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Day of the elderly is a family celebration of grandparents

With age, a person becomes mature and wise. But it is in this period of his life that he needs, as never before, the kind attention of his relatives, in recognizing his need and in expressing love and appreciation. What a pity that not always relatives have enough time and sensitivity to express their gratitude to the most dear and close ones - their grandmothers and grandfathers. And specifically to raise in the eyes of society the priority of our wise "old people", the government announced a holiday - Day of the elderly.

And if someone suddenly asks: "And what day is the number of elderly people?", Even the kid will answer him: "The day of the elderly is October 1!" Because today this holiday is celebrated in the country everywhere. Children's institutions for favorite grandmothers and grandfathers prepare tea-drinking with a concert, special celebratory feasts are held in clubs, district administrations allocate individual gifts to pensioners and greeting cards.

But are these expressions of attention comparable to those that our dear "ancestors" expect from their families on the day of the elderly person? So let's try and at home to arrange a real celebration for them!

It is interesting to host a home party "Our Most Beloved", when besides the festive table of grandmothers and grandfathers pleasant mock surprises and real good gifts are awaited. For example, it's a good idea to make a wall newspaper, in which you want to place pictures beautifully. Use is recommended as those pictures where the oldest founders of the name are imprinted with young and beautiful, and the latter. Be sure to include photos on which the turning points of life of older people are removed. You can also make interesting captions to pictures with humorous or romantic - nostalgic shades.

Further, Day of the elderly person assumes an amateur concert. You can start it with a touching performance of the youngest - grandchildren. It's great if the number is written specially for certain grandparents. To do this, you can use the converted all known song. For example, this is what the song "My neighbor" looks like, which Edita Piekha performed in the youth of grandmothers, in new words.

A hymn to our grandfather, family president, head of the family, generalissimo and simply - the most remarkable of all people on Earth!

I will boast that it is not necessary

We are sad from various troubles,

And in the family everyone is very happy,

That we have the best grandfather!

He does not spare grandchildren

No warmth, no kindness,

He will pride, pity

And fulfill all dreams.

Smastering a submarine with a grandson,

He goes to the cinema with his granddaughter.

Can shoot with a bow,

Bubbles let in the window.

In swimming, in wrestling, the best grandfather,

Top he will always

In competitions - there is no steeper!

And he sings like Dzhigurda.

Mathematics decides -

We do not need a "rezabyk".

He also composes fairy tales -

This is a spit once for him.

Our grandfather is very talented,

We love our grandfather greatly,

And today, that's for sure,

We want to give flowers!

Will always be healthy,

All diseases will say: "No!"

And live long time - long

Our "family president"!

He is the head of our family,

Wrap yourself in your ear!

Grandfather called proudly:

"Our Generalissimo!"

Of course, you can also learn and sing the favorite songs of those in honor of whom the celebration is arranged. Good, emotional verses will unusually decorate the day of the elderly person, as well as a selection of records of popular songs about the parents' love and love of children for their parents, as well as for grandparents. Some actively use the media for congratulations - this also has the most positive effect on pensioners.

An important aspect of the holiday is the presentation of gifts to relatives. The choice of surprise should be approached with all seriousness. It's worth taking care of everything in advance, remember what the dreams of Grandma and Grandpa consist of. Perhaps, it is even necessary to develop financially with all other relatives in order to acquire the desired thing for your loved ones.

And may this day be one of the best days of the elderly. Let him help to become relatives even more closely and establish mutual understanding.

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