Beauty, Skin care
Effective facial mask for oily skin
Oily skin delivers to its owners many problems. It's pimples, acne, and permanent shine. All this at all does not paint and largely spoils the mood. The fight against these unpleasant phenomena should begin with a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to restore and cleanse your body, then it will be much easier to cure the skin.
To wash in the morning and in the evening, certainly, it is very important, exactly as well as to use a corresponding cream. However, to effectively combat imperfections this is not enough. In your arsenal, you must have a face mask for oily skin. It is designed to perform several tasks at once: narrow pores, remove fatty gloss, do not give pimples and acne. There are many recipes that can help in this case. I would like to describe the most popular of them.
Yeast Mask Against Oily Skin
For its preparation you need 10 grams of yeast, a teaspoonful of juice of any berries and yogurt. All ingredients should be mixed well. The mask should be thick to hold on the face. It is applied to the face for 15 minutes. During this time, it must dry, after which it can be washed off.
Apples to the rescue
Face mask for oily skin based on apples is prepared very simply. Several small fruits must be grated and mixed with egg whites (pre-whipped). Weight is applied to the face and neck for about 20 minutes.
Vegetables and fruits
Based on fresh fruits and vegetables, you get a beautiful mask that cleanses for oily skin. For it, any fresh juice available at hand is suitable. It mixes with the whipped protein. For a change, each time you can use another juice or several at once.
Face mask for oily skin from sorrel
You will need to grind the leaves of sorrel and mother-and-stepmother in equal parts. The resulting gruel pour hot water and put it on the fire. Warm up to about 70 degrees, and then allow to cool. The weight is superimposed on the cheesecloth and then on the face. Hold for 15 minutes.
Lemon mask
For a face for oily skin lemon perfectly suits. It refreshes and tones up the skin. To make a mask, take a teaspoon of lemon juice and cream. It is applied with a cotton swab. After 20 minutes you can wash.
Herbal Mask
It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is simply necessary for oily skin. First you need to finely chop the leaves of plantain and nettle. In the resulting gruel pour a tablespoon of juice of any citrus. Apply to clean skin. After 20 minutes you can wash with cool water.
Cucumber mask
To make it, you need to mix the fourth part of a glass of milk and the same amount of cucumber juice. Fold the gauze pad several times and soak in the resulting mixture. Gauze is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Top with a towel.
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