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Experimentation in the senior group. Games-experiments
Experimentation in the older group is an important part of the educational process. Therefore, this section should be given special attention. Let's talk about what features should include children's experimentation and what are the most successful options for carrying out.
But before embarking on the schedule for the year, let's talk about why our chosen topic is important and long times remain relevant.
Children's experimentation is an important process of self-education of children. It helps children to better remember the actions performed and the results obtained. In addition, at this time there is an active development of thinking and usually motor skills of the hands.
Game-experiments can now be found in any store. On the shelves there are products like "Young Naturalist", "Biologist", "Physicist", "Ecologist", "Fashion designer" and so on. For the guys there is no sense in the name - what matters to them is what lies beneath it. Of course, when preparing for school, these toys are simply indispensable - they prepare kids for adulthood and allow you to understand complex processes.
Place of games in the senior group
Experimentation in the older group, as in all others, should be organized as games. But why does the game help the child to develop?
The fact that the child's brain is arranged so that if a child is not interested in this or that subject, no matter how hard you try, remember and understand it properly, he can not. Eventually, a situation may arise where the child at all begins to reject a particular occupation. So, the baby needs to be interested. Then the game-experiments come to the rescue.
All children (and many adults) like to get knowledge without too much stress. This helps to assimilate more information in a shorter period of time. If the occupation in the senior group of the kindergarten is organized correctly, in the end the baby will be fully ready for school life, moreover, he will receive a car of useful additional knowledge that will help him at an older age.
Thus, games for the older group are the main source of knowledge about the surrounding world and its features. The gaming method has a number of goals that should be fully implemented in the course of various activities. Which ones?
Objectives of experiments
Of course, the first thing that instructors pay attention to when drawing up an activity plan, which includes children's experimentation in the older group, is creating an interesting environment for each child. It helps in this knowledge of child psychology and features of the age category of children 5-6 years.
In addition, games for the older group should form knowledge about the world around and the properties of different substances with which the kids will interact (water, sand and so on).
Experiments - this is also a great way to teach children to treat these or other objects, use them for their intended purpose, in order to achieve the desired result. Experimentation in the older group allows the children to reveal themselves and show their knowledge in practice.
Any business and occupation should pursue its tasks, which must be carried out for the spent time. Thus, games are also available. For them, every activity is important. Experimentation in the older group develops cognitive interests in almost ready-to-school kids. This is extremely important, since lack of enthusiasm leads to loss of attention and concentration. And this adversely affects the further progress.
Games also develop in children's thinking processes and thinking in general. Sometimes, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to show a non-standard approach. If a person does not have the opportunity to develop his thoughts, then there is nowhere to take the right decision.
Games of experimentation in the senior group should form in children a humane, tolerant and correct attitude to people and the environment. In addition, in the end they also need to learn some discipline and rules of conduct.
Undoubtedly, all experiments conducted with children should be somehow systemized and divided among themselves. The most successful way is "crushing" by months. This helps to form the most appropriate approaches to game processes, taking into account all the features of a particular month.
It should be understood that at different times of the year, child experimentation differs significantly from one another. For example, in the winter you can not play in the sandbox, and in the autumn - with snow. Therefore, the features of the place of residence and the current time of the year should be taken into account.
Games for the older group of kindergarten, which we will offer you, will be divided just according to the time of the year in which this or that occupation should be conducted. The most preferable breakdown is 2 months. We will be guided by them.
September October
At the very beginning of the year, it is preferable to organize classes related to the study of sand, clay and their properties. Such lessons teach children to notice even the smallest features and barely noticeable objects. Working with sand and clay helps to analyze and generalize these or other properties.
To conduct such experimentation in the older group can be both on the street and in the walls of the kindergarten. You will need different items that can be easily found. Collect enough pure dry sand and prepare a deep tray for it. Also you will need small trays - dishes, saucers will do. Prepare an hourglass, a sieve, pencils, tubes of paper, magnifiers, transparent containers, jars.
With the help of this inventory, teach the children to measure the sand and compare the volumes obtained. This will help the mathematical development and visual perception of the volumes of different components. In addition, during such experiments, the children should form and consolidate the idea of the properties of sand. Here you will need an hourglass.
Then you can teach children to handle clay. So there is a first knowledge of visual forms. As a result, children learn to perceive sculpted figures from clay, to determine the differences between clay and sand.
It is also worthwhile to play games using wet sand. Invite the children to wet the material, then check the properties that have been studied. Explain the differences between dry "raw" and wet.
This section can be called "experiments with air." During the games children will receive different knowledge about the properties of air masses. Classes in the senior group on a similar topic will require you to several air balls, packets, tubes, soap bubbles, turntables, ribbons.
Games of experimentation in the senior group should also tell children about what the sources of air pollution can be. In addition, the guys should understand how you can take care of the environment and the air.
Games should also include activities that help to detect air and learn its properties. Here you will be helped perfectly prepared balls, turntables and even soap bubbles. Better even to prepare soapy water and tubes - let the children blow bubbles through them, and you explain that the air can take a different shape.
The first month of the new year can be devoted to games with water. Here, as it is easy to guess, the properties of water must be studied. Among other things, it is your responsibility to explain some of the physical properties of the fluid. Namely, that steam is also water.
Help the children understand the properties of freezing fluids. Explain that snow and ice are also water. Teach the kids that the liquid does not have a shape - the vessels of different shapes and water will help you here. Such activities will be of interest to all children.
The second month of the new year is best given to the study of a person. More precisely, give a more detailed picture of people's lives. You can say, you can "play doctor" all month. Stethoscopes, cotton wool, products, perfumes and other items - all this will certainly help you in the knowledge of man.
Introduce the children to the organs of hearing, sight and smell every new day. In the end, show the relationship of all the senses. Quite successful is the option, when you can accurately track the relationship of taste with smell. It is enough to cover your nose - most of the flavors will not differ, since the receptors located on the tongue are very dependent on the human scent.
The final stage
In conclusion of the year, namely in the spring, it is best to conduct games that summarize all the knowledge gained for the year. Experimenting in the older group of the kindergarten is an excellent and vivid way to tell the kids about the world.
Create drawings, crafts and sculpt from clay. Play a doctor, feel like a chemist, a physicist and even a mathematician - all such "toys" perfectly help the development of the children's mindset and prepare the children for school life.
A good idea is to stock up with children's development kits, which are called the same as different professions. For example, "Chemist" or "Biologist". In such games-experiments there is already everything necessary for carrying out this or that occupation. Wherever there is an interesting game, children will be very pleased to participate and develop.
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