
Felted cherry: planting and care

The motherland of a felt cherry is the Far East, where severe, windy and frosty winters. Therefore, so that the plant does not become frozen, nature has provided it with protection. This representative of the flora is covered by microscopic villi, similar to the paws of firs. If you look from the outside, the plant really seems felted. However, when grown in milder climates, this clothing is quickly lost, although not completely. If you look closely, you can see the remnants of protection, which still has a felt cherry. Planting and caring for this plant are rather complicated. However, they are worth it. Exotic appearance and very tasty fruits compensate all cares with a hundredfold.

Soil and place

The plant grows best on a light, well drained neutral soil. With increased acidity of the soil, lime must be added. If this representative of the flora grows on excessively moist soil, then there is a high probability that it will die. Particularly well growing on sunny places is a felt cherry. Planting and caring for her should be carried out taking into account photophilia, because even a slight shading badly affects the plant. The more light, the better.

Felted cherry - planting and care

Plant the plant in spring or autumn. However, it is the cherry cherry that fits best in the spring. Planting and caring for the plant should be carried out according to all canons - it is very demanding. Saplings for this purpose choose a one-year or two-year-old. A mixture is introduced into the pit: 3 buckets of organic, 30 g of potash and 60 g of phosphorus fertilizers, 1 kg of lime. All this is thoroughly mixed. Cherries pruned roots up to 25 cm and smeared in a clay blubber. After planting, the plant must be watered, lightly trampled on the ground and covered with peat. Fertilizers are introduced every year after flowering. Once in the five-year period, lime must be added to the ground. The center of the trunk should be thinned out annually, but at the same time leaving the 12 strongest branches. Abundantly fructify the plant begins already for 3 years.

The color of the fruit depends on the variety. It ranges from pink to dark red. If there is a plant whose fruits are very poorly stored, it is a felt cherry. You can buy seedlings of this culture in specialized shops and horticultural centers. Watering the plant requires moderate - do not over water the soil. To felted cherry successfully pollinated, the site should have several of its varieties, as self-pollination for this plant is impossible.


The main way to reproduce this representative of the flora is to sow seeds. To do this, wash the bones and dry them in the shade. At the end of summer they are mixed with wet sand and stored until October in a cool place. Before winter, bones are planted in grooves. The first shoots appear in early spring. With good care for the first year, shoots stretch for half a meter. A year later the seedlings can be planted.

Cherry felt: diseases and pests

A plant can get a monilial burn. First, flowers and foliage begin to fade, then the entire branch dies. A couple of years, a representative of the flora can die completely. To combat this disease, the cherry cherry is sprayed with the preparation "Fundazol" (0.1%), and the affected shoots are cut with a part of healthy wood. For prevention, it is recommended that the plant be treated with the drug during the growing season. Felt cherry can be affected by a scab. Treatment is spraying with insecticides.

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