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Eating baby after a year

When the baby is one year old, he must begin to get used to the special - adult food. The child already had the first 6-10 teeth. The crumb actively learns to chew. In his body, more digestive enzymes are produced, which helps him digest the "adult" food. But the size of the stomach of a one-year-old baby is still very small, and therefore the growing crumb should eat at least four times a day. The nutrition of a child after a year should be rich in vitamins and many other useful substances necessary for child development.

Many pediatricians are confident that babies should be breastfed until the age of 20-24 months. A one-year-old child is advised to give mother's milk daily in the early morning and late evening. Breast milk is saturated with nutrients, like no other product.

"Adult" food should be prepared taking into account the peculiarities of the digestive system of children of this age. Offer the karapuzu only well-boiled porridge, steam cutlets, vegetable puree and casseroles. You can use special baby food in jars, which indicates that it is recommended to children after 12 months.

A child's nutrition after a year should include dairy products. This should become the main component of the children's diet. The baby can already be given kefir and natural yogurt (up to 200 milliliters per day). It is very important to feed the baby with cottage cheese and a small amount of cheese. It is useful to prepare cottage cheese casseroles for it, sprinkling them with diluted low-fat sour cream. The amount of cottage cheese eaten per day should reach 70 grams.

The main dish in the diet of the baby is porridge. Offer your crumbs oatmeal, rice, millet, buckwheat and corn porridge. The nutrition of the child after a year is based on this simple dish.

Do not spoil the baby with pasta. They contain not so many useful substances, so let your child appreciate this delicious dish a little later.
One year old is ready for his first acquaintance with bread. Up to one and a half years it is not recommended to give the child rye bread. Feed your baby an ordinary white wheat. Do not give a small child more than 100 grams per day of this product.

Eating a child after a year should be rich in vegetables and fruits. Put on the table in front of your growing child vegetable mashed potatoes and liquid soups with vegetables. In the diet of the baby must be present beets, turnips, tomatoes, green peas, beans. Gradually, accustom your child to fresh finely chopped greens - dill, parsley, salad, green onions.

A year-old baby should receive about 200-250 grams of fruit a day. But be careful, these foods can cause allergies! Give preference to apples, pears, plums and berries growing in our region.

Baby food after a year includes about 100 grams of meat a day. This includes steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, meat soufflé. A good option will be baby canned meat. Several times a week, feed the baby fish cutlets or meatballs from cod, pike perch or pollock.

To drink a baby is better than pure water, produced especially for children of his age. You can offer your baby dairy products, fruit and vegetable juices, as well as compotes without sugar. Instead of sugar, it is desirable to use a small amount of fructose. It is allowed to attach a one-year-old to slightly boiled tea and herbal decoctions of mint, chamomile or fennel. However, do not drink your baby too often with these drinks.

If your baby is prone to allergies or has stomach problems, ask how to breastfeed a child a year from your doctor. Perhaps an experienced doctor will make for you a special diet, which will include useful for your baby products.

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