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Creams for stretch marks for pregnant women: reviews. Best cream from stretch marks: prices, recommendations
Becoming a mother, a woman dreams of staying beautiful, slender, desirable for her beloved wife. However, the birth of a child is a serious test, which rarely passes without consequences, one way or another making adjustments to our image. The most common problem for young mothers is striae, or ruptures on the skin due to high load and strong stretching. Today there are effective creams from stretch marks for pregnant women. The reviews confirm that they help to keep the skin beautiful and protect it from injuries.
Why there are striae
The period of pregnancy is a real magic, which we watch with a sinking heart day after day. Inside of us a new life is rapidly developing, a little man is being formed. Such a complex process entails complete hormonal reorganization, which affects the skin, hair and nails. In parallel, the woman adds weight, and then smoothly, then jumps. The skin does not have time to adapt (stretch), resulting in ruptures, which are instantly filled with a connective tissue.
Thus, scars are obtained, they are also stretch marks, or striae. Red or purple color they owe the blood vessels that permeate the connective tissue. Gradually, striae grow white, but rarely become completely invisible. To prevent this phenomenon, you need creams from stretch marks for pregnant women. Reviews of young mothers in the majority speak about the effectiveness of such remedies.
It is necessary to know
Most often stretch marks are a problem for future or true moms. But not always. Hormonal disorders can occur in almost everyone, the skin will lose elasticity and begin to form ruptures, especially if there is a sharp set or weight loss. Strings themselves are not dangerous, but the reason for their appearance should be clarified at the endocrinologist's appointment.
Another group, often subject to this phenomenon, is athletes. High loads make themselves felt, especially if there was a break in classes, and then a sharp resumption of activities. Especially careful coaches should monitor the adolescents. Encouraged by the desire to lose weight quickly or become real Rambo, young people can engage in much more and more intensively than is permissible at the initial stage. By the way, they too can use creams from stretch marks for pregnant women. The reviews of many athletes show that such remedies help to keep a beautiful figure in moments of the most intense loads.
Prevention is the best solution
Of course, the disease is easier to prevent. Therefore, in advance buy creams from stretch marks for pregnant women. The reviews point out that it is practically useless to fight with the already formed scars (especially deep ones). Even plastic surgery is not capable of completely removing them.
Therefore, you need to start from the very first day, and even better - until the onset of pregnancy. And the first step will be a diet, no matter how strange it may seem. Balanced nutrition from the inside affects the mechanisms of the appearance of stretch marks. Be sure to include in your diet vegetable oils, chicken and beef, cheese, eggs, legumes, whole grains and nuts. These products contain 2 magic substances, the first is vitamin E. It is the most important in combating stretch marks, as it removes harmful substances from the body, which are deposited in the skin, weaning and weakening it. The second is protein, the most important source of collagen and elastin in the skin.
What should be discarded, so it's from flour and sweet. Sources of carbohydrates should be fruits and cereals, and not buns, cakes and cakes. It is fast carbohydrates provoking a spasmodic increase in weight, which threatens overgrowth and rupture of the skin. Even the best cream from stretch marks will not cope if you do not closely monitor your diet and weight gain. Therefore, the floor scales and the schedule of indications must accompany you throughout pregnancy.
From the pantry of nature
Probably, each of us, faced with such a problem, begins to look for the best cream from stretch marks. This is the most logical decision - to go to a specialized salon and among the colored jars to choose the one that will become a panacea, warn new stretches and eliminate the old ones. We will have to disappoint you a little: the effectiveness depends not so much on the cream as on the regularity of application and the massage movements that you are making.
Why not save money by making a natural and effective remedy with your own hands? Here the field for experiments is simply immense. Push off your skin type and add to this the increased need for moisturizing. The ideal base are vegetable oils: olive, organs, coconut, apricot, cedar, olive, jojoba, wheat germ, cocoa and many others. They can be mixed together, supplemented with essential oils of juniper, grapefruit or bitter orange. In addition, a great effect gives a mixture of any vegetable oil with aloe juice (1: 1). Keep it in a refrigerator in a dark jar. In a glass of mixture to enhance the effect, add 10 drops of vitamins E and A. Two months of regular application of such a mixture is enough to make your skin shine with health.
