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Food for the turtle. The content of turtles at home
Having got a turtle in you, first of all you must find out what this reptile feeds on. Not any food will go to the animal for good, besides it is not necessary to give the same product all the time. Ask what kind of turtle feed contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.
The content of turtles
The terrarium, which contains reptiles, is made large in size, so as not to constrain animals. Land species can be contained in an organic glass container . For water turtles it is worth looking for a variant of food plastic. However, it is better to stop the choice on ordinary glass. Specialized outlets offer a wide range of equipment for keeping reptiles. Choose among them suitable help sales consultants. An animal in it should be comfortable. To do this, you need to organize a special temperature and light regime, to control the humidity of the air.
The content of land tortoises outside the equipped area is a frequent occurrence. Experts do not advise doing this because:
- The animal risks getting injured or stuck under furniture, between the legs, etc.
- Screws and cold floors harm the health of the turtle.
- Household chemicals used in cleaning rooms cause poisoning in reptiles.
Owners of turtles advise to irradiate the animals with UV lamps. Applied for this purpose low power devices. The time of irradiation is increased gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the turtle. Anxious behavior is a signal that the procedure should be stopped immediately. Excess ultraviolet causes burns.
Turtles at home feel great alone, so there is no need to keep several individuals. Acquire 2 females and 1 male is only meaningful for breeding.
Features of feeding turtles
Turtles are animals that lead a daily life, so they eat in the daytime. At first, it was believed that the marsh turtle showed nocturnal activity, but later studies disproved this theory. The greatest appetite wakes up at them at a high temperature of ambient air. For this reason, turtles at home will not eat immediately after the morning turn on heating. At an ambient temperature of 30ºC, they have digestive processes one third faster than in a colder environment.
Start feeding turtles better after 1.5-2 hours after the heating is turned on, and finish no later than 3-4 hours before it is turned off. The feeling of hunger gives out the behavior of the animal. The movements of land tortoises become restless. Water animals look for edible items constantly, but the hungry do it too actively. Well-fed turtles are unhurried search.
The main component of the diet for them is food of vegetable origin, which contains natural vitamins, minerals and from 70 to 90% of water. The food for land tortoises should be diverse, the main components of it are as follows:
- Cabbage, dandelion and lettuce. The last two are given only in the summer, they are useful for digestion and contain many necessary substances.
- Carrots, beets. They are rubbed or finely cut.
- Cucumbers, tomatoes. Tomatoes cut in half, so as not to make the turtle "chase the ball." Preference is given to crumpled and soft fruits.
- Fruits and berries. They give everything edible, previously divided into two halves.
- Melons. Turtles eat them willingly, but after feeding it is necessary to wipe the mouth of sticky juice with wet cotton.
- Egg. Hard boiled and cut after cooling.
- Cottage cheese, boiled fish.
- Meat of chicken and beef in any form.
- Worms, bloodworms, garden snails, crickets and grasshoppers (immobilized).
Water Turtles
Food for land turtles is not used in the diet of water. They need a different ratio of animals and plant components. Small turtles feed on bloodworms, pipeworms, earthworms and dry food (daphnia, gammarus, etc.). These components are sufficient for young individuals of large species.
Food for large turtles should include:
- Beef and chicken in any form.
- Fish without heat treatment is not more often than 1 time per week, cut into pieces. Boiled can be more often.
- Insects and snails. From water it is possible to take only a coil horn and a large pond.
Food for the turtle must contain the necessary amount of vitamins. They are purchased in a pharmacy and a few drops are added to the prepared food.
Red-bellied turtles
These animals are not easy to eat, which complicates the task of the owners. Owners have to save pets from eating harmful or inedible objects. In nature, the food for turtles of red-eared is mollusks, tadpoles, small fishes and algae. In captivity, their food should be as close to natural as possible: small snails, squid slices and crustaceans.
The food for turtles of red-eared can partly consist of plants from the garden: leaves of dandelions and cabbage, beet tops and carrots, hay. In the aquarium with animals, plant duckweed, ludwigia and filamentous algae. Turtle can be given aloe, hibiscus, peas, clover, dry and germinated seeds. To prevent the growth of a long beak, the animals are planted with branches of garden trees.
