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Details on how to add a friend to the region in Minecraft

If you have a desire to decide how to add a friend to the region in Minecraft, then you should read this article to the very end. After this, you should not have any problems at all. Before adding a friend to the region, playing the game "Maynkraft", you first need to allocate the territory. Remember that the land must be noted, otherwise you will not succeed.

Designation of the territory

If you do not know how to allocate the territory, then we will tell you about it. First you need to go into the game and open the chat, and in it we add a special command - // wand. Next, you need to take an ax, which must be in your inventory. If the tool does not exist, it will need to be done, otherwise you just can not solve an important question: how to add a friend to the region in Minecraft. Using an ax, cut the cube diagonally. The process should not take you a lot of time. The felling is done in the following way: first you need to select the starting point with the left mouse button, and then specify the end point. Now you know how to add a region to Minecraft, but let's get down to the main question. After the site is selected with an ax, you should enter the following command in the chat: / region claim (region_name). Naturally, you can give the name of the site at your discretion.


Once the new territory is fully marked, you can begin to deal with the question of how to add a friend to the region in Minecraft. At once I would like to note that it is possible to achieve this goal without much difficulty. In this case, this action is performed quickly, and you can add more than one friend to one region, and several. Here, in the first place everything will depend on your wishes.


In order to solve the task, you again need to open a chat and register there the command / region addmember (name_region) (player_name). Here you should specify the name of the site created, as well as your friend's login. All data need to be written without brackets. Be sure to remember that you can invite a friend to the territory only after the site is created. Therefore, before deciding how to add a friend to the region in Minecraft, you need to learn how to allocate it. You can also specify the names of previously created sites, if any. That's all the information we wanted to share in this material. We thank you for the attention of our readers.

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