
Why it is scratched an intimate place and what it is necessary to do

Not all people turn to doctors in time. Some do not have this opportunity, while others have chosen the most dubious way to get rid of ailments - self-medication, based on the advice of acquaintances. For example, teenagers, embarrassed to see a doctor, are often asked about why the intimate place is being scratched and what needs to be done in this case. "Well-wishers" advise syringing, ointments of all kinds. Well, if at least one adult woman recommends referring to a doctor. But if a girl who is illiterate in matters of hygiene will follow at least one "kind" advice, she can not only get a serious illness, but also become barren. After all, itching is only the first sign of a variety of diseases.

Why itches an intimate place

The cause of unpleasant itching can be:

• Losses from improperly selected linen. Most often they occur when wearing synthetics, but too large or small cotton panties are also able to press or rub the skin and cause itching. Bacteria caught in this area can cause infections.

• Sometimes it itches in an intimate place from elementary uncleanliness. It is necessary to wash the genitals at least twice a day, and do it in accordance with the rules. Allocations and sweat are a good breeding ground for bacteria.

• Why is it that the intimate place is scratched? Itching can be a sign of an allergy. It arises from poor or unbalanced nutrition, poor ecology, bathing in dirty bodies of water or as a reaction to drug treatment. Allergies can also cause lubrication on condoms, tap water, soap and creams used for intimate hygiene.

• More often than not, the question about why the intimate place is scratched is asked by people who regularly make depilation or epilation of the bikini zone. Sometimes, especially if you use a razor, the hairs are shaved together with the thinnest layer of skin. Healing, it causes itching. In addition, newly growing hairs always cause an irresistible desire to scratch.

• Outside, intimate places can be itchy due to pubic lice. For a long time, people believed that these parasites "are rooted in anguish." It is nonsense. Lice are transmitted solely through intimate communication or the use of contaminated linen. It is very difficult to cure their home.

All these reasons can not only cause severe itching. If the affected skin gets an infection, then it will have to be treated for a very long time. However, this is not the worst thing. Why does it hurt to have an intimate place? Because a person is sick with a venereal or infectious disease. Strong itching and white discharge appear with thrush. Colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, dozens more diseases also begin with the usual itch. And they end with a partner infection, severe inflammatory diseases, and sometimes infertility.

What to do if itching occurs

If you started experiencing unpleasant feelings, do not ask friends and acquaintances about what to do. First, carry out thorough hygienic procedures, change linen and hygiene products. Wait a few hours. If the itching does not pass, and the desire to scratch overwhelms all other sensations, immediately go to the doctor. Only in this way will you be able to secure your life and maintain your physical and mental health.

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