EducationThe science

Do sun spots affect the appearance of pigment spots on the skin?

The fact that dark patterns appear on our light from time to time, says the popular saying, expressing the opinion that there is no one and nothing perfect in the world: "And there are spots on the sun". Such phenomena have been observed for a long time and with the naked eye, and the chronicles testify to this. For example, Russian chroniclers mention that spots on the Sun could be seen "ako nails." And it's true, if you watch the main star of our system through smoked glass, you can see several points, sometimes gathering in figures of larger or smaller size. What is this phenomenon, and what impact does it have on the inhabitants of the Earth?

First of all, I must say that in order to see sunspots without a telescope, they should have a diameter of at least one hundred thousand kilometers, which is several dozen times larger than the size of our planet. And it is clear that such a huge cataclysm can not go unnoticed on Earth, because life on our planet entirely depends on solar energy. So what is going on there on the fiery surface, millions of kilometers away? People asked this question before. Galileo Galilei sketched the observed dark points, and noted that they are heterogeneous. They consist of a black core (Galileo called it a shadow) and a semi-dark circle (penumbra).

The ingenious scientist was one of the first to note that sunspots are observed not uniformly everywhere, but at its mid latitudes. They seem to originate at the poles, and then "slip" to the equator, but never reach it. In 1841, scientists concluded that such a "patchiness" of the luminary has its own periodicity - about 11 years. At first, rare, scattered, small dots appear, then they become more and more, they accumulate in groups, in which there are two gigantic dark surfaces - on the eastern and western outskirts of the group. After studying the polarity of these phenomena in the 20th century, scientists came to the conclusion that they are like two opposite poles of a magnet.

Why does the sun come on? Astrologers associate this phenomenon with an increase in the activity of the magnetic field of the star (it, by the way, also has a periodicity of 11 years). The increased circulation of solar plasma, frequent emissions of prominences give rise to the process of the appearance of magnetic fields. This, in turn, leads to the fact that in a certain place the temperature of the substance falls by one and a half thousand degrees in comparison with the surrounding surface of the photosphere. As the radiation in a "cooler" spot weakens, our eye perceives this area as a dark spot.

Do any of the emerging and disappearing dark points on the solar disk play a role in the everyday life on Earth? By themselves, probably not. But since sunspots testify to the increasing activity of the star, they serve as a "storm warning" to us, people. Magnetic storms and an increased flow of particles affect not only the increase in blood pressure, which is fraught with hypertension, not only increase the risk of cardiovascular attacks in those who are predisposed to them, but also lead to headache and a feeling of incomprehensible fatigue for quite healthy people. Moreover, solar activity can even interfere with the operation of broadcast towers, communication of pilots with ground controllers and violate mobile communications.

But the pigmentation spots from the sun depend very indirectly. The skin element responsible for the production of melanin and darkening of the skin (in the form of a common tan or as a dark point) is produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The more of these rays we absorb, the more melanin produces the skin. But our irradiation with UV-waves depends, rather, not on the sun, but on protecting the Earth by the atmospheric layer. The notorious ozone hole - a consequence of our negligent attitude to the ecology - thinens the protective layer of the atmosphere, so the irradiation with ultraviolet is intensified. Seasonal variations of atmospheric temperature are also important. For example, in the spring (May-June) the upper layers are not yet warmed up, and the sun rises already high. Therefore, the May tan is the most dangerous: it can lead to unwanted spots and sunburn.

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