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Exercises for legs with dumbbells: squats, lunges. Complex of exercises, technique of implementation, recommendations

A smart relief body now wants to have every person. Beautiful muscles always want to show to others, but not everyone knows how to pump them correctly. Most often, both women and men train the lower part of the body, therefore, specially for such individuals, exercises for legs with dumbbells are developed. They can be performed both in the gym and independently at home.

Effective exercises for legs with dumbbells

Experienced athletes, of course, are able to independently compose a suitable program for themselves, based on their own strengths. It necessarily includes exercises for the legs with dumbbells, thanks to which you can become the owner of elegant legs.

Beginners do not know what they are capable of, so they can not cope without the help of specialists. In order to pump up the leg muscles, they can go to the gym, but not everyone has this opportunity, so in this case, a home exercise complex for the legs with dumbbells is needed. Below is the best option, which is used not only by novice athletes, but also more experienced. It includes exercises that work on different muscle groups. To perform it, you only need to take a dumbbell, a rug, comfortable clothes, and also allocate a little time for classes.

Warm up

A very important moment before performing any leg exercises with dumbbells at home is warm-up. It takes no more than 15 minutes, so you should never miss it. In the warm-up must necessarily include:

  • Running in place for one minute with high knees raised;
  • At a rapid pace about 10 jumps ahead;
  • Alternate swings forward, to the side and back;
  • Up to 20 lifts on socks without additional weight;
  • Standard stretching (standing and sitting);
  • "Scissors" standing (making one foot step forward, and the other back, you need to change their places in the jump).

After the warm-up process is completed, it's time to start doing leg exercises with dumbbells. The complex below includes attacks, squats, and several additional exercises that complete the training, giving the final dose of the load on the muscles of the legs.

Bulgarian attacks

Beginners know little of this exercise, so they hardly know how to properly do attacks with dumbbells of this type. In this case, the projectiles load the target muscles.

To perform it is necessary to take dumbbells in your hands, stand with your back to a horizontal bench or chair and make a wide step forward with one foot, and raise the foot of the second one should be placed on a bench or chair. The supporting leg should be slightly bent at the knee, the back should be kept evenly, and the eyes should be directed all the way forward.

Having inhaled, it is necessary to slowly sink down, while bending the supporting leg and at the same time tilting the body forward. The bottom will be the point at which the thigh of the supporting leg will become parallel to the floor. Then you should exhale and gradually rise, but do not straighten the knee completely.

In the first week of training, beginners will have enough to perform up to 8-10 repetitions in 2-3 approaches. When it becomes easier to perform them, you need to increase the number of repetitions by 5.

Side attacks

Exercise, perfectly working quadriceps hip, is very useful not only for building a chic figure, but also for strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

As in the previous exercise, dumbbells of necessary weight should be kept in hands. To begin with, take the soldier's position (stand up straight, placing your feet together), and keep your hands in front of you.

One leg should be diverted to the side, which is equal to twice the width of the shoulders. Then you should transfer the weight to one leg, slowly bending it in the knee, while pulling the pelvis back, and the body tilting forward. The back during the lunge should be slightly bent, and one of the legs - even. Having reached the bottom point, you need to dynamically return to the starting position, then change your foot and repeat all the same.

The number of approaches and repetitions must be considered the same as in the previous exercise.


Now it's time to start doing your favorite sit-ups with dumbbells. For girls, this kind of squats plays a very big role. After all, with plie you can get rid of cellulite and turn fatty deposits into muscles. Although for someone it sounds strange, it is not just girls who can do squats of this type. Men also do not mind using their own adductor muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles.

To perform this exercise, you only need to take one dumbbell, but more weight. It must be seized at the base of the disk by both hands. Legs should be placed on the width of the shoulders, unfolding the socks outward by 45 degrees.

