man believed in it. So life does not break for a long time to yourself or anyone else. However, there are days in the year when all bans are lifted, and witchcraft does not bear trouble. This, of course, Christmas tree. In fact, any guessing is a fortune-telling. True predictions - whether they are good or bad - will soon be forgotten. Maybe, for this reason, once a year and you can ask about fate - to find out the truth and forget.

Christmas time - the time of well-deserved rest and collective entertainment

Fortune-telling on the desire cards in Russia was not very practiced. It is much more interesting to know the future in colorful details - from which side will the bridegroom, what is his name, how it looks. These are all maiden questions, and older people were interested in the crop, the fertility of cattle, the weather in the coming year, and so on. These questions could be answered at a holy time. When do holy fortune-telling begin? You can start them right after the appearance of a star in the sky, announcing the birth of the Savior.

What young person entering into adulthood does not dream to know his fate? Guessing for the fulfillment of the desire of the girls is, first of all, questions about marriage. What lies ahead - prosperity or poverty, will families have children, health and prosperity? All this is very interesting!

Throughout the year, hardworking people are full of concerns: in the spring - sowing, in the summer - mowing, harvesting supplies for the winter for the family and cattle, in the autumn - harvesting and podzimniy sowing. Christmas trees come in the most serene period - from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany and the Savior. After spending a year in the fasting and abstinence of Filippovka (Christmas Lent), having defended a long solemn Christmas service in the church, the people began to have fun and festivities, which lasted two weeks. During the day, prepared and hearty food - borscht, chilli, pies, pies. Pies did a lot, because Christmas trees - it's going to visit, treat, caroling. In winter it gets dark early. Traditional gatherings and entertainment come with sunset, when the holy fortune-telling begins.

Christmas tree as an excuse to make new acquaintances

In each locality there were experts on the most correct methods of prediction. They invariably tried to call to their party, because even the simplest divination for the fulfillment of desire is to be painted with more precise details. The gourmets were lured with treats, coaxed with gifts and affectionate words. Experienced foretellers were some kind of actors. Famous sub-cameral prophecies were accompanied by the performance of special tunes, round dances. Girls, going to visit for fortune-telling on the desire for Christmas, dressed up in the most beautiful dresses, hair was removed with ribbons and colored scarves - after all, the company will necessarily have young men. During these gatherings, the young people got acquainted, had fun, got married, and parents sent their parents to Shrove Tuesday to play a wedding on Red Hill.

Podglyadian fortune-telling

The most colorful and populous fortune-telling fortunes for the Christmas Eve took place with the participation of a matchmaker and were called sub-Jews. At such parties usually gathered a lot of people, there were guys and girls. Guests participating in the action put their rings, earrings or other small personal items in a large dish with water, and the matchmaker lowered bread, salt and ash with the appropriate verdict. Young people with a song drove around her round dance. At the end of each verse, the matchmaker, with the words "What to do - that can not be avoided!" Took out two subjects. The hosts took their things, and the action lasted until the dish was left empty. If a couple of objects belonging to two girls or two young men were taken out, the matchmaker could, at her discretion, put them back, but could give to the owners.

There were other variants of camphor divination. In this case, each verse of a camel song contained a brief description of some event - weddings, travel, birth of a child, wealth, poverty, illness, death - all that accompanies a person's life and stands out as the most significant. For each story marked in the song, an item was taken from the dish. The prediction was interpreted according to what was heard

Divination by cards

Haggle fortune-telling is a collective entertainment. On the cards in the company to guess is not interesting. This is a lesson for two, because a fortune teller usually tells a person about his future, past and present for a long time and in detail, while others around him may get bored. And yet, the demand for this kind of interpretation of fate in this period is very large. Predictors, the tarologists, record wishing for a queue for a certain hour, because fortune telling on cards for the desire for a Tarot deck is not available to many. This is a whole philosophy, but there are also simpler ways. The divination of fortune-telling on the maps of the French prophetess, Madame Lenormann, is much shorter and more accessible. Pictures depicting a ring, a road, rats, a coffin, a child, the sun, a book and other objects and phenomena, very clearly demonstrate what the next year prepared for the inquirer.

