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Enteritis in dogs

What is enteritis in dogs? What is viral enteritis in dogs, how to cope with it? These questions are quite often worried about the owners of pets. Viral enteritis causes such viruses as parvovirus, coronavirus, hepatitis and plague viruses , and many other mixed infections. This disease is characterized by severe dehydration, hemorrhagic enteritis, myocarditis and even leukopenia. As for the incubation period of this disease, it lasts a little less than ten days. It is worth noting that often enteritis enteritis puppies from two to sixteen weeks. In general, viral enteritis is susceptible to all breeds of dogs, animals of any age. In addition, Rottweilers have a special predisposition to this type of disease. Infection can occur through an infected food, fecal-oral route, through water or on contact directly with a diseased animal.

With such a serious illness as enteritis in dogs, treatment by one's own strength is simply impossible. It is also worth noting that there are several types of enteritis in dogs. The most typical is the intestinal form of this disease, which is very acute. Symptoms of it represent vomiting, which does not stop for a long time. The animal most often completely refuses water and food. With viral enteritis, dogs simply do not drink anything for three days at all. They do not perceive milk, water, or other liquids. The reason for this lies in the fact that the disease affects the thick and small intestine. And this, in turn, causes a very strong and sharp pain.

Enteritis in dogs is accompanied by diarrhea, which appears in the animal one to three days after the onset of vomiting. Diarrhea can last more than five days. Fecal masses contain a lot of mucus and blood veins. For them, a fetid smell is characteristic. All these symptoms, of course, in the first days I force the owners to turn to a specialist. The dog is melting in front of your eyes. Diarrhea and incessant vomiting primarily cause dehydration of the animal body, so for sick dogs, depletion, weakness, pulmonary and cardiovascular insufficiency are characteristic .

As for the body temperature of the animal during the disease, it rises to forty-one degrees. This value can last more than three days. Then it normalizes, going down to thirty-seven degrees. In this case, the owners may think that the disease has receded. However, this is not so. Lowering the temperature indicates a possible further death. If you choose the right treatment, the probability of recovery of the dog increases. However, puppies, who have fallen ill with enteritis, most often die.

It is important to know what to call a veterinarian at home should be when the first alarming symptoms appear. Only in this case it will be possible to save the pet with a high degree of probability. Enteritis in dogs is treated with hyperimmune sera, solutions of Regidron and Enterodez, antiemetic, analgesics and much more. It is worth noting that in cured adult dogs in the future, the disease forms immunity.

To avoid the disease, enteritis should be vaccinated puppies at the age of one and a half to two months. If the puppy was taken from a female that was not vaccinated from enteritis, it is necessary to start with the hyperimmune serum to begin with. Only in two weeks you can vaccinate the dog. To do this, most often used Hexadog, Eurikan, Hexakanivak, Nobivak and other vaccines. The second vaccination is carried out only after the change of teeth, that is, approximately at the age of six to eight months. In addition, the vaccine should be given annually. Only timely vaccination will help save your pet's life. Remember this.

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