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Cousin is an important member of the family. History, etymology, blood ties

Oh, these family ties, especially not by blood. While explaining who the second great-grandfather, sister's sister-in-law or uncle will be to, you will break your head. Making a genealogical tree is also not an option, especially if many children are born in each knee. The newfangled foreign expressions godfather, son in law or cousin are also being confused.

By the way, the cousin is a cousin. The same guy, the son of your aunt or uncle, that is, the sister or brother of your father, mother. Such a close relationship, it seemed, and already everything is confused! People are cousins to each other, if at least one of the parents has a brother (sister), and they have a child. Nothing prevents a cousin from becoming a godfather for your baby. You can associate both blood relationship and spirituality. A good cousin is a real brother who will not give up in a difficult moment, will be a support and a shoulder in trouble, a good company in joy.

We are sorting out the family tree

The further the work on the cultivation of the family tree boils, the more the composer will climb into the big jungle. It's always interesting where you came from and where you're going. A cousin is just one link in your big family. Preservation of information about ancestors for their descendants is an important matter. If no one has taken to you for this, it's time to start acting. Inscribe in a huge scheme will have all: father, mother, sisters, brothers, nephews and nieces, kum, matchmakers, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law and so on.

Cousin - who is this?

Foreign words have long enslave the language, and not everyone is oriented that it is a cousin. Do you know that you also have a cousin? Who is this and what does he associate with you? Terminology sometimes strikes with wealth, but every word has its own etymology and history of origin. Long ago, the types of kinship were distributed as follows:

  • Spiritual;
  • Blood;
  • Marriage (through marriage, a new family union).

The most complex system is a hierarchical tree by blood ties.

A family. Etymology and its members

In foreign films, English terminology is often used. The meaning of the word "cousin" is interpreted in different ways. Sometimes they can be called a good friend, with whom by blood there is nothing in common. "You are like a brother to me" - there is a concept for our compatriots, but this does not affect the blood relationship in any way. The etymology of the origin of the word "family" is very interesting. In Slavs, it resembles "7" and "I", that is, you and seven other family members. Wolves, incidentally, have a septenary system of calculus and do not understand the double or triple. If the flock put 7 bowls, then the individuals will easily navigate, where's whose.

The figure seven also haunts the rainbow, the musical staff, feelings, smells, etc.

Cousin and cousin are blood relatives, they may be older or younger than you.

Famous cousins with wedding rings

But the word "sister" comes from the ancient Indian - stri or "woman", literally "his own woman." The very word became known in the 11th century, and only in medieval Europe there were definitions of cousins, second cousins and other relatives.

Being sibling brothers on paper does not mean to understand each other in the soul. So all the same cousin - who is this? For example, Charles Darwin, Rachmaninoff, Edward Grieg, Edgar Poe and even Bach married this line of kinship. They married their cousins, absolutely not injuring the psyche by bans. Cousins in the husband chose Catherine the Great, Queen Isabella. Earlier, especially in titled circles, the mixing of blood was common, so no one treated such marriages from the standpoint of taboo. Cousin - it could be both a husband and a cousin a wife.

Today weddings between brothers and sisters are rejected by the church and the law. The confusion of blood leads to numerous problems with the health of descendants. Children, grandchildren can be born with vices, deviations. If earlier in the royal circles the wedding of cousins was common, since it was important for governing by states, at the present time such is rejected by society.

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