About marriage, you can find out by the usual playing deck, using court figures with the suit of suits. This holy guess on maps looks like this. On the kings and jacks men are making plans. At night, these cards and one lady, indicating the very guessing, are put under the pillow. Then I must say: "I go to sleep on the Zion mountains, three angels in my head. One sees, another says, the third fate predicts me. All good things will come to pass, and bad things will not come to pass and be forgotten. " After that, you can not talk to anyone until the very morning. We must go to bed before midnight. And the next day, immediately after awakening, the first card that comes under the arm is removed. If this lady, then in the next year the girl will not marry.

Fortune Tellers

There is one more common and no less simple guessing on the desire to learn about the groom. Under the pillow is put a comb, this procedure is accompanied by the following words: "Souchen-mummified, come to me dressed, comb your head." In the morning under the pillow on the crest should be hair. By its color, the groom's bride learns.

The unmarried girls hung out a towel at the window for the night and said: "Seriously-mummified, come to me to wash." If the towel is wet for the morning, it means that this year the fortuneteller will meet with her future husband, and if she remains dry, then she will have to wait for the next year.

The unpretentious guessing on three tea or coffee cups told, the girl will marry, will get a groom or remain free until next year. Under each cup it is necessary to put a ringlet, a flower and a ribbon. If the choice falls on the flower, then the girl will get acquainted with the suchenes, if the ribbon, it will be a free bird all year round, well, and if the ring, then everything is clear.

What did family people wonder about

Married women, wanting to know what gender the baby was born, poured water into a large spoon and froze it. We looked at it in the morning, and if the ice turned out to be convex, then a boy will be born, if the girl is concave, and if it remains flat, then there will not be an addition in the family.

Business people did not forget about daily bread and did weather forecasts for the whole year by months. For this, 12 bulbs were taken and immediately after the Christmas church service they were placed in a row on the windowsill. All the vegetables consistently denoted every month of the year. On the 19th of January they were examined. Wet marked the rainy months, and dry - dry weather. Thus, it was possible to plan work, for example, roof repair or planting.

Scary fortune-telling

Brave girls went to ransack in the bath. There, according to legends, the bath spirit inhabited, which on holy days could show the girl of her future husband. Bathhouse divination for the desire for Christmas-day was carried out at night, when everyone had already gone to bed. The girl took two mirrors with her and a white plate filled with water without a picture. Taking off all the clothes, except for the shirt, unknotting the knots and taking off the cross from her neck, she, guessing by the light of two candles, installed a corridor from the mirrors. Counting twelve reflections, the girl looked at the plate with water and peered at her. As soon as the face appeared there, she had to turn everything over immediately, and grabbing the cross, run away from the bath. This was a very dangerous occupation, since the bath spirit could scare the curious to death and even suffocate if it lingers. And such cases have happened.

The most desperate went to church. Guessing on the desire for candles was as follows. The girls lit candles and set them in front of the altar. By the sequence in which they burned, determined the order of marriage. And on the nagar and the crackling of candles, they judged how the marriage would be.

Guessing with fire

Candles were also used for another way of predicting fate. So, they lit a long thin candle and held it tightly, without moving, over a dish of water until a small cinder was left. Dripping, the wax created a variety of patterns. For their interpretation, a remarkable imagination was required. To help girlfriends should be calculated with caution. After all, each has its own destiny, and they can see something relating to themselves, and not to the one that held the candle, and willy-nilly distort the prediction.

There is a very amusing guessing on paper on the desire to learn the main events of the beginning of the year. Prediction occurs in 3D format. It will take a clean white wall and a large sheet of paper. The paper must be crushed into a large soft lump, put on a tin tray and set on fire. Lighting must be turned off, since the image is read by the shadows on the wall, which casts the burning paper. To be able to guess, try first to hold it with a small sample of paper. When you make sure that the shadows are seen well, you can proceed with the main action. This is a guessing on the desire for precision, because subconsciously each person knows his destiny, only we do not always know how to use our own intuition.

