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Cracks on the heels of how to clean at home? Effective ways and feedback

Very often people complain about cracks on the heels. How to remove them? This question is not so easy to answer. After all, many point to the fact that there are no really effective ways to get rid of cracks and burrs. And someone says otherwise. On the shelves of stores there are a variety of products, creams and ointments. They supposedly will help to quickly cure the problem. Someone is of the opinion that the most effective treatment option is folk methods. So how to remove deep cracks on the heels? The best tips and recommendations will have to be studied further.

Causes of appearance

Just so in the body there are no changes. They all happen because of something. The corns and cracks also have their own causes of appearance. The most common option is non-compliance with hygiene rules. Excess peeling or drying the skin can also cause our current problem.

Also the reason for this phenomenon is often the lack of vitamins. In general, there are many options. It would be nice to find out what exactly triggered the cracks on the heels. Then it will be most effective to cope with the task. But this is not a mandatory item. More often than not, people try to treat themselves comprehensively, so as not to understand the causes of cracks. This is the most correct and effective approach. But how do you have to act?


Remember, a person who cares for his body, almost no problems. Therefore it is necessary to be engaged in itself. In our case, special attention should be paid to the feet. Regularly start to do a pedicure. How to remove cracks on the heels? Timely care of your feet will help.

At first, it is advisable to go to a professional pedicure. He will show how to properly care for the heels. Over time, you can independently repeat the procedures. You can even buy a personal professional kit for pedicure. There are special nozzles for processing heels.

Only here to cure completely the cracks in this way will not work. To begin with, you must make sure that the affected area of the skin has healed, then only to support the achieved result. But the sooner you start to look after your legs, the better.


What else can you pay attention to? Inconvenient shoes - this is another reason why cracks appear on the heels. How to remove them in this case? It's very simple - you have to change the wardrobe. Or rather, shoes.

It is advisable to begin using orthopedic "shoe" with the appearance of corns and cracks. Legs should be comfortable. Women can be advised to give up for a while from the studs and high heels. Limit orthopedic footwear. Soon you will notice how the cracks began to disappear. Of course, this does not negate the need for regular pedicure. Take into account this fact. Keep the feet hygiene all the same.

However, because of shoes, cracks are not so common. Therefore, we should not hope for such a simple treatment option. If the disease does not appear due to shoes, this does not mean that you can use any uncomfortable "shoe". It is better to be reinsured once again.

Vitamins and nutrition

It has already been said that sometimes our today's problem arises from the fact that the body lacks some vitamins. This is because the lack of nutrients. What if you have a crack on your heels because of this? How to remove them once and for all?

It is necessary to normalize your diet. It will be necessary to enrich it with a variety of vegetables and fruits. In fact, you are entitled to a wellness diet. You can not starve in any way, but from overeating, refrain.

Additionally, you can take biological supplements, as well as vitamin complexes. Any will approach. It is advisable to find out exactly which vitamins are missing in your body in order to achieve the result as quickly as possible. But this is not the end of possible actions. Very effective means of treatment are popular methods. They usually mean the preparation of a variety of tinctures and ointments. In shops such means too are available, but what for to overpay if it is possible independently to cure cracks and even натоптыши?

Onions and compresses

For example, you can use compresses. Usually treatment in this way will take about 5-6 weeks of the procedure. It must be done daily. So you can achieve the maximum result. Perfectly helps on our today's issue of onions. The most common onions and baking soda.

First, grind a medium-sized bulb and wrap it in a napkin. Then wrap it with a special compress film. Now it takes about 10-15 minutes to warm your feet in water with soda. Add about 1-2 teaspoons to the basin. As soon as you "warm up", you can dry your feet, and then attach a compress to the heels with a bandage. Leave it overnight, rinse with warm water in the morning.

At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream to the heels. Any one will do. Let the cream soak - that's all. Such a process will quickly save you from cracks on the heels. Completely safe and very effective folk remedy!

Cabbage with honey

How quickly to remove cracks on the heels? If a pack of onions does not help you (or just did not taste it), you can use one more recipe. He, too, will not require from you any outside action, no special knowledge. This is a compress made of cabbage with honey.

First, take a cabbage leaf and lightly discard it. Then miss with honey, and then top with flour, literally a pinch. Leave the impregnation sheet for 10-15 minutes, then you can pribintovat it to the affected area on the heels.

You can go to bed. In the morning, rinse the honey and flour with cabbage juice with warm water, treat the legs with pumice. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream to the heels. The procedure is repeated for about 5 consecutive days. You will see the result very quickly. After a full "recovery" you can regularly do this kind of compresses. They will not harm, and also help once again to be reinsured against the appearance of tarnishes and cracks. It's easy and simple!


Have thought how to clean deep cracks on the heels? Baths with boric acid can help you here. Not the simplest, but very effective tool. You can not wait for the immediate result, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Before going to bed, prepare a bath with boric acid. For 1 liter of liquid, add 4 teaspoons of acid, then dip the solution into the solution. Sit for a while, then dry the heels and smear them with petroleum jelly. Cover the affected areas with band-aid or bandage. Do not remove the bandage for a day.

This procedure requires regular implementation. Visible progress will be visible already on the 8th-12th day. And after about 2-3 weeks of treatment you can completely get rid of the disease. The main thing - do not forget to look after your feet all the time. And do not miss the days - daily or at least a day make baths with boric acid.

Potatoes for help

Do you want to remove the cracks on the heels? Folk remedies will help you in this! Very good saves our potatoes from today's problem. If you do not have a given vegetable at hand, you can use potato starch.

How to act? You need to make a decoction of potato peel. As a substitute, starch can be used. Just add it to the boiling water. Only 2 tablespoons are needed per liter. Then let the water cool down and sting your feet there before going to bed. The procedure should be continued for at least 30 minutes. Next, treat the legs with a pumice stone or a hard brush and apply cream. Any one will do. Repeat the procedure until the situation is completely corrected. The treatment takes from 2 to 3 weeks. That's so easy and simple you can answer the question of how to remove cracks and natoptyshi on the heels. Everyone is able to cope with our present problems with popular means.


What else can you pay attention to? For example, to oriental medicine. It is full of various medicinal recipes. You can find even a tool that eliminates cracks on the heels. How to remove this problem?

To do this, prepare special tortillas, which are fixed with a bandage for the night, and in the morning the heels are treated with pumice or a brush. The recipe is simple - in equal parts mix fish oil, aloe (juice), flour, onion juice. The mass from which the flat cakes are formed will be obtained.

In fact, removing the cracks on the heels at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to set a goal and have patience. It is care for feet and a variety of folk tinctures - compresses help to cope with the task best.


What do people think about the previously proposed methods of treatment? Some people believe that popular methods do not help at all. But the purchased creams can help solve the problem in several steps. Such people are ready to pay huge money for not the most effective ointments from cracks on the heels.

Cakes are not very popular in Russia. It has already been said that this is an eastern means. And that's why many people respect this approach to solving the problem, but they do not aspire to prepare their own tortillas on their own. Those who tried to get rid of cracks on the heels by this method, are satisfied with the result. Just a few applications - and the problem is exhausted.

Also, the positive opinion is on the potato tray and onion compress. Products for the procedure will be found in every hostess in the house. Side-effects methods do not cause, that pleases. Quick and painless cracks treatment, which does not require you to spend a lot. This is the opinion of many.

Cabbage leaf with honey is not so common. But many indicate that this method helps with deep cracks. The main thing is to regularly carry out the procedure and have patience. The result will not be visible immediately.

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