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Ectopic pregnancy: terms of determination

Unfortunately, in the modern world cases of ectopic pregnancy, which relates to pathologies, are increasingly observed. Previously, this pathology led to a lethal outcome, as healers could not diagnose it in time. Now there is the possibility of finding the wrong location of the fetus at early stages and preventing adverse consequences.

Ectopic pregnancy: the timing of its detection.

When an amniotic egg is attached to the ovaries, uterine tubes or peritoneum, an ectopic pregnancy is established. Timing, which can be confidently diagnosed, are in the first trimester. As a rule, already on the 5th week of ultrasound shows the exact result. If before this time the doctor has some suspicions, then the woman remains under the close supervision of doctors until the circumstances are clarified.

Do not start this process, and even with the first symptoms you should contact your doctor. If you ignore the unpleasant sensations there will be a rupture of pipes and, consequently, bleeding with a threat to the life of the woman herself. The ectopic pregnancy can lead to such terrible consequences: the detection time is not more than 1.5 months.

As practice shows, ectopic pregnancy often threatens those women who have experienced pelvic inflammatory processes, especially if proper treatment has not been carried out. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory disease sometimes forms a spike on the pipes, and in connection with this their main function is worsening - the transportation of the already fertilized egg to the uterus. Any surgical intervention aimed at this organ can cause ectopic pregnancy.

Some women are treated for infertility with drugs that cause the stimulation of ovulation. And in such cases, the risk of attaching the embryo to the fallopian tubes is great. It is much less common to find a disease of the uterine mucosa - endometriosis, which worsens the patency of the tubes. No less dangerous are the abnormal structures of the pipes or hormonal failure in the female body.

How to identify ectopic pregnancy.

The symptomatology of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages is analogous to the usual one, so the woman can not independently determine its presence. As with a full pregnancy, there is a delay in the menstrual cycle, a feeling of nausea and vomiting. Ectopic pregnancy (any time) is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, sometimes strongly manifested, but not every woman turns this symptom attention, considering it natural. Sometimes, in addition to the main symptom, there is a sharp decrease in pressure, which leads to severe dizziness and even fainting.

Such ailments should alert the woman, should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist conducts ultrasound, after which a possible ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed: a period of more than 2 weeks. Of course, this research does not give a 100% result, but can lead to suspicion of the presence of pathology. Then laparoscopy is prescribed, which gives the exact result. If you manage to determine the ectopic pregnancy in time, you can avoid surgical intervention and its consequences. At later stages of development, a complete removal of the fallopian tube is used, in which the embryo is located. The main thing is to do it as quickly as possible, since a large amniotic egg can disrupt the integrity of the tube.

A dead ectopic pregnancy in medical practice also occurs. Symptomatics is accompanied by spotting. It is diagnosed as well as the usual ectopic pregnancy. Removal of a dead amniotic egg occurs similarly.

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