Guessing with glasses

The events of the year can be determined in one more way. Take four identical glasses, number and arrange in them four elements - a ring, salt, bread and sugar. A girl or a young man, that is, one who asks a question, closes his eyes. One helper untwists the fortune-teller around the axis, the other swaps the glasses. Then the questioner is led to the glasses, and he, without looking, chooses one of them. If it turns out to be a ring, then there will be a wedding or betrothal, if salt is sorrows, bread is a rich life and good work, sugar is a serene and happy year. The one who chose the ring can find out when he will have an important event - marriage or betrothal. For this, the glasses are emptied, the person is again unwound. The glass at number 1 means January, February or March, at number 2 - April, May or June, 3 - July, August or September, 4 - October, November or December.

Funny fortune-telling

Pets also took part in the charity. In earlier times, so-called bird-guessing was loved. Whether the desire will come true or not depends on the chicken's foot or the cock first crosses the threshold: if it's right, then the enigmatic will come true, and if it's left, it will not. The bird was frightened of a noisy gathering of strangers, ran away, she was poured grains, persuaded to come.

A company of friends and girlfriends can have a lot of fun if they decide to divulge with a large chest full of utensils or a chiffonier. To help fortune-tellers need a child of five or seven years, who is not very well versed in things. Youth blindfold, and the kid takes out different objects from the closet and asks: "This is whose?" To the one who answers: "Mine", untie the eyes and give the chosen object. When all participants are interviewed and endowed with things, one can deal with the interpretation of meaning. Since any divinatory fortune-telling extends only for the next year, then in the subjects determine the main events of this period for each of the actors. Threads, belts, ties, shoes or a suitcase always portend the road and travel, the key is the acquisition of real estate or a car, the pants that the girl has gotten, even if they are women, promise a new acquaintance with the man, if the young man gets a skirt, then he will have a new girlfriend, And bottles indicate many festive feasts with liquor, tableware - to communicate with friends and guests, beautiful jewelry and expensive fur - on wealth, socks, sneakers, unpresentable things - to poverty, books - to study, weapons symbolize in Oh, toys foreshadow the birth of a child or pregnancy, etc.

Divination by books

To do this, take six volumes of various subjects, for example, the Bible, fairy tales, novels and any directories. The questions are formulated roughly like "What do I need to do or what should I do to fulfill my desire?", "What will be the most important for me this year?", "How will my professional life develop?", "What will happen in my personal life ? ». Without looking, it takes a volume and opens. Further, still not opening an eye, the finger indicates the place where the prophetic text is written. It must be read and comprehended. The subject of the book indicates the main concerns of the coming year, and the selected text is the answer to a direct question.

Modern divination

With the transition of the calendar to a new style, new methods of divination appeared, for example, New Year's fortune-telling. Desire is made in advance, but under the battle of Moscow chimes it is recorded on a sheet, set on fire and throws into a glass with champagne. During volleys of fireworks all clink, hug and drink champagne along with ash. In order for this New Year's fortune-telling to work, the desire is not only to have time to write and swallow, it is very important that the paper burns completely, and the ashes do not wake up on the tablecloth. This ritual usually very animates the feast. Not everyone believes in its effectiveness, so they laugh, looking at how their friends are bustling, counting on such magic. With this fortune-telling, the residents of the Kaliningrad region were very lucky. Recently they hear the battle of the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin and the President's speech twice, because the new year comes to them later than everyone in Russia. Accordingly, fortune telling on desire is done twice. The second time they are usually prepared better - and the matches are at hand, and the paper is not very stiff and not too light (so that it burns quickly and does not shatter before it gets into the glass). In general, guess at every desire can be only one time, otherwise there will be conflicting answers and you can get confused. Although, if you treat this as a joke, a game, a reason to have fun, then why not ...

Christmas traditions and rituals are an excellent opportunity to diversify the routine of everyday life, resume communication with old friends, and make new acquaintances. Such traditions should be cherished and cherished. Many will say that any magic is a dangerous occupation, it is no accident that the church condemns the fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the Christmas Eve, but do not take it seriously and be frightened of such a sin. There are worse things. Perceive holy games with a share of humor. Our ancestors, playing with fate on Christmas Eve, on the night of 18th to 19th January, plunged into the baptismal font, thereby washing away the sins of two festive weeks. After that, ordinary life began with its simple cares and interests, and Christmas Eve remained in memory a bright and cheerful episode.

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