Health, Preparations
"Dobutamine": instructions for use, dosage form, reviews, analogues
Problems with blood vessels and the heart are most common in the elderly. But often such diseases occur in quite young patients. To improve the patient's condition, doctors often prescribe cardiotonic drugs. One of them is the drug "Dobutamine". The instructions for use, the form of release, analogs and properties of said medicament are set forth below.
Composition, packaging, form of medicinal product
The drug "Dobutamine", the instruction for which is contained in a pack of heavy paper, contains a substance such as dobutamine hydrochloride, and various auxiliary elements.
On sale this preparation comes in the form of a colorless or slightly yellowish transparent solution for infusions, which is placed in glass ampoules.
Also, this medicine can be purchased in the form of lyophilizate and concentrate for solution preparation.
Pharmacodynamic properties of the injection solution
What is the drug "Dobutamine"? Instructions for use (in ampoules this medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy) states that it is a cardiotonic, synthetic catecholamine and beta-1-adrenomimetic.
This drug is able to stimulate beta-1-adrenoreceptors of the myocardium, strengthening its contractility. It also increases the minute and shock volumes of the heart and reduces the OPS of the vessels.
After the application of the drug in question, a moderate increase in heart rate is caused. The chronotropic effect of the drug, as well as its positive dromotropic effect, are manifested when higher dosages are used.
In moderate doses, this medication has little effect on blood pressure. In view of the fact that it has a rather short half-life, it should be administered continuously. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account that continuous therapy with this drug for 72 hours or more contributes to addiction.
Use the drug "Dobutamine", the instruction for which is described below, is necessary with simultaneous monitoring of ECG, heart rate and blood pressure.
Kinetic parameters of the drug
During what time does the drug "Dobutamine" start acting? Instructions for use (tablets - this form of the drug does not) reports that after intravenous infusion the effect of this medication is observed after 2 minutes. Its steady concentration in plasma is reached in ¼ hours.
The half-life of the drug is 2-5 minutes.
Indications for use of the solution
Do you know when the drug "Dobutamine" is prescribed? Instruction for use reports the following indications:
- Heart failure of an acute nature;
- pulmonary edema;
- Decompensation of CHF (as a temporary adjuvant);
- Decreased minute volume of the heart;
- Carrying out stress echocardiography (for diagnosis).
Contraindications to the use of the medicine
In what cases do not prescribe such a cardiotonic as "Dobutamine"? Instructions for use (analogs of the medication listed below) report the following contraindications:
- Mechanical obstruction of outflow or filling of blood from the ventricles of the heart (eg, obstructive cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, severe cardiac tamponade) ;
- Hyper-sensitivity to the main ingredient;
- Hypovolemia;
- Reception of MAO inhibitors.
The drug "Dobutamine": instructions for use
In newborns, this medicine is used for special indications. The same applies to children of minor age.
Just like the analogs of this drug, "Dobutamine" is intended only for intravenous administration. At the same time, it is diluted in advance with Ringer's solutions, 5% glucose or sodium chloride.
The finished medication is stored for no more than a day. The speed and duration of its administration depend on hemodynamic parameters. In this regard, the condition of the patient requires regular monitoring. It is necessary to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, and the minute volume of the heart (if possible).
So in what dosage do they prescribe "Dobutamine Hexal"? Instruction for use informs that for adults this medication is administered in an amount of 2.5-10 μg / kg / min (in rare cases - 40 μg / kg / min.). As for children, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 1-15 μg / kg / min.
Side effects on the background of the drug
What negative reactions can the drug "Dobutamine" cause? Instructions for use indicate the possible occurrence of the following effects:
- Skin itching, attacks of angina pectoris;
- Bronchospasm;
- Rash, palpitations;
- Tachycardia, chills;
- Phlebitis at the site of administration;
- Violation of the heart rhythm (ventricular fibrillation, extrasystole);
- Increased systolic blood pressure;
- Nausea, headaches.
All adverse reactions from the vessels and heart depend on the dosage used. As a rule, they disappear after the cessation of infusion or at a decrease in its speed.
Price and similar medicines
How much does Dobutamine Hexal cost? Instructions for use do not answer this question. In pharmacies the price of this drug can be about 350-450 rubles.
What should be replaced with the medicine in question? Its analogues are the following drugs: "Dobuzhekt", "Dobutamin Solvay", "Dobutamin Giuliņi", "Dobutreks", "Dobutamin Lahema", "Dobutamin Nycomed".
Testimonials of specialists about the drug
There are no consumer reviews of the drug in question. This is due to the fact that such cardiotonic drugs are used only in urgent situations (for example, in acute heart failure, if the cardiac index falls and the contractile function of the left ventricle decreases). Typically, this condition is observed with cardiomyopathy, septic shock, myocardial infarction and open heart surgery.
According to experts, the drug under consideration is the basis of pharmacological therapy of cardiogenic shock. It is not used to treat chronic heart failure.
In view of the fact that this medication can cause arrhythmia and tachycardia, it should be used for a short period of time and only in severe cases, that is, with acute heart failure.
It should be noted and the fact that this drug has a relatively small range between toxic effects and therapeutic doses.
Unlike the drug "Dopamine", it never causes vasodilation.
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