Do not bend your back and do not take your knees, you should take a deep breath and drop into the squat to a position where the hip and shin form a clear right angle. At this point it is necessary to stay for about 3-5 seconds, all this time being in suspense. Then you should exhale and rise up to the starting position, without bending your legs to the end.

Begin to perform squat squats is recommended with 2 sets of 5-8 reps. In each subsequent training it is desirable to increase the number of repetitions by 1.


One more ideal sit-ups with dumbbells for girls and men. They are known to everyone, because many people perform such exercises simply as a morning exercise. Squats effectively act on the quadriceps of the hip, as well as the buttocks. They are a great alternative to squats with a bar, which not everyone can place at home.

In each hand should take a dumbbell of sufficient mass, while holding a neutral grip, turning his hands to the body. Legs should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, diluting the socks slightly to the sides, and hands should be lowered along the body.

Straightening your back and taking a breath, you must simultaneously take the pelvis back and carry out the squat, bending both knees. Having reached the parallelism of the hips and the floor, you should exhale and slowly return to the starting position, making a push with the heels. Approaching the highest point, you do not need to unbend your legs completely.

Since the exercise is simple, then it will have to perform longer than the previous ones. Beginners who have not yet developed musculature should start with 3 approaches, each with 15 repetitions. Weekly, the number of repetitions should be increased approximately 5-8 times. More experienced athletes who want to maintain their shape at home, you need to do 3-4 approaches in 25-30 repetitions.

Additional exercises

In addition to basic, there are also additional exercises with dumbbells for the legs and buttocks. They should also pay attention, because they will be an excellent end to any training.

Such exercises with dumbbells for the muscles of the legs are recommended to perform both for beginners and professionals in order to obtain maximum effect.


The first exercise is a deadlift, which is performed on straight legs using dumbbells. It focuses on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the back of the thigh.

Taking the dumbbells in his hands, standing up straight and removing the shoulder blades, you need to place your legs on the width of your hips, having bent your back in the lumbar region. Hands with dumbbells can be kept either along the body or in front of you. Knees should be loosened and slightly bent. During traction, you only need to look ahead, focusing on doing the exercise without being distracted by external factors.

Having inhaled, you need to tilt the body forward, pull back the pelvis and keep the knees motionless. Dumbbells need to be kept at a certain distance from the shins. At this time, you should stretch the muscles at the lowest point, staying in this position for about a couple of seconds, but no more. Then you need to make a smooth exhalation and gradually rise to the starting position. At the last point, remember to reduce the blades.


This exercise is a simplified version of the standard rod rod. Most of the exercise load goes to the musculature of the back and legs.

Falling into the pose of deep squat, it follows a direct grasp to take dumbbells in both hands. The back must be straight, and the muscles of the cortex must be strained. On exhalation it is necessary to lift. Clearly taking the starting position, you need to place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend over your back and drop your hands with shells.

Gathered forces, you need to make a tilt forward, while simultaneously pulling back the pelvis and bending your knees. When the dumbbells are touched to the knees, you should smoothly return to the starting position, first unbending the knees, and only then straightening the back.

Rise on socks

The simplest exercise, aimed at strengthening the calf muscles, can easily be performed in the gym, at home, on the street. It is ideal not only for people who have connected their lives with sports, but also for those who daily walk a considerable distance on foot.

Taking dumbbells, standing straight and stretching your arms along the body, it is necessary to arrange the foot so that the heel stands confidently on the floor. Legs should be diluted slightly wider than shoulders.

Having exhaled, it is necessary as slowly as possible to rise on the socks as much as possible and, having reached the highest point, to stay about one or two seconds. Then you should inhale and just as slowly fall into the starting position. It is advisable not to touch the heels of the floor and keep the leg muscles tight all the time, but if you can not keep the balance for the first time, you can still touch the heels of the surface.

During the ascent you do not need to bend your knees, because in this case the exercise will already turn into squatting and, accordingly, the desired effect will not be obtained. If desired, it is possible to lift not on both legs at once, but on one, alternating them through a certain number of repetitions.

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