The second option will be a cream with a mummy from stretch marks. You can buy it ready or make it yourself. To make a home version you need a mummy in tablets, baby cream and essential oils (sweet orange, rosemary, lavender). The main disadvantage of this remedy is its unpleasant smell, which is precisely removed by the addition of fragrant oils.
The method of preparation is as follows: dissolve 2 tablets mummy (2-4 g) in a teaspoon of purified water, in a small container mix with a tablespoon of cream, add a few drops of oil. Now you can put the cream in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. Use the tool you need daily.
Do not forget about individual intolerance: first apply the cream on a small patch of skin. If there is no redness, itching, then you can safely use. Mummy is undesirable to apply during breastfeeding. Despite the fact that it also helps in the fight against the stretch marks that have already formed, we will use it only for prevention (except for artificial feeding).
Cream with mummy from stretch marks is the most effective remedy of all that provides us with traditional medicine.
How to choose an effective cream
Moving away from popular methods, we turn to what is now presented on the counter. The choice is really great, and future moms need to consider the composition so as not to cause an allergic reaction or dermatitis. Any cream should first be tested on a small area of the skin.
A quality and effective remedy can not cost a penny. Never buy such goods in kiosks or in open markets. It is better to overpay a little, because you need to get a product that really helps. This is the cream from stretch marks "Avent". Cost is, perhaps, its only drawback. As for cheap counterparts, fakes and other dubious products, it should be avoided, especially during pregnancy.
Treatment of an allergic reaction can be much more expensive than a good cream. If you are limited in means, then it is better to use a simple baby cream enriched with improvised vegetable and essential oils. By the way, there are means that are much cheaper than the cream from stretch marks "Avent", but are very popular. Below we will talk about them.
What should the cream contain from stretch marks?
The ideal time to start using the cream is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the stomach is just starting to grow. Daily moisturizing and nourishment allows the skin to stretch without breaks. The most important thing that a cream should contain is retinol, it provides skin regeneration and nourishment. Check the package for information on the presence of collagen and amino acids. These are the elements that have the ability to restore the structure of the skin. Well, if the product (gel, cream, spray, milk) contains extracts of medicinal plants, marine microorganisms and algae, vegetable and essential oils, vitamins A and E, as well as panthenol.
Note the presence of the label "hypoallergenic". This is especially important for a woman and her future baby. An allergic reaction is unpredictable, it can lead to swelling of internal organs, which is very dangerous. Quality products from stretch marks should not have too much smell, this indicates the presence of perfumes and fragrances.
Firm salons always offer to the customers samplers with which help it is easy to check up, whether this means approaches you. After all, it is very insulting to give a substantial amount for a bottle that will have to be thrown away or given to someone. One of the representatives of hypoallergenic and universal means is "Sanosan" - stretch marks cream, which is recommended by most young mothers. It does not fully protect, but can significantly reduce the risk of stretch marks. This means economy class (about 200 rubles), which can afford every woman.
A completely different level of care is offered by the Mustela facility. The cream from stretch marks of double action helps not only to prevent the appearance of scars, but also effectively fights against those that have already formed. This is a French cream, and it is highly regarded among women who choose the best. The price, however, is not too happy. For one bottle it is necessary to give about 2000 rubles, but in fact it is Mustela - a cream from stretch marks of excellent quality.
Features of proper use
Here everything is quite simple. Twice a day (preferably after a shower), on a clean, dry skin, apply a thin layer of the product and rub until completely absorbed. It is very useful at the same time to do light massage, stroking and tingling. The application areas are the abdomen, hips and chest.
If this means of preventive action, then it must be distributed throughout the surface of the skin for nutrition and protection. Specialized ("Mustela") cream from stretch marks can be applied pointwise to the area where there are scars.
Rating of funds from stretch marks
This selection will help you make an informed choice. We present the list, starting from the most accessible, passing to elite creams:
- "Sanosan" - cream from stretch marks, the most popular due to its affordable price (just over 200 rubles). It contains extract from hibiscus seeds, which acts as sources of proteins, and jojoba oil, known for its nutritional and protective properties.
