
Exposure of the camera

Any novice photographer should know what camera exposure is , since this characteristic affects the quality of the pictures. This is described in more detail in the article.

What is an excerpt

It is known that photography is obtained from the influence of light on the camera's matrix. The gates, through which light enters the matrix, is its shutter, which opens and closes with the release button. The time that it turns out to be open, and called exposure. Changing its value, you can adjust the amount of light that falls on the camera's matrix.

Often pictures that are either very darkened or with white areas are such because the camera shutter speed was set incorrectly. Light, if there is a lot of it, burns out pixels on the matrix, and its lack leaves them in black light. The quality of the photo depends on the exposure. To transfer the water blur effect, you can select a shutter speed of 1 second and infinity.

Canon Cameras

Digital electronics for photographers is represented by two groups: the so-called "soapboxes" for a wide range of amateurs, and "mirror" cameras for professionals. Canon is a popular brand dedicated to the production of electronics for home and office, including photographic equipment. Specifications of cameras, of course, vary. So, Canon's shutter speed can To make 1/500 seconds.

There are two ways to create creative photos. There are two modes for this: aperture priority (AV) and shutter priority (TV). If you select the first, the shutter speed is automatically set on the camera. Such shooting is suitable for photo portraits, macro photography and any kinds of photos. When switching to the exposure priority (TV), you can select its value, and the aperture is selected by the camera. This mode allows you to capture motion in a frame.

In addition to the undoubted positive qualities of Canon technology, there are also problems, one of which are long shutter speeds when using the mode with the AV flash, resulting in shots that are darkened. It is very important to read the instruction manual carefully before using the camera. Different "SLRs" in the mode called "aperture priority" (AV) behave differently. There are no complaints about one model, while others regularly receive complaints.

The Canon camera, when used in a dark flash room, makes the pictures blurry due to the slow shutter speed. This is due to the fact that the device itself installs it, without taking into account the presence of a flash. For rooms, as a rule, a long exposure -1/15 seconds is set. In this case, the quality of the images is influenced by the exposure of the camera, and the role of the flash is small.

As instructed, the camera must be mounted on a tripod. However, in reality this is not always possible. Especially when the subject of photography is in motion. So, the exposure of the camera in 1/15 seconds for shooting people is too long.

This mode is called "slow synchronization". In it, the "SLR" Canon switches in AV mode with the factory settings. But when creating snapshots, this effect is not always useful. How to avoid the automatic activation of "slow synchronization"? One of the options for solving the problem can be access to the settings where you need to find the flash switch and set its position to 1/200. But the exposure of the camera will not be sufficient to create high-quality images, because there will not be enough light. So, to avoid marriage in the photo, you need to take care of additional lighting of the room or select the mode on the camera M. At the same time, the exposure should not be set too long, and not too short. This helps to avoid blurry pictures and darkened background.

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