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Concrete distributing boom - necessary equipment for the construction site

On a modern construction site in a coordinated interaction, several types of technological equipment are involved, which is necessary for the safe and productive implementation of the project in a timely manner. Among the entire fleet of equipment the most important is the concrete distributing boom - a system for supplying the building mix to the required height and uniform distribution of the solution in the formwork.

The presented design can be used for the construction of all types of facilities, but it is mainly used in monolithic, high-altitude, bridge and special construction, as well as for indoor installation, in particular for flooring.

Depending on the scope of work, the availability of the formwork, the available budget and a number of other factors, a concrete distributing boom of mechanical or hydraulic type can be used.

Mechanical concrete distributing boom

Mechanical design is an easy solution for a small amount of work. After installation on a regular place and connection of a concrete isolation system the system is ready to work. Managing the process is carried out by the muscular power of man.

Due to the small size, the presence of swivel hinges, the boom is easily controlled by one person, precisely set to the starting position. The flexible flexible concrete supply hose allows accurate and even distribution of the solution over a given area.

Due to low productivity, the rental of a concrete-type distribution boom of a mechanical type is advisable in hard-to-reach areas of a small area, or in cases where the use of other types of equipment for technological or economic reasons is inexpedient.

Hydraulic concrete distributing boom

The work of hydraulic structures is based on communicating vessels. The required pressure for controlling the system is pumped by an electric pump. Most often, such an arrow has in its composition additional hydraulic drives, especially if it is installed to supply concrete to high-lying objects. In this case they serve as a lifting device.

Because of the complex device, concrete distributing hydraulic arrows require the participation of highly qualified specialists. For this reason, they are rented with staff. The use of such a system is justified in the following cases:

  1. Fillings with a solution of large areas.
  2. The need for lifting equipment in the technological well after the object under construction.
  3. The location of the construction site at a significant distance from the place of manufacture of the mixture.

A special popularity of the construction was acquired there, where a large amount of work is planned. Their use makes it possible to shorten construction time and costs.

Advantages of using equipment

At the construction site, it is impossible to dispense with concrete feed pumps, and in some cases a concrete distributing boom is required for their operation. Moreover, the joint use of two types of equipment makes it possible to achieve:

  1. Significant reduction in staff.
  2. Economy of concrete mix.
  3. Operative solution of problems.

Thus, the use of this type of equipment can significantly reduce the costs of construction work.

Advantages of renting special equipment

Rent of any type of special equipment is economically more expedient for a number of reasons. First, you reduce your costs of maintaining equipment at the time of the absence of a work plan. Secondly, many companies provide qualified workers with equipment.

Finally, if such equipment as a concrete spreading boom is leased, its owner undertakes to keep the equipment in working order - it provides consumable and combustible-lubricating materials and independently eliminates the arising malfunctions.

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