- In second place is the cream from stretch marks "Mama comfort". It costs a little more than the previous one - about 330 rubles. This balm-gel intensively nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates and smoothes the skin. Its effectiveness is based on the restoration of collagen and elastin fibers in problem areas.
- The cream from stretch marks Avent is a remedy that helps even in the presence of old scars. The cost is about 600 rubles. This cream, which is easily absorbed and leaves no traces. It perfectly strengthens, tones up and moisturizes the skin, relieves itching. Extracts of seaweed increase the elasticity of the covers, which helps to cope with increased loads. The sweet almond oil moisturizes and soothes the skin. Another important ingredient is papaya oil, which helps to remove excess liquid from the tissues. Shea butter softens and nourishes the skin. All this in a complex makes it possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and scars.
- If you are interested in what type of stretch cream is optimal for the ratio of price and quality, pay attention to the Japanese tool Pigeon. It contains olive oil, jojoba and squalane for softness and smoothness of the skin. For moistening and elasticity of the covers, extracts of the horsetail of the field and of the Asiatic Centigella have been added. To smooth the surface of the skin are extracts of peony, saxifrage and kudzu root. Its cost is about 900 rubles.
- The last in the list is the "Mustela" - a cream from stretch marks, the effectiveness of which has been clinically proven. Exclusive combination of vitamins and active ingredients of natural origin truly works wonders. Instantly soothes the skin, strengthens and activates its recovery. The results will surprise you and please. This is the most effective cream from stretch marks. Its price is quite high - about 2000 rubles per bottle. Although everything is relative, it is much easier to prevent the problem than to eliminate it later.
What to do after childbirth
Well if you paid attention to this problem in advance, adhered to the optimal diet, did gymnastics and stretching, and also applied special means and did massage. Then you have the chance to minimize the risk of unaesthetic ruptures. But, unfortunately, usually start to sound an alarm when the problem becomes flagrantly noticeable. We can not advise the cream after stretch marks, which can completely remove or at least significantly reduce large scars. Only the freshest and smallest striae are subject to correction with the help of cosmetic products. The task of creams is still to protect the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
Where creams do not help, hardware cosmetology comes into play. The most popular means of dealing with stretch marks is laser resurfacing. This is quite an expensive procedure, the essence of which is simple: the laser removes the surface layers of the skin, minimizing the contrast between the tissues in the stretch zone. In parallel, the laser simulates the production of collagen and elastin, which improves the appearance of the skin. After grinding for some time you can not go out in the sun, in addition, rehabilitation therapy with special preparations is required.
The second way to solve the problem is mesotherapy. Right under the skin in the problem areas introduce special cocktails of vitamins, medicinal extracts and even stem cells. All this activates metabolic processes and leads to resorption of stretch marks. In addition, cosmetologists can recommend deep chemical peels. In this case, under anesthesia, a special acid is applied to the skin, which burns not only the surface layers but also deep layers. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, younger and shiny. The relief of the striaes is substantially smoothed, their size decreases, and the effect is preserved for a long time.
Finally, another option is ozone therapy. Ozone restores blood microcirculation, stimulates redox reactions of the body, improves nutrition of cells, activates metabolic processes. Thanks to all this stretch marks become almost invisible. However, this problem does not completely solve the problem of flabbiness. It is necessary to connect massage and exercise.
Let's sum up the results
So, today we considered one of the cosmetic problems that accompanies almost every pregnancy. Cream from stretch marks (reviews - confirmation of this) can reduce the risk of their appearance, as it provides optimal care, moisturizing and nourishing the covers. The skin becomes much more elastic, which means that it is able to bear heavy loads.
It is equally important to observe the right diet. During pregnancy, the body spends more nutrients on the development of the fetus, so if you consume a little protein, the maternal organism will be impoverished. First of all, it will affect the condition of the skin and hair. Want to be beautiful after birth - start to make a map of healthy nutrition before pregnancy. Do not forget about the importance of taking vitamins.
And yet creams are important helpers, which should be in the arsenal of every woman. Whether it's an expensive branded product or a home blend of nutritious oils, decoctions or juices of medicinal plants and vitamins, it will still give results with daily use.
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