It is desirable to exclude meat from the diet. As a source of protein, worms will do. Artificial vitamins for them are also not recommended. The percentage of plant foods with age should increase.
Composition of dry food
The package containing the dry turtle feed contains promising inscriptions: "a balance of substances has been observed," "developed by scientists," etc. Within it is a granular dry substance consisting of natural feeds, vitamins and minerals.
Forages intended for land tortoises, consist of granulated flour of legumes, vegetable fats and proteins, vitamin-mineral complex. Their content corresponds to the needs of land species. However, the composition does not always have amino acids of animal origin, vitamins A and E and the necessary trace elements.
Disadvantages of dry food
Their taste qualities deteriorate rapidly, and reptiles with great difficulty get used to them. The price of turtle feeds is much higher than the original ingredients purchased in the store. 100 g of dry mixture will cost approximately 50 rubles.
In the food can be present chemicals that extend the shelf life, and sometimes there are broken proportions of calcium content. To create a diet for land tortoises is possible even without the use of concentrated mixtures, considering the wide variety of available herbal ingredients. The supply of water animals is more difficult to organize, so commercial products are more in demand.
Quality of dry food
The quality of industrial feeds leaves much to be desired. The basis of the mixture for water turtles is fish meal, small crustaceans and plant matter. In the production process, the feed is exposed to high temperatures, which destroy some of its components. In the composition may not remain even the main vitamins.
The quality of raw materials and the technology used influence the nutritional value of the fishmeal obtained. In some cases, food on its basis does not cover even the current needs of the animal's body. About normal growth and can not speak. The composition of the mixture resembles a modified fish food, in which vitamins and minerals are added. As a result, the turtles do not eat them.
How to enter dry food in the diet?
Zoos, professional terrariums try to avoid industrial mixtures, making up a menu of reptiles on their own. The food for the turtle contained in the house can be dry. This solution saves time and effort for the owner. This is much better for a turtle than a diet made without regard to the needs of the animal or consisting of one ingredient.
Reptiles with great reluctance even eat high-quality dry mixes. To accustom to them it is necessary purposefully, gradually adding granules to vegetable or live forages. Care for the turtle, which switched to granulated mixtures, is much easier.
Dry food "Tortila"
The food was created on the basis of scientific research with the participation of veterinarians from St. Petersburg. Cabbage, berries, dandelion, insects, fishmeal - is not a complete list of natural ingredients of the "Tortila" mixture. Food for turtles must contain them necessarily, because such products are included in the natural diet of reptiles. Vitamin-mineral complex, present in the composition of the mixture, helps pets feel better in isolation from their natural habitat.
The turtle feed under the Tortila brand is available in two versions:
- "Tortila-M granules" is intended for water turtles. It can be used in the diet of other reptiles that are not herbivorous. In one bundle there are 90 g of product.
- "Tortil granules" is designed for land tortoises. It contains a small number of components of animal origin. The basis is processed products of plants. One packet contains 150 g of the mixture.
Dry food Tetra
This is one common food for turtles contained in captivity. The granules are in the form of rods. It is used as a basic element of nutrition, because it includes:
- Mineral substances that are required by reptiles in their entirety. They participate in the process of growth of bone tissue and carapace.
- Easily assimilated proteins in large quantities. Strengthen smooth muscle tissue.
- Substances that accelerate growth.
- A complex of vitamins.
- Microelemets.
Turtles are good at this dry mixture. Reptiles are not able to distinguish between taste, so when choosing food they are guided by smell. Not the least role is played by the color and motor activity of future food. Fish odor of food attracts turtles. It is sold in packs of different volume, from 100 ml to 1 l. The key advantage is the calcium saturation and a well-chosen combination of Tetra mixture components. Food for turtles does not lead to turbidity of water, because it does not emit dust.
Despite the good composition, the dry mix should not be the only one in the diet. On the table to the reptiles must fall fruit, fish, worms and greens. The detailed menu is compiled individually for each type of turtle.
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