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Female and male epilation of intimate zones. Cream for epilation of intimate zones at home: review, types and reviews

Epilation of intimate zones is a procedure connected not only with external attractiveness, but also with the culture, hygiene and health of the human body. Not many people know how to properly remove superfluous hair without strong skin damage.

Opinions about whether to epilate intimate zones, divided. Some people are sure that the hair in these places protects the vagina from the penetration of bacteria and germs. But this is a lie. Vegetation in this area creates an excellent environment for the life and functioning of microbes. In addition, hair in the intimate area - the main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell.


The most accessible, instant and easy method of removing unwanted hair. Modern companies for the production of shaving machines do not cease to amaze with the assortment: some differ by the number of blades, others by a strip with moistening components that facilitate the slipping of the device.

Epilation of intimate areas with a razor should be carried out after uncoiling the pubic area and pre-cutting long hairs. Then a special remedy is applied and the excess vegetation begins to be removed. To avoid irritation, shave the hairs for growth. At the end of the procedure, the pubic area is rinsed with cool water and baby oil is applied.

The benefits of shaving include an affordable price, ease of execution, speed and painlessness of the procedure. The drawbacks of the method are many: the formation of irritations and cuts, the short-term effect, the gradual formation of bristles and ingrown hairs and, finally, the inability to conduct deep epilation (the zone between the buttocks).

Use of creams and reviews on their effectiveness

Epilation of intimate zones by chemical means is represented by the use of special creams, gels and aerosols. Each remedy consists of a substance that provokes the breakdown of the hair protein. As a result, separating from the bulb, it falls out.

  1. Cream Veet . Any cream for epilation of intimate zones in its composition should have soothing ingredients. For example, plant extracts, oils, cooling components and vitamins. Veet products fully comply with these parameters. But the popularity of the cream was due to efficiency, cost-effective consumption (the product is applied in a thin layer) and the ability to slow hair growth.
  2. Velvet Intim . Despite the low cost of the tool is no less effective than the previous one. A unique formula allows the tool to take into account the features of the intimate zone, thereby protecting it from irritation and redness.
  3. Customer opinions on Eveline cream are exceptionally positive. Many women noted that with regular use of the product the skin becomes soft and acquires a well-groomed appearance. But, despite this advantage, the aroma of the cream is specific.
  4. Cream for epilation of intimate areas from Cliven . Neutral fragrance and the successful passage of clinical trials have made the tool no less in demand than Veet. And the almond oil and glycerin that make up the skin make the skin of the intimate area velvety and tender.
  5. The last product, which delighted the customers, is Cream Hair Remover . The agent does not need to be applied with a spatula or scapula, as it is presented in the form of a roller applicator. Thanks to this, epilation of intimate areas becomes painless and fast. In addition, the procedure can be carried out not only in areas outside the swimsuit, but also around the genitals and perineum.

Application of the epilator

Epilation of the intimate zone at home is more often performed by a depilator equipped with small tweezers, capturing and pulling out hairs with a root. The procedure is very painful, and in the bikini area, redness is observed for several hours. But, fortunately, it comes off, and the effect of smooth skin lasts up to 4 weeks.

Intimate epilation of the bikini zone with the help of a depilator is an unpleasant and painful procedure, and to reduce pain, modern manufacturers equip the devices with special cooling devices.

This method of epilation has a number of advantages and disadvantages and is suitable only for hair removal in the pubic area. Advantages include the preservation of the result for a long time, the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home and independently.

The main drawbacks in using the epilator, according to women, are soreness, a great waste of time, the appearance of ingrown hairs and a high price for a quality epilator.

Waxing (waxing)

Before the procedure of waxing, the hair in the intimate zone grows to a certain length. Wax epilation is of three types: warm, hot, cold. More about the cold wax epilation will be told later, and now consider the first two types.

Warm wax is preheated in a water bath. Apply it in the same way as all species, that is, on growth, and remove against hair growth. After epilation, the treated skin appears to be tightened. It's all about the remnants of wax on the epilated zone, it's what causes discomfort.

Hot wax is heated to 42 degrees in the wax and applied with a spatula. The effect of steaming makes the procedure of epilation of intimate places less painful and quick.


Electrolysis is one of the most painful, but effective ways to remove hair in any area, including intimate. During the procedure, a needle electrode is inserted into the hair follicle. The main disadvantage of this method: the possibility of the appearance of scars and scars.

Photo and laser hair removal

Laser and photoepilation according to the principle of action are similar, since in both cases, the effect on the skin is made with the help of light streams. In the first case, the beam affects the melanin that enters the hair, damages the follicles, thereby provoking their loss. To treat 2 cm of skin enough one flash of the epilator. The procedure of laser hair removal is most effective for light-skinned brunettes.

Complete laser hair removal of intimate areas is limited to 5-7 visits to the cosmetology room at intervals of 6-8 weeks.

Epilation of the intimate zone at home

Of course, the most reliable and habitual way to remove vegetation in the bikini zone is the use of a depilator. But he has a significant minus - a strong painful procedure. Agree, not everyone can inflict such suffering on themselves, and sometimes they do not have enough time or beauty to go to beauty salons.

In recent years, the popular method of hair removal in the intimate zone has become shugaring. This method is old, less painful, reliable and affordable. Shugaring can be done by women with sensitive skin and different types of stiffness of pubic hair. In addition, sugar is hypoallergenic and has an antimicrobial function, so during and after the procedure there will be no inflammation and irritation.

Men's epilation of intimate areas

The procedure for hair removal in delicate places is in demand not only for the fair sex, but for the strong one. Removal of vegetation in an intimate place in men is different in that the hair in this area grows faster and has a dense structure.

Men's epilation of intimate areas is carried out by the same methods as for women. But since a strong sex is prone to fear of getting pain (especially in such a delicate place), in most cases preference is given to the old and proven method - shaving. But from this the following fear arises: the possibility to injure the skin or get irritated, after which the hands will constantly ask for it.

Therefore, dear men, in order to make the intimate area clean and neat, contact the beauty salon. Forget about the embarrassment and discomfort, because for the master you are an ordinary client, and there is nothing terrible and even more shameful in this.

Proper care of the intimate area after the procedure of hair removal

How to make hair removal in the intimate zone in the salon and at home, it is now clear, it remains to consider the last, no less important question, concerning the proper skin care of the procedure for removing excess vegetation.

To start, during the first days after the procedure, you need to provide a delicate area of special care, that is, use special gels, creams for intimate hygiene. If after an epilation on the skin pryshchiki formed, treat them with a tincture of calendula or salicylic solution, but in no case squeeze.

And at last, do not forget to use grooming and restoring means, and then the fine result in the form of a smooth and delicate skin is guaranteed to you!

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