Homeliness, Building
Fence from Profiled Sheeting with Your Hands
Different fences in our time, as in all times, are a necessity, not a luxury. It is the fence that not only protects the site from outsiders and unnecessarily curious glances, but also gives the site a form and an impression of completeness. Some owners, buying a plot, first fence the plot, and only then they build a house, and this has a certain meaning. It is interesting, that many at erection of a hedge manage exclusively by own strength.
Nowadays, fences are built from a wide variety of materials - it can be brick, concrete panels, natural stone, wood, metal mesh, but the most demanded material for erecting fences is the corrugated board. Putting a fence of corrugated board with your own hands, you can protect the site for many years not only from dust and noise, but also from curious looks.
But the most important advantage of fencing made from corrugated board is the optimal combination of price and excellent quality, as well as speed of installation. A fence made of corrugated board can be installed with your own hands in the shortest possible time, in just a few days. To its undoubtedly positive qualities can be attributed practicality, low price and long service life. Galvanized corrugated board, for example, serves more than thirty years. The disadvantage of such a hedge is not an attractive view. To construct such a fence by own hands today everyone can, as all necessary materials are easily purchased in the store.
Fence made of corrugated board is a strong and reliable fence, as the supporting part of the fence - the posts go to the ground for 1.2 meters and for strength are connected by lags. You can build a fence from the corrugated board with your own hands. The fence consists of metal poles, metal logs and a profiled sheet with a polymer coating. Pillars are made from a profile pipe 60x60 mm, and logs are made from a profile pipe 40x20 mm. Profilists are attached to galvanized screws with a press washer. Counting the number of profiled sheets, it is necessary, depending on the configuration of the sheet, to provide several centimeters for overlapping one sheet with another. To perform the necessary welding work, you can invite a professional welder, and then install the fence yourself.
Of course, to install a fence from the corrugated board with your own hands to one person is difficult, it is better to do it with the help of friends or relatives.
Before you install the bearing poles, you need to plan the location of the fence exactly with the landmarks and documentation.
Under the poles you need to dig a hole depth of at least a meter, after which you can pour 20 centimeters of rubble on the bottom of the pit. The depth of the wells depends on the composition of the soil, the depth of the groundwater and the height of the fence. Many, building fences for giving their own hands, use for digging the ground with a hand drill or a petrol tank.
Piles are placed at a distance of two or a little more meters from each other and poured with good quality concrete so that it does not crack over time. Two legs are welded to the posts. If the fence is high, another one is welded.
To build a fence of corrugated board with your own hands, you will need a ruler-level, a tape measure and a twine. Fastening of all sheets of corrugated board is also carried out using a ruler-level, it is especially important to correctly install the very first sheet.
Fences for the dacha with their own hands can be built not only on level ground, but also on the slope. In this case, the fence web has steps that are planned in advance depending on the terrain of the site and its specific slope. If the slope on the site is significant, then it will be necessary to lower each step of the corrugated sheet with a step. Lags need to be welded perpendicular to the posts. But with a large slope of the lag can be allowed and at